Just putting it out there

Just to be clear, when I say ten reps, I mean you need to hit the rep button ten times. Cuz I know sometimes your rep can go up 3 points from someone reaping you once. Idk how it works.
I think it's the more unique reps you have the more rep points you give when you rep someone but I aint sure.

Doubt Spidey puts on the Iron Spidey suit but I wouldn't bet my account that he wouldn't wear it at all in the movie. MCU loves their Easter eggs and hints. You can get totally screwed with one after credit scene with Tony and Peter :lol:
Oh yes. Putting it out there. I want to say that end credits shouldn't count!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :smile:


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Garfield was a perfect spider man...Tobey was a better Peter.

Call it redundant, but I'm still salty at not getting a Spider-Man 4. But I'm happy that spidey is partially at home at marvel
See :lol: Yall bugging :lol:

Think if for some odd reason there was an argument and bet that Bruce Banner wouldn't be in IM3. Damn near all of yall would be out of an account or repping ppl everyday for no reason.
There was an IM3 post credits scene??!?! :wow:
It was on par with the Shwarma scene. It just revealed that Tony's narration throughout the movie was him telling Bruce Banner what happened as he lay on a couch and feel asleep for most of it.
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I remember that scene now. A metaphor for the actual movie because when I saw it in theaters my pops literally fell asleep several times :lol:

One time he woke up, said "this is bad", and went back to sleep
I think it's the more unique reps you have the more rep points you give when you rep someone but I aint sure.

Doubt Spidey puts on the Iron Spidey suit but I wouldn't bet my account that he wouldn't wear it at all in the movie. MCU loves their Easter eggs and hints. You can get totally screwed with one after credit scene with Tony and Peter
If you have more rep the rep points you give go up.

It's so people can't make secondary accounts to boost reps.
I've come to appreciate IM3 in recent years

If you're in the mood for some nifty flying mecha action and ain't really worried about plot it's a fun watch

The humor is still cringeworthy--especially Rhodey's "Oh, you breathe fire" :x
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