what are the benefits for a man to get married?

ninjahood been stockpiling kicks, gear, and jewelry his whole 20s while earning a meager wage.

Putting on a rapper/hustler facade when you drive a truck to earn an honest living.

All to have "birds" who are admittedly not wife material flock so you can choose the best one and domestic her.

I feel bad for you man. This is what it looks like from the outside looking in.
Type of threads always open my eyes to bird activity and where the hell ima be able to find a broad worth being with. really is no hope for women from nyc.
Type of threads always open my eyes to bird activity and where the hell ima be able to find a broad worth being with. really is no hope for women from nyc.

The tri state is pretty bad. I mingle with all types of ppl. My white dudes complain too. It's superficial and needy "what can you do for me you're the man." Social media and TV has messed things up. Btw just cuz a chick goes to school or has a degree doesn't mean she can't display bird mentality. RN degree isnt enough for her to not get tricked on out here in 2013. Ppl want more. Independent my ***. I know chicks make 50k+ live at home still. Move out the handbags slow down.
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ninjahood been stockpiling kicks, gear, and jewelry his whole 20s while earning a meager wage.

Putting on a rapper/hustler facade when you drive a truck to earn an honest living.

All to have "birds" who are admittedly not wife material flock so you can choose the best one and domestic her.

I feel bad for you man. This is what it looks like from the outside looking in.
feel bad for me?

i've lived...smashed a ton, flew to places, worked my *** off, and copped everything i've wanted so far...da whole point that you seem

to be missing is MAKE SURE YOU'RE GOOD before you decided to make someone ELSE good, cuz these days its SLIM pickings and i seen

cats around my get trapped in pitfalls.

marriage in 2013 is something that have almost NO upside for a single man making a cool living, da courts are designed to nueter you da min da marriage

hits da rocks, and child support laws are RARELY are in favor for da dude.

i got my eyes wide open for da contractual jux, everyone here advocating ya tie da knot ain't even acknowledge da MANY hazards of marriage, ya

sounding like drake's greatest hits....mama ain't raise no fool, ya can miss me with that.
I agree with 75% of what Edwin is sayin'.

On the flip side, I don't think any man wants to be old & alone. Contrary to what NT thinks, slayin' randoms with no connection will be get boring after a while.

You don't want to be that old ***** on the block with no family, or wife to come home to.
feel bad for me?

i've lived...smashed a ton, flew to places, worked my *** off, and copped everything i've wanted so far...da whole point that you seem

to be missing is MAKE SURE YOU'RE GOOD before you decided to make someone ELSE good, cuz these days its SLIM pickings and i seen

cats around my get trapped in pitfalls.

marriage in 2013 is something that have almost NO upside for a single man making a cool living, da courts are designed to nueter you da min da marriage

hits da rocks, and child support laws are RARELY are in favor for da dude.

i got my eyes wide open for da contractual jux, everyone here advocating ya tie da knot ain't even acknowledge da MANY hazards of marriage, ya

sounding like drake's greatest hits....mama ain't raise no fool, ya can miss me with that.
You're missing the point.

You shouldn't be wifing someone to make them good. They should be good on their own.

I'm 23, moved out my mom's spot 5 years ago, went to school, got a degree, got a job, got my own place, minimal debt.

My girl is 22, lives in her own spot now, has a job, college degree, no college debt, parents are self made millionaires so I have the luxury of visiting beach houses in NJ and FL whenever I want.

You could argue she brings more to the table than I do.

We do this TOGETHER though. It's not just me providing for her, or just her providing for me. We are in it as a team.

She told me she wants to get married and I told her I'm not ready. She understood that and is still sticking around. We are growing together. I don't even know if I will marry her someday. Who knows what'll happen it's only been two years for us. But she is wife material.

How am I simpin when the only money I spend on my girl is purely recreational? She's fine on her own. I don't pay any of her bills or any of that. She doesn't need my money. She needs my COMPANIONSHIP. That's what our marriage will be about someday. That's the upside. We are both gonna be fine financially. I need someone who I want to be around every night and can have great conversations, sex, meals, etc... SHARE EVERYTHING with. Not some "bird" to pour me a drink and walk around naked.
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I feel bad for women, look what they have to choose from. Men who want to be 60 year old bachelors or think its rational just to have a baby mama :lol:
what is a broad from 2013 bringing to da table that makes em deserve a ring in marriage?..let's talk about that b.

broads can't cook, dont clean, always on instagram/FB/twitter and worried everything else but pleasing her man for da long run, and not just a bottle run...

pssh, i aint never putting that much water in a bucket when i know its prone to leak, im good.

get paper, and everything else will fall into place.

:smh: **** haunts you when you fumble a joint that's the opposite of that though. Old school class in a new world.
The tri state is pretty bad. I mingle with all types of ppl. My white dudes complain too. It's superficial and needy "what can you do for me you're the man." Social media and TV has messed things up. Btw just cuz a chick goes to school or has a degree doesn't mean she can't display bird mentality. RN degree isnt enough for her to not get tricked on out here in 2013. Ppl want more. Independent my ***. I know chicks make 50k+ live at home still. Move out the handbags slow down.

Yeah you right, I know a few of those also, but if you are smart and have good use of common sense after a few dates you more or less should start picking out the vibe of what a woman really is, from that point on you decide if its worth it or not....there is always two sides to a coin, marriage has its pros and cons like everything NINJAHOOD....nobody is forcing you to take the plunge, you can live your life however you see fit, but marriages do succeed, a man CAN in fact love 1 woman, there are worthwhile females out there still searching for their counterpart, relationships take sacrifice but they ARE rewarding, growing old together and raising a family is one of the most admirable things two people can do, a true demonstration of selflessness, sacrifice and love, YES LOVE....it exists.
:smh: **** haunts you when you fumble a joint that's the opposite of that though. Old school class in a new world.

fam i feel you. Currently with a chick that was raised right, both parents home, university educated, employed, etc etc.. trying not to mess this up
Listen i don't cosign everything nh say......but I understand. An yea pros n cons to everything even the way he thinks.
I've never seen so many dudes talk about being afraid of ending up old and alone. That's female stuff man. I don't know if I'll be married or not but there's no way I'll decide to take that plunge because I'm afraid of not having a family. That's a weak mentality to have.
feel bad for me? :lol:

i've lived...smashed a ton, flew to places, worked my *** off, and copped everything i've wanted so far...da whole point that you seem

to be missing is MAKE SURE YOU'RE GOOD before you decided to make someone ELSE good, cuz these days its SLIM pickings and i seen

cats around my get trapped in pitfalls.

marriage in 2013 is something that have almost NO upside for a single man making a cool living, da courts are designed to nueter you da min da marriage

hits da rocks, and child support laws are RARELY are in favor for da dude.

i got my eyes wide open for da contractual jux, everyone here advocating ya tie da knot ain't even acknowledge da MANY hazards of marriage, ya

sounding like drake's greatest hits....mama ain't raise no fool, ya can miss me with that.
You're missing the point.

You shouldn't be wifing someone to make them good. They should be good on their own.

I'm 23, moved out my mom's spot 5 years ago, went to school, got a degree, got a job, got my own place, minimal debt.

My girl is 22, lives in her own spot now, has a job, college degree, no college debt, parents are self made millionaires so I have the luxury of visiting beach houses in NJ and FL whenever I want.

You could argue she brings more to the table than I do.

We do this TOGETHER though. It's not just me providing for her, or just her providing for me. We are in it as a team.

She told me she wants to get married and I told her I'm not ready. She understood that and is still sticking around. We are growing together. I don't even know if I will marry her someday. Who knows what'll happen it's only been two years for us. But she is wife material.

How am I simpin when the only money I spend on my girl is purely recreational? She's fine on her own. I don't pay any of her bills or any of that. She doesn't need my money. She needs my COMPANIONSHIP. That's what our marriage will be about someday. That's the upside. We are both gonna be fine financially. I need someone who I want to be around every night and can have great conversations, sex, meals, etc... SHARE EVERYTHING with. Not some "bird" to pour me a drink and walk around naked.

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some of you are just so damn quick to call any female that gives you attention "the one" and thats why we end up with all the forever alone and breakup threads.

i have a gf we live together and have been living together for the past 2 years we've known each other for maybe 8 years.

even then i wouldn't call her the one,shes the one right now, but we are just so past the lovey dovey garbage.

we dont even say the L word, i got mad love for her but nowadays that term is thrown around so often its lost all meaning.

im not knocking you dudes that rock matching jordans and outfits at disneyland, but when we see that ish we laugh our ***** off 

i guess we are a little realistic.
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I feel bad for women, look what they have to choose from. Men who want to be 60 year old bachelors or think its rational just to have a baby mama :lol:
what is a broad from 2013 bringing to da table that makes em deserve a ring in marriage?..let's talk about that b.

broads can't cook, dont clean, always on instagram/FB/twitter and worried everything else but pleasing her man for da long run, and not just a bottle run...

pssh, i aint never putting that much water in a bucket when i know its prone to leak, im good.

get paper, and everything else will fall into place.

you're just not looking in the right places :rofl:

i know PLENTY of women who cook, clean, work, and cater to their man. and really though, these females you're so disgusted with just share your own mindset. they're just out to "get their paper, and let everything fall into place".


umm have you step foot out da cribs b? da way ya talking about these mythical "i work, cook, clean, got my own job, and pay my own bills
with a college degree" chicks hanging out wit da unicorns & Pegasuses on mount olympic with zeus plotting on bringing back fire for humans.
these stragglas ain't doing nothing other then playing da same game that supposed to be sold not told, they flying out to miami on da next
simp's dime, they throwing da box to promoters to be at all da clubs, they stripping to pay da bills, and their prerogative is "me first because i
got a vag and everyone is giving me attention for it so im entitled to it"

i seen too many good dudes who were barely outta cool school get eaten alive by these heathenz  in these streets b, getting trains ran on em
and telling their man they was out to 6 flags wit her home girls, man...da **** i seen and personally been thru, i just wanna make sure IM STRAIGHT
FIRST before i ever deal with a hefer trying to dog me out, eff marriage, da era of being a DOMINANT male who's got his **** on point and ain't throwing money at a bad situation like child support or a crazy broad is on da endangered list, its survival times..i suggest ya watch ya backs.

herein lies the problem, you're expecting **** to turn into housewives, and shocked when they don't.

He posted a chick that works as one of those bottle service chicks tho lol

Attract women with your chain and talk about there's no quality women around? Aight.

yall are really talking about tying the knot to a woman who isn't making her own money and pulling her own weight. and you wonder why she hits you for child support years later. you shouldn't be trying to find one to domesticate, you're already setting yourself up for failure. find a woman who's good on her own, without the social media drama, who you don't have to feel obligated to drag along financially. then you'll understand where i'm coming from.
Lol wow came back into this thread just now and its mostly these pro-traditional marriage dudes vs ninjahood.  Yall do know that not every man wants the same thing right?  "Wife Material" always been funny concept to me like there's some universal standard on what that is.  All these attributes that yall claim bout "wife material" chick ain't appealing to me at all for as well as to other men out there.  Some dudes just don't care about the traditional marriage life and see no upside in it like myself, doesn't mean you guys can't pursue it but yall just make it seem like it should be the ultimate goal for every man.  I don't need a woman to cook/clean for me I already use maid service for both my houses and will for my other future houses.  Those tax breaks lol I could live without, what I can't live with is putting all my hard earned assets at risk with an emotionally unstable woman.  When you have multiple businesses and properties like myself a divorce case could get messier than a college frat house and even cause problems for my business partners.  

In the end, its all about if each man see's the reward worth the risk like every other decision in life.  That's even the case for me having kids, even though both my baby mamas are crazy because I only like the crazy ones and they to bring me drama from time to time, overall they're about keeping a good relationship with me for the kids and we work **** out.  I'm not even on child support because we don't believe in the government getting involved with our affairs.  Even if things do get all bad with that, I could live with paying child support cause it sure as hell ain't gonna be nowhere near divorce settlement/alimony etc.  

I enjoy my freedom and and have easy access to too many beautiful women that a lota dudes only see in magazines/tv way too much to live a tied down traditional marriage lifestyle.  Will I get tired of it?  I haven't yet and nothing is guaranteed in life except death but I don't think so and it's one of the things I'm most sure about.  I enjoy going to the shooting range, skiing, gym often with my cousins and homeboys.  

I've always just been the type to dictate how I life my own life and don't wanna compromise unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.  I hate other ppl telling me what to do, its why I've pretty much always been self employed.  I'll take suggestions but not orders.  I don't care if the "humble brag" dudes have anything to say about all this too I'm doing nothing but telling the truth to get my perspective across.  And again, I'm not telling the next man how they should live but just saying the pro traditional marriage dudes shouldn't think they're lifestyle is better the next man's lifestyle.  At the end of the day, I hope all of yall get the life u want whatever it may be like myself.
no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh :lol:

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth :rofl:

and i keep seeing yall mentioning yall love your freedom, because getting in a relationship really takes your freedom away :rolleyes

maybe you should look into someone who's brining in financials and pulling her weight if your biggest fear is her taking you for half of yours.
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no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth
Come on bruh, if you've been reading you know them dudes talk about how "every man wants to find the one" on some romance novel tip.  Seems to me they don't understand some men don't believe in that concept and don't want "the one".  And come on, we all know ninjahood likes to take his opinions to the extreme on some 100% indisputable fact tip lol.  
no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh :lol:

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth :rofl:

and i keep seeing yall mentioning yall love your freedom, because getting in a relationship really takes your freedom away :rolleyes

maybe you should look into someone who's brining in financials and pulling her weight if your biggest fear is her taking you for half of yours.

Dudes too blind to see the irony in their argument....

Live your life however the ***** you want b :lol:
no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth

and i keep seeing yall mentioning yall love your freedom, because getting in a relationship really takes your freedom away

maybe you should look into someone who's brining in financials and pulling her weight if your biggest fear is her taking you for half of yours.
Yeah. This is a thread for "benefits for a man to get married". Not, "advocates of staying single."

I never argued that it's better to get married than to be single. That's a personal choice that everyone will have to make.

I'm just stating what the benefits of getting married are for me. Since that's what the thread is about.

And of course since ninjahood's PERSONAL choice is to stay single. He comes in here giving all of HIS reasons to stay single and gives no examples of benefits because marriage with girls he has relationships with is not beneficial in any way. He stated that himself.

Let's not get caught up and forget what this thread is about. I'm all for considering other perspectives about marriage but ninjahood's aim, as usual, is simply to argue his opinion as a fact. When his opinion is based soley on what he's seen in life (which seems to be a  very narrow sight) and he keeps arguing against people with completely different views on things...THAT'S when the thread derails and he's posting strippers asking what the benefit of marrying that is. I'm glad he hasn't posted in a minute he should just stay out of this thread if he's gonna be whyldin like that.
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