WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

I'm seeing this movie today.

There's Cap 3, A1, AoU, Ant Man, GotG 1, GotG2, IM1 (pre douche Tony and best version), WS, Dr Strange, Cap 1

I doubt Homecoming will crack that ten but anything can happen. I'll keep an open mind

There's a really small chance I might like this movie better than say, Dr Strange, and narrowly make the cut
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Homecoming 7.3/8

To get the cons out of the way, I know a lot of yall are saying Holland is Peter Parker and blows Andrew and Tobey away but I don't necessarily see it that way.

Tom Holland was great playing a teen Spidey but it aint 100% Peter Parker to me. To the voice or just overall look. I stress he was great but I aint just dismissing past portrayals.

They really jacked Ganke's whole style for Ned. Then near the end started ripping off Micro's Punisher :lol:

Shocker should've had both shocker gauntlets.

Maybe its just me and some of yall may say been there done that but the lack of an Uncle Ben mention bothered me. CW was one thing but damn. Its like his impact don't matter. Thought they were saving some Ben for this to fully flesh out Peter's back story.

Other than that, the collateral damage in this was crazy :lol: Tell me that turbine didn't land on someone's head :lol: :smh: the tree house, sheds, houses, the car, etc. This Spider-Man is webslinging with no regard for public property. When that bodega got blown up I knew they were on some other ****. Bothered me a bit cuz son was wild reckless.

Anyway, the story for this movie was so good. Peter wanting to prove himself, willing to drop out of HS to get to the big leagues. They really got the dynamic right since they went with a young Peter. Then him learning his lesson and coming to that realization at the end. So for me the ending definitely had stakes. Peter was proving something to himself while still doing the right thing. It wouldn't have hurt to then add in his motto of responsibility to that part. Letting him sell that **** can always get back to Peter if an innocent is killed. Also would be liked after saving him if Peter came back at him with "I just saved your life. What do you say?" :lol:

Watts gets props for perfectly capturing the Parker luck when Peter discovers Liz's dad is the Vulture. Such a great scene and then shortly after Toomes figuring out he's Spidey. Just all so tense and great storytelling.

The van chase, ferry, Maryland heist, and final fight were all so dope. Had a brother in awe the way they nailed Spidey trying to save the ferry.

None of the remaining grounded low webslinging bothered me. I also feel fine with them being careful with spider sense.

This Vulture is now THE VULTURE. Times was cool to me before but never a fav. They even made a stronger theme with Vulture salvaging alien **** from battles. Keaton was amazingly good.

Enhanced interrogation mode :rofl: :rofl: I was laughing so hard. Straight up mocking Batman. One of if not the funniest part in the movie to me.

"I'm watching.... porn...?" :rofl:

The NY accent :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

Hannibal as the gym teacher :lol:

All those kill suggestions from Karen :lol: :lol:

To me that really wasn't the Iron Spidey suit. Just the same suit with a new emblem on it. Still cool though.

Can't wait to watch the movie a 3rd time.
Just came out of my 3rd viewing an hour ago :lol:

The more I watch this film the more I'm amazed. At this point I was literally looking for flaws and instead I just find little tidbits I love even more. The whole scene after Peter leaves the Bodega and runs to the alley to change is just pure magic. The joy on Holland's face is just infectious. Someone in the thread mentioned it already but when Vulture starts putting the pieces together at the red light and then suddenly when it clicks the light reflects green on Keaton's face and then he starts smiling :wow: :wow: :wow: This Jon Watts cat just made himself some money in the future. The comedy in this film is just really on point to. The oddness and lack of enthusiasm from Betty Brant and ol boy who do the school news :lol: I mean this is beyond the greatest Spider-Man film or best MCU film, it's a great film period. The pacing is just money. Karen the AI was literally just a plot device to move the second act forward and allowed for cool things to happen with Peter's suit, some of course being classic source material. After the Ferry scene you never hear Karen again but I honestly loved the banter between Peter and Karen. Karen recording Peter imitating Thor :lol: all the smiles in the theater will become that much bigger when Peter actually meets Thor. This film man.....I feel like it just reinvented superhero films.
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Best Spider-Man ever and probably the best Marvel movie as time goes on.

Love how self contained, low overall stakes but internal combustion type of film this is. I think in the future it will go down as a classic because of that. Low frils, just the basics of what make a great movie highly exemplified. I got some of the same feelings I did watching this like Back to the Future for some reason.

I still have gripes with Marvel's direction visually and sonically but from the jump until the end my attention was all in. I believed all of the actors mostly and what really sold me on this movie was that it was relatively unpredictable. I didn't expect Vulture to still be alive, Aunt May finding out etc. Also, Downey really did act in this, ever time he appeared it enhanced the film.

This universe that Marvel has created has given them the tools to create really fresh takes on comic book movies. I was expecting something formulaic but this was so unique.

7.8/8 (and I'm a D.C. Guy)

Side notes: crazy how in some scenes Batman is looking more like the Joker haha. Live long enough to see yourself become the villain forreal lol.

Also it seemed like Homecoming was Marvel's official passing of the baton from Tony to Peter. If you grew up in the 90s, Spider-Man was the "Iron Man" of the universe; everything began and ended with him. This movie sets that up for the future. BRUH WE MIGHT GET SECRET WARS IN A FILM!
Btw @lamekilla just like Magneto "you were right." You called this set up years ago and I'm glad it came into fruition. Growing up, Batman, Superman and Spider-Man were my heroes. I'm so happy Spidey got the movie he deserved.

As I think more about the film I just become more enthralled.
clarkkent415 clarkkent415 Im glad you enjoyed the film bro! This is a win for all of us man. Anybody who ever cared about this character or comics in general were honored and held in high regard with this film.
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Loved it. So much to say, but I'm watching it again tomorrow so I'll wait.
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The movie was great.

I really like how Peter was experienced major growing pains in terms being of Spider-Man AND a highschool teenager throughout the film. For instance how IM fixed up that whole ferry chopped in half mess with such ease showing Peter what a real Avenger is capable of or how Peter couldn't handle the suit after his friend hacked it. It reminds me of DD season 1 when son got washed damn near the entire season [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji].

P.S. We need to see Kingpin and Spider-Man on screen together at some point. Make it happen Feige
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Loved it, great all around film. Vulture was a dope villain to me because he was human. That scene starting at Peter picking Liz up was great. Toomes figuring it out and the tension. Even in the end when he doesn't rat Pete out. Probably have a deeper review after 2nd viewing (pretend 1st viewing) but I really enjoyed it.

And I didn't dislike any previous depiction of Spidey but this is by far my favorite.
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i liked it :pimp:
best spiderman movie probably
but don't think ill pick it up on blurry
prolly just watch again on cable
Just came from seeing it. Was it good? Yes! Did I walk away feeling like it was special? Not really. I think that's because we've been spoiled with great film after great film in the MCU. I guess that's a good problem to have. A few years ago I would've been raving about this film, but with Marvel producing so many good films over the years, nothing really pushes this movie into top tier contention for me.

Let's say the Mount Rushmore of the MCU are Iron Man, Avengers, TWS, and Civil War/GOTG, who do we not only take off, but replace with Homecoming? I'm not replacing any of them in this case.

Y'all gonna hate me for this.. Logan > Homecoming
Another thing, I don't know how soon after it is when he's riding with Peter back to N.Y. but I wanted Tony to still be a little salty given this is at best a day or two after what went down in Civil War and before he got scumbag Steve's letter.

Easily taking Avengers off of this supposed Mount Rushmore.

No way I'm taking Avengers down and replacing it with the 5th Spider-Man movie, 3rd reboot in 15 years. Just no way that's happening.
All of those things are irrelevant to how good or great (or bad if you thought it was) the movie is.

Has no bearing on anything in regards to movie ranking. More a personal thing you gotta get over.

Imagine if somebody said they can't put TDK in the top 5 cuz its the 4th Batman reboot in 30 years. Ridiculous.
Easily taking Avengers off of this supposed Mount Rushmore.

No way I'm taking Avengers down and replacing it with the 5th Spider-Man movie, 3rd reboot in 15 years. Just no way that's happening.
All of those things are irrelevant to how good or great (or bad if you thought it was) the movie is.

Has no bearing on anything in regards to movie ranking. More a personal thing going any get over.

Imagine if somebody said they can't put TDK in the top 5 cuz its the 4th Batman reboot in 30 years. Ridiculous.
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