WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Nah, we've got a cameo and a full solo and no mention of Ben at all.

So **** anybody saying we already saw that.

Ben's time as a father figure, his lessons and death are core to why Peter is Spider-Man. I don't mind Tony as the latest father figure since it makes sense in this dynamic but you can't just ditch it.

I'm hoping in the sequel there's some connection with Ben's killer and the villain of that movie but not like SM3 :x
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To say Spider-Man was more "polished" in CW is a lie.
He had the upper hand in the battle against Falcon & Bucky but got sent out the window due to loss of concentration trying to "Impress Mr.Stark." Also, he went for the legs against Captain America but ended up getting cocky and slightly got washed by Steve.
With Vulture and the weapons used I don't believe he was expecting it or prepared for the situation.

Forgot to mention he was against Scarlet Witch in the airport scene. Scarlet Witch > Chitauri weapons
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Nah, we've got a cameo and a full solo and no mention of Ben at all.

So **** anybody saying we already saw that.

Ben's time as a father figure, his lessons and death are core to why Peter is Spider-Man. I don't mind Tony as the latest rather figure since it makes sense in this dynamic but you can't just ditch it.

I'm hoping in the sequel there's some connection with Ben's killer and the villain of that movie but not like SM3 :x

Spoilery review, be warned

I gotta admit I enjoyed the movie.

Happy that the movie exerted enough independence from Tony. Although I hated the fact that Tony made the suit, that the Spidey suit talks like Tony's , and how the first two jams Peter got into, it was Tony who bailed him out. Hated that the Vulture's existence is tied with Tony and not Peter.

Besides that..

The movie was pretty good.

I'm glad Tony wasn't involved in the final conflict with Toomes.

I enjoyed the soundtrack. Between GotG2 and Spidey I hope they continue to keep up with the improved scoring.

I loved how they portrayed Queens. None of the previous Spidey movies quite portrayed Queens like this. The last Spidey movie focused more on Manhattan more than anything. As someone who lived in Queens for 15 years, I appreciate that.

The acting by the supporting cast was top notch. I liked the quirkiness of MJ, and Pete's interactions with Liz. Ned and Peter's friendship was awesome and reminded me a little bit of past friendships.

I thought I was going to be bothered with Flash but it was fine.

I thought the final conflict could've been a little better. It was basically they knocked each other around a few times on a jet, it crashes and Toomes almost blew himself up and he survived.

The Toomes twist was cool. I felt bad for Liz in the end.

I think Tony using Happy as a parenting tool is just sad. I was so happy when Pete said no to Tony's face at the end.

There wasn't enough Marissa Tomei. And I love how after multiple versions of Spidey at the movies May finally finds out about Peter.

I'm glad that they got the Spidey tone right. Previous iterations of Spidey, the movies have been too mopey and melodramatic. Here it was mostly upbeat with a little bit of drama sprinkled in and that's exactly how it should be. Spidey should be in the mcu's hands forever. Sony would've never got this right.

Cap in this movie was gold.

I'm happy that in the third and final jam, Pete was the one who got himself out of it. I would've blown a gasket if Tony had helped Pete out of that rubble.

I love that the high school students in this movie actually looked and felt like high school students.

I would see this movie again, for sure.
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Your review sucked. Too concerned with Tony Stark.

Happy in this was great I didn't even think I'd like seeing Favreau this much again.
Too much scumbag Steve in the film for my tastes.

Waiting for Infinity to arrive so we can see Steve in all scumbag glory recruit Spider-Man to fight just so that he can push him in the way when Thanos is trying to blast Bucky into oblivion. Can't wait for y'all to defend those actions
Maybe I'm tripping but I thought I've seen something like the second credit seen recently in one of the Marvel movie. Can't recall which movie.
You know what this movie got 100% right though?


Any time this kid tries to do the right thing, it just completely backfired against him. That's classic Peter/spidey and it made me so happy to see it pan out both for the good and bad.

I still think they nerfed him a little bit. The whole monument afraid of heights thing was a little weird, he didn't have a fear of heights when Rhodes was flying him around or when he was crawling across Giant-Man's face? I know it wouldn't work plot wise with the way that the timeline was set up for but he looked way too comfortable with the suit/eating hooks from winter soldier in Civil War.

Still can't get over how good it was though. The world building that Disney/Sony did in the film was nothing short of amazing.
If Uncle Ben was in it, folks would've been saying we've already seen that. And we don't know for sure yet that's the route they're going with her. Her name still is Michelle.

Also, the building scene would've been the perfect time to have an Uncle Ben appearance. No one would've disagreed with that.

I thought the same thing. I was almost expecting it. Got thrown off a bit when I heard Tony's voice instead. Hopefully they touch on that in SM2.
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Sony gets all the movie profit right?
Hopefully Fox sees how this turned out amazing and can agree to something with F4
We will never have a decent spider man franchise. All of them start okay, this one is no different, if it were a stand alone.
As long as these Spidey flicks are produced by marvel they're in good hands. Just tone down the Tony involvement and the potential is through the roof.

I think what's most worrisome are Sony producing Spidey related movies without the mcu involvement in the production process ej. Venom, etc You don't know how th quality of those films are going to be like
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Let's get down to the nitty gritty..

Was I the only one who instantly thought Baxter Building when they said Tony sold Avengers tower? Wishful thinking or are we about to get F4? I also thought Oscorp.

Who bought Avengers tower?
My only grip with the movie was vultures defeat.

He basically fell cause the crate was too heavy. There really wasn't a big explosive finale.

Dude jus slupted
As long as these Spidey flicks are produced by marvel they're in good hands. Just tone down the Tony involvement and the potential is through the roof.

I think what's most worrisome are Sony producing Spidey related movies without the mcu involvement in the production process ej. Venom, etc You don't know how th quality of those films are going to be like

Still running with the Stark hate. Amazing. :lol:
Just came from seeing it. Was it good? Yes! Did I walk away feeling like it was special? Not really. I think that's because we've been spoiled with great film after great film in the MCU. I guess that's a good problem to have. A few years ago I would've been raving about this film, but with Marvel producing so many good films over the years, nothing really pushes this movie into top tier contention for me.

Let's say the Mount Rushmore of the MCU are Iron Man, Avengers, TWS, and Civil War/GOTG, who do we not only take off, but replace with Homecoming? I'm not replacing any of them in this case.

Y'all gonna hate me for this.. Logan > Homecoming

They are two very different toned films, I have a hard time picking which one I enjoyed more overall. Loved them both.
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