WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

As long as there's no:

Dance offs
Time loops
And IM using the gauntlet

IW will be fine with however they choose to have Thanos defeated.
As long as there's no:

IM using the gauntlet

IW will be fine with however they choose to have Thanos defeated.

I wouldn't be surprised if it did. The MCU started with Tony and if the Avengers get their collective shoulders clapped, it's only right that Tony is the one who puts that gauntlet on and claps back.
That would be a terrible way to cap the culmination of the mcu

There was some talk of 'passing the torch' to the next generation last night, and that makes sense.

Giving IM the gauntlet is not passing the torch
He's still going with the act and it's not even funny anymore. Clearly why he doesn't like the movie. I think he did this before with another movie. He wrote it off so much before it came out that he just committed with it.
Yeah. I'm beginning to wonder if his opinions in these threads were ever good.

Any time I see his posts now all I read is ****.
My little ranking

1) Avengers 1 - nothing has ever came close to that feeling I got at the end of that movie. Well orchestrated from start to finish, the circular shot of all them still gives me goosebumps to this day. I can only see Infinity War topping this. My only gripe with this was that at times it felt like Iron Man and friends

2) Captain America: Winter Soldier - The last 2 Cap films are on almost equal grounds to me, but I always give a slightly better ranking to WS because it's the best solo film in the MCU. Plus I always consider this the best pure action movie I've ever seen without all the extra super hero stuff.

3) Captain America: Civil War - see above, also the airport battle scene is still the most epic scene in all of cinema.

4) Guardians 2 - The funniest film in the MCU and leaps and bounds better than the first one, I enjoyed the first one don't get me wrong (except the dance off against Ronan still makes me cringe) but this was the first plus steroids. The entire Yondu angle damn near made me cry, plus everything Rocket did was hilarious. The way how they pulled off Ego still amazes me and the simple fact they even shown him in planet form for even a second had my jaws on the floor.

5) Spider-Man: Homecoming - it was just a charming film and it was a near perfect integration of Spider-man in the MCU. Tom Holland IS Spider-man no ifs ands or buts, plus the Vulture was probably the best villain in the movies (I haven't fully watched any of the Netflix series)

I thought Age of Ultron would have been on this list for sure, but the movie didn't flow as well as I expected. Still a great movie, but the editing is so flawed that you could tell that they left out a bunch of stuff.
Replace Homecoming with GotG 1, and switch some of the order around and that's pretty much my list.

And I agree about AoU not flowing quite right
Assuming Paul Rudd and Michelle Pfeiffer have screen time together in Ant-Man and the Wasp, this will be the second film they're in together.

Paul Rudd played Michelle Pfeiffer's love interest in a film named I Could Never Be Your Woman in 2007.


New Details About 'Captain Marvel' Revealed

We definitely found out a few surprising things about the Captain Marvel movie at SDCC recently, and now The MCU Exchange have followed-up with a report of their own which is sure to please comic book fans... provided it turns out to be on the level, that is.

According to their sources, Kree hero Mar-Vell (the original Captain Marvel) will indeed be making an appearance. Though they're not sure if his earth-bound alter ego Dr. Walter Lawson will feature, they do expect him to be involved in the Psyche-Magnitron accident which gives Brie Larson's Carol Danvers her powers.

This accident is responsible for altering Danvers' genetic structure to transform her into a half-Kree superhuman, and apparently this will will be used to explain why the character won't appear to have aged between the events of her solo movie - which is set in the '90s - and her reintroduction in the still untitled Avengers 4.

In addition, the earliest drafts of the script reportedly include references to Carol's early days as Ms. Marvel, and it sounds like we can expect to see some version of that costume onscreen.
how i ran the MCU films to date (still havent seen homecoming):

1) CW
2) IM
3) A1
4) GOTG vol. 2
5) GOTG vol. 1
6) WS
----------------------- clear drop after the top 6 --------------------
7) AOU (thought it was only OK at first.. but the more i rewatch the more i appreciate it)
8) Antman
9) Dr. Strange
----------------------- another drop ----------------------------------
10) Incredible Hulk
11) IM2 (with some cleaning up i think this could join the above group, but crimson dynamo should have been the main bad guy)
----------------------- the trash ---------------------------------------
12) Thor
13) Thor 2
14) TFA
15) IM3
A4 isn't IW Part 2 anymore?

yea.. this is getting murky.. thanos better not be 1 and done.. but i assumed part 1 would be the shook and awe of him getting the stones and demolishing everyone and leaving the world in shambles with zero hope
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