WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Just to get it out of the way, I loved the trailer. Got a laugh and enjoyed it but.......

Where are all the ppl who were saying it makes no sense to do a Miles Morales Spidey flick cuz he aint got no stories and it'd be whack if they just adapted Peter's stories for Miles in a movie? :nerd:

Cuz they straight up jacked Ganke from Miles book and gave him to Peter :rofl: :smh: I couldn't believe it. I ignored him at first but once he learned Pete is Spidey I'm over here like damn :stoneface: They gave Peter a Ganke and just named him something different.

Also I see the Spidey 2 homage; holding the cruise ship together = holding the train back :smokin

Vulture looks cool :pimp: Shocker :smokin

Liz is black then you add Zendaya's character (the way she was dressed reminds me of how Gwen was dressed in the ultimate comics). This might as well be Spider-Man: Jungle Fever.

:rofl: @ I'm just opening the door, not hugging you.
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Yeah they trailer was kind of a let down! Still have high hopes for this movie though. I remember seeing the AMAZING SPIDER MAN 2 trailer and was blown away!
Major meh on the Spidey trailer. Maybe just apathetic at this point to the recent rash of bad super hero movies.
You wouldn't have this problem if you avoided watching DC and FOX-Men movies.

Outside of Black Panther Civil War was Age of Ultron which was one of the weakest of the universe.
:rofl: What?

Did you watch Ultron or Civil War and paid attention? :lol:

I kinda felt the same way. Nothing really happened that pushed the universe forward.

The universe aint that big :lol: and it advanced the mcu plenty

By introducing new characters? Sure but WS had the end of SHIELD, that's major. This was a self contained story that didn't push the main storyline. There wasn't any infinity stone to catch.
Y'all need to watch that movie 10 times over.

Most of the Avengers being fugitives, ideological split between Tony and Steve, etc. None of that moved any of the main story?

But you know I find this complaint interesting. Before it was all the MCU movies are just set up for other movies. Now it's this movie was too self contained and you're more focused on the overall plot leading to Infinity War :lol: :smh:

Same old flip floppin Tony.

In civil war, Tony had no hesitation to put Peter in the middle of a fight between grown superheroes.

But now, Tony wants him to just leave the 'flying man' to the grown ups :rolleyes
You need to rewatch CW too.

Tony brought him in as a special tactical advantage since they we're handling scumbag Steve and co. with kid gloves.

He obviously doesn't want Peter pursuing the Vulture on his own because he's on his own. Plus registration, Sokovia accords. Being concerned about the welfare of your teammates and making sure they aren't arrested is what non-scumbags do.
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Saw the trailer. Guess I can see why people were underwhelmed. But for me, I liked it. Shows the elements of a great spidey story without giving away all of the plot. Finally get a trailer without knowing the whole movie. Idc what anyone says, RDJ gets that Stan Lee treatment for me, he can show up how often he likes and I'm down for it. Nobody can pull off that I'm not hugging you line like scene like him. Was rollin :lol:
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trailer was good, i won't watch anymore until it comes out. Thank goodness i'll be overseas so I can watch it a week before the US gets it. this time i can't be spoiled or annoyed you guys are openly talking about it haha
The trailer was meh, didn't wow me outside of the comic relief and Zendaya, but I know the movie won't disappoint. Zendaya's blatant and nonchalant shade reminds me of how my girl used to call me a nerd and weird before we hooked up :lol:

It'd about damn time Vulture got some respect. You could make a million Spidey movies with a different threatening villain every time; son's rouges gallery is piff!

The blatant Ganke theft tho :x

Just to get it out of the way, I loved the trailer. Got a laugh and enjoyed it but.......

Where are all the ppl who were saying it makes no sense to do a Miles Morales Spidey flick cuz he aint got no stories and it'd be whack if they just adapted Peter's stories for Miles in a movie? :nerd:

Cuz they straight up jacked Ganke from Miles book and gave him to Peter :rofl: :smh: I couldn't believe it. I ignored him at first but once he learned Pete is Spidey I'm over here like damn :stoneface: They gave Peter a Ganke and just named him something different.

I'm saying, everything in this trailer I saw as suitable for the Miles movie I wanted, the Asian best friend who know his secret identity, I even wanted MJ to be not white way back when. The only thing is I would maybe use a college setting because high school has worn thin on my mobie-going sensibilities. A hilarious Spidey college movie>>>>>>>
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The trailer was meant to sell you on Peter Parker. I loved it for the simple fact that you'll really see him immersed in high school life and the whole teen angst combined with being a superhero. The next time we see Spider-Man after this he'll be a little older and getting body slammed by thanos and we'll all be like "Noooo we were just watching peter trying to pop a pimple before the school dance :wow:" He's literally gonna grow up in front of us. This is a great introduction!
How cool was it that when he touches the front logo it goes from form fitting to loose so he can take it off?
I completely forgot about this sokovia accords. Would be just like Tony to not completely brief Pete on the implications and make Pete think he's being treated like a kid for no reason.
Trailer was kinda disappointing. My biggest gripe was the over saturation of Tony Stark in the trailer. Like, this is Spiderman! Spider don't need no IM to help carry this trailer/movie. He can do that all on his own. I'm 100% positive that Tom Holland will knock this role out the park, but i'm not as hyped as I usually am for a MCU movie. Definitely will see it opening weekend tho. 
Apes always gets lost in the shuffle IMO. Like it's the franchise no one really talks about but people are glad when anew one comes out
Apes always gets lost in the shuffle IMO. Like it's the franchise no one really talks about but people are glad when anew one comes out

I'm happy its never forced at us. Love those movies.




Yeah I definitely gotta watch it again lol. It's been a few months since I have. Totally forgot the avengers were fugitives at the end.
trailer was great! I know the action will deliver so I'm more hyped about the High school scenes, def got a John Hughes vibes from them and I loved the movies, grew up with them.

I don't mind Tony being in the trailer/film at all, someone from another movie has to give us slight updates on whats going on in the already established universe and all those characters from civil war, even if it's slight/brief. If GOTG2 news holds true we won't be getting updates through them and I'm not even sure Thor 3 will do that as it also takes place on not earth and will be busy updating us on Thor/Hulk/Infinity Stone(all assumption)
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