WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

The action also looked poor.

That bank robbing scene was so stayed, and static and the comedy beats did not hit at all.

horrible editing.
Late but, share the same sentiments. Trailer was OK, though I'm still hyped for the movie, nonetheless. Same thing happened to Star Trek:Beyond, first trailer sucked, second trailer was good, movie ended up being good.
International trailer.

that was 10x better than the trailer we got. better music too. crazy what a good trailer can do.

Like height has ever stopped anyone from doing anything in hollywood.

Yeah i know. Its just gonna be wierd to look at him years from now and he still looks like he does now

Did you see his abs? frail :smh:

Bruh needs some platforms and a meal

howlin at platforms and a meal :rofl:

Theft :smh:
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Homecoming is. It feels like they only did this to piss KingdomFlatbush KingdomFlatbush off

Honestly, that complete BS that they would do that. Almost don't want to see this movie. 
They probably realized when they looked at it (the comics) with the aim of staying in the school setting that Peter does not have the most socially friendly stories.

Not even in the Ultimate comics does Peter have close friend's that know his secret. He's still that loner.
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Thought MJ and Gwen knew in Ultimate?
They were both love interests. They don't count.

I'm talking about just regular friends. Like you know how most of had friends in HS. Peter never really had that for obvious reasons. He ended up with superhero buddies living in his house (Johnny, Iceman, Rick Jones, etc.). Those were his boys :lol: Never had a Ganke type.

Miles had that fleshed out sort of situation.
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Oh Marvel stole from themselves?

Shady they adapted that and didn't go with a minority though.
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Honestly all you need for a basic group of friends is Gwen, Harry, and Kong. Then throw in Flash as the schol bully, like always, along with Liz as the dominant love interest.
So did I at first, which is why i'm confused at it not being Kong when the character was obviously available to be used. Dude was a pretty consistent presence in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics too, for this exact purpose.
Kong passed my mind as well but he and Peter weren't fast friends either. Sure they could've changed that but I didn't get the feeling of a Kong personality

The scene where they're drooling over Liz basically let me know he wasn't.
Thor's art deco is very impressive. I love the subtle symmetry :lol:

And Miles Morales is trash. Nobody wants to see him on screen. Only Spider-Man I acknowledge first appeared in Amazing Fantasy 15
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Miles isn't trash by any means, especially compared to some of the other legacies that Marvel's got running around. He's just not as interesting as Peter and doesn't have many great stories.
Lame got a dated outlook on what the Marvel landscape should be for the most part.

As far as the legacies go, I don't mind it. I embrace it and prefer more of it when it comes to it not being the same old bland white bread. Especially with the excuses and arguments I hear against it. Bunch of lowkey bigots want to tell you about how diversity should be done.
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One of the ppl portraying the poorest characters in the X-Men movies even recognizes how ****** the X-Men movies are.

I swear ever since 2010 any and every actor from a SONY or FOX Marvel movie has been thirsty to join the MCU.

At the least this may be confirmation she's not returning to FOX-Men.
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