that suit up IM3 scene is the definition of cringeworthy

RDJ dancing to xmas music

"im the best"


keep in mind this is one the first scenes in the movie. cant blame y'all for walking out earlier than other MCU movies
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It could've had zero minutes of action and still would've been better
Name one standout moment besides the time Tony used the briefcase-suit
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Not even about IM2 having standout moments.

Hell it could've had no standout moments and it would've been better than IM3 :rofl:

IM3 was a dungfest
IM3 had moments. At least the action was satisfying at parts, and had bits of humor.

IM2 had.......
at the end of the day, they're both trash.

that being said, for some reason i can tolerate IM2 more than IM3.

I liked the Monte Carlo scene, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett bae, Nick Fury and the very short IM x Warmachine teamwork end fight scene.
IM2 had shield/BW and the excitement that this was all building up to something epic (avengers)

IM3 was the first follow up to something epic and was a huge let down which ended in tony stark blowing up all the iron man suits for no reason at all 
IM2 had shield/BW and the excitement that this was all building up to something epic (avengers)

IM3 was the first follow up to something epic and was a huge let down which ended in tony stark blowing up all the iron man suits for no reason at all 
IM2 didn't build to **** tho. Just had Tony Stark chilling in a donut for one scene.
IM2 had shield/BW and the excitement that this was all building up to something epic (avengers)

IM3 was the first follow up to something epic and was a huge let down which ended in tony stark blowing up all the iron man suits for no reason at all 
IM2 didn't build to **** tho. Just had Tony Stark chilling in a donut for one scene.
IM2 was pretty much a big trailer to the avengers

the whole movie was tony stark proving to nick fury that he was mature enough to be part of the team

a lot of world building, intro to howard stark and the history of the MCU. Two eventual avengers (BW and WM)

further developing his relationship with pepper

it was far from a great movie but if you are to marathon all the MCU movies you have to include it to get the full story. you can leave IM3 out and never notice anything missing, even avengers AOE completely ignores the ending of IM3
IM2 was pretty much a big trailer to the avengers

the whole movie was tony stark proving to nick fury that he was mature enough to be part of the team

a lot of world building, intro to howard stark and the history of the MCU. Two eventual avengers (BW and WM)

further developing his relationship with pepper

it was far from a great movie but if you are to marathon all the MCU movies you have to include it to get the full story. you can leave IM3 out and never notice anything missing, even avengers AOE completely ignores the ending of IM3
I mean that's not really saying anything. IM2 was made to build the world like you said. IM3 was meant to be a more stand a lone film. Has nothing to do with which one is more enjoyable. BW's intro was cool. Nobody cared about WM. And Hammer is only appreciated for that little dance he did before the Expo began. Other than that, movie was just downright bland.
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IM3 had Tony infiltrate a house without his suit and act all Sam Fisher. :x :lol: Ain't nobody wanted to see that, we came for the suit.

I think IM3 had the least amount of screen time of stark in the suit compared with the two others.
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his suit getting hit by a truck and breaking into pieces 

all his suits being ripped apart like cardboard 

he was better off without suits 

ironman 2 was meh, i left ironman 3 mad at what I had just seen just straight up garbage 

I would rather watch batman and robin than ironman 3
his suit getting hit by a truck and breaking into pieces 

all his suits being ripped apart like cardboard 

he was better off without suits :smh: :x

ironman 2 was meh, i left ironman 3 mad at what I had just seen just straight up garbage 

I would rather watch batman and robin than ironman 3

Nope. I'm never watching Batman and Robin again. I'd watch the worse movie from the MCU a million times before I watch that again.

lol you guys make it seem like IM3 was House of the Dead bad.
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Iron Man 3 wasn't that bad...despite the marginalization of Mandarin.

It was terrible, but still better than IM 2.

IM3 shows you how far Marvel will take a joke. Take a joke at the expense of character development. **** up a character entirely just for the sake of a snappy joke. I cant imagine anyone read that script and thought it was good. But the snappy joke tho....
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Ding ding ding ding.

You guys hit it in the head.

The cardboard flimsy like Iron Man suits falling apart like paper

Stark trying to break into the house like Bond for no reason at all

The dumb Mandarin twist

Also, Stark not able to protect his own home after giving out his address...

His suits never working right..

The dumb ptsd angle that was not necessary at all

That film made me more mad than any mcu film combined.

I thought the passage of time would've made the film easier to swallow once so I tried watching it again. **** made me want to walk out of my own home :rofl:

Someone in here said it right. Maybe IM2 was a little dull. But IM3 would get you angry :rofl: :rofl: It was just the director trolling the audience again and again and again
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I could only imagine how pissed some of y'all were with Iron Man 3.

I'm not that familiar with the characters in the IM comics so I looked up The Mandarin and was like "Damn dude seems like a badass, should be a pretty good villain for Tony Stark, especially with Kingsley playing him"

Finally watched the movie and saw what they did with the character and was like
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