what are the benefits for a man to get married?

Come on bruh, if you've been reading you know them dudes talk about how "every man wants to find the one" on some romance novel tip.  Seems to me they don't understand some men don't believe in that concept and don't want "the one".  And come on, we all know ninjahood likes to take his opinions to the extreme on some 100% indisputable fact tip lol.  

And in the same breath the rest believe men who believe in finding a mate are just simps, hopeless romantics with no self worth....
no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh :lol:

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth :rofl:

Come on bruh, if you've been reading you know them dudes talk about how "every man wants to find the one" on some romance novel tip.  Seems to me they don't understand some men don't believe in that concept and don't want "the one".  And come on, we all know ninjahood likes to take his opinions to the extreme on some 100% indisputable fact tip lol.  

i mean there's always gonna be a few on both sides that take it to the extreme. that's just the way it goes.

i've just noticed that as i've gotten older, circles get smaller, people settle down. like i've said though, i have zero plans of getting married any time soon. based on your post, my financials seem similar to yours. me and mine have talked about marriage, but not for at least another 3-4 years.

which brings me to, a lot of marriages fail because people see their peers getting married and rush into because "it's the next step". you can't commit to someone for the rest of your life if you're 25 and been with them for 2 years. that's just dumb. who commits to hopefully 50+ years of life to someone you've been with for 2?
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I've never seen so many dudes talk about being afraid of ending up old and alone. That's female stuff man. I don't know if I'll be married or not but there's no way I'll decide to take that plunge because I'm afraid of not having a family. That's a weak mentality to have.

Its sorta the same mindset as, you gotta have kids
because they'll take care of you and you won't be alone.

I see the pro's and con's of each argument I don't have anything to add to it, but some of the turn of phrases ninjahood uses in his post are hilarious.
Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.
Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

Bam that's all I was tryna say...kinda like a dude wants to come home to a faithful girl after a long day of cheating lol
Given the amount of shady stuff I've seen done by married folks, I definitely don't give marriage added legitimacy.

Outside of the financial benefits one of the main reasons I'll get married is to make my moms happy.

Definitely getting a prenup and probably should get married outside of Cali
I don't know what u area ur residency is in but if ur becoming a specialist you're going to make some pretty serious money with your own practice so I suggest you be really cautious.  I know some divorce attorneys pretty well and they can be very resourceful in getting ur prenup thrown outa court like its not worth the paper its written on.  Just giving u a heads up bruh
Lol wow came back into this thread just now and its mostly these pro-traditional marriage dudes vs ninjahood.  Yall do know that not every man wants the same thing right?  "Wife Material" always been funny concept to me like there's some universal standard on what that is.  All these attributes that yall claim bout "wife material" chick ain't appealing to me at all for as well as to other men out there.  Some dudes just don't care about the traditional marriage life and see no upside in it like myself, doesn't mean you guys can't pursue it but yall just make it seem like it should be the ultimate goal for every man.  I don't need a woman to cook/clean for me I already use maid service for both my houses and will for my other future houses.  Those tax breaks lol I could live without, what I can't live with is putting all my hard earned assets at risk with an emotionally unstable woman.  When you have multiple businesses and properties like myself a divorce case could get messier than a college frat house and even cause problems for my business partners.  

In the end, its all about if each man see's the reward worth the risk like every other decision in life.  That's even the case for me having kids, even though both my baby mamas are crazy because I only like the crazy ones and they to bring me drama from time to time, overall they're about keeping a good relationship with me for the kids and we work **** out.  I'm not even on child support because we don't believe in the government getting involved with our affairs.  Even if things do get all bad with that, I could live with paying child support cause it sure as hell ain't gonna be nowhere near divorce settlement/alimony etc.  

I enjoy my freedom and and have easy access to too many beautiful women that a lota dudes only see in magazines/tv way too much to live a tied down traditional marriage lifestyle.  Will I get tired of it?  I haven't yet and nothing is guaranteed in life except death but I don't think so and it's one of the things I'm most sure about.  I enjoy going to the shooting range, skiing, gym often with my cousins and homeboys.  

I've always just been the type to dictate how I life my own life and don't wanna compromise unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.  I hate other ppl telling me what to do, its why I've pretty much always been self employed.  I'll take suggestions but not orders.  I don't care if the "humble brag" dudes have anything to say about all this too I'm doing nothing but telling the truth to get my perspective across.  And again, I'm not telling the next man how they should live but just saying the pro traditional marriage dudes shouldn't think they're lifestyle is better the next man's lifestyle.  At the end of the day, I hope all of yall get the life u want whatever it may be like myself.
thanks for explainingyour position more. given your situation, it makes sense that you wouldn't see marriage as a viable option. I think a lot of the pro-marriage so to speak posters are objecting to those poster who are making categorical statements against marriage and stating that all women are gold diggers who bring nothing to the table in marriage rather than to individuals like yourself who don't see marriage as relevant to your own life. Many of the marriage/women bashing posters in here aren't necessarily in the positions to make these sorts of sweeping statements.

On the assets front, while you potentially risk financial assets by getting married, there are other assets worth cultivating that aren't at risk. Education and physical fitness for example. For those of us who prioriticize these sorts of assets, marriage is a lot more reasonable.
no one is telling you your lifestyle is wrong bruh

it's the advocates of staying single who make it seem that everyone else is crazy. nh talking about how women who cook/clean/have their own financial stability and aren't crazy are unicorns which couldn't be further from the truth

and i keep seeing yall mentioning yall love your freedom, because getting in a relationship really takes your freedom away

maybe you should look into someone who's brining in financials and pulling her weight if your biggest fear is her taking you for half of yours.
I mean yeah I can find a chick worth millions like myself for risk management but finances is only 1 aspect why it ain't for me man.  I mean my daughter's mom is a model that is signed with Marilyn Agency biggest model agency in Paris so she definitely pulls in nice sized checks but a beautiful woman with money ain't "the one" for me.  "The one" doesn't exist for me because to me variety is what makes life worth living.  No variety= boring to me.  It's why I have a fleet of luxury cars, why my Vegas house is decorated a different theme from my LA house.  Why I eat food from different cultures, travel to new destinations etc.  

I'm not trying to be ninjahood blaming it on the women out there 
.  I'm saying it's me, not that there's anything wrong with me but it's just who I am and I'm perfectly fine with it.  For those of yall trying to find "the one", I've been wished yall luck.  Just saying a lot of you are coming on pretty extreme with it just like ninjahood on the opposite spectrum from what I'm reading.  
Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

you're obviously wrong about 2 things
more than half want "NT THICK" and don't need her "less than 150 lbs"

the other is we'd wife up a chick no matter how much $$$ she had, as long as she wasn't thirsty for ours... pretty sure we've said that on various occasions.
thanks for explainingyour position more. given your situation, it makes sense that you wouldn't see marriage as a viable option. I think a lot of the pro-marriage so to speak posters are objecting to those poster who are making categorical statements against marriage and stating that all women are gold diggers who bring nothing to the table in marriage rather than to individuals like yourself who don't see marriage as relevant to your own life. Many of the marriage/women bashing posters in here aren't necessarily in the positions to make these sorts of sweeping statements.

On the assets front, while you potentially risk financial assets by getting married, there are other assets worth cultivating that aren't at risk. Education and physical fitness for example. For those of us who prioriticize these sorts of assets, marriage is a lot more reasonable.

Yeah I know there's definitely plenty of women that aren't gold diggers just like there's plenty that are. I do believe that it's smart for dudes to find a chick that at least carries her own weight financially though, we're not in the 50s no more, society has changed a lot. If marriage really is what the dude wants more power to him, I just think the dudes that get married b/c they give into the woman on some ultimatum tip are wack and are playing themselves because it'll end badly for them down the line
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Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

you're obviously wrong about 2 things
more than half want "NT THICK" and don't need her "less than 150 lbs"

the other is we'd wife up a chick no matter how much $$$ she had, as long as she wasn't thirsty for ours... pretty sure we've said that on various occasions.

-revisits NT girlfriend thread .. NT thick you say? Lol ok and you're telling me no one in here said they want a chick to make as much money as them? let me fix it just for you pal

Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, and make the same amount of money they make because they don't want to take care of them meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

does this suffice? :rolleyes
I'll say this much..........

1).  You are what you attract.

2).  If your not finding what your looking for, don't be afraid to venture out of your community/city and experience different women from different places.  Either way, you should be traveling just to experience new things.  Stop sticking to things or people in your 2 block radius.  
Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

you're obviously wrong about 2 things
more than half want "NT THICK" and don't need her "less than 150 lbs"

the other is we'd wife up a chick no matter how much $$$ she had, as long as she wasn't thirsty for ours... pretty sure we've said that on various occasions.

-revisits NT girlfriend thread .. NT thick you say? Lol ok and you're telling me no one in here said they want a chick to make as much money as them? let me fix it just for you pal

Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, and make the same amount of money they make because they don't want to take care of them meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that? :lol: :lol: thoroughly confused.

does this suffice? :rolleyes

stop hating on my Porsche money, b
Dude really thought the formula of attaining a wife would be to domesticate a top-shelf 'bird'?:rofl:

This is the reason why I love NT's General section. The amount of inbred individuals regardless of wealth (or lack thereof) is ridiculously prominent. That mentality is simply why most stay stagnant. Big difference between being 'street' smart versus thinking you're 'street' smart...
Oh this thread again


Since ninjahood is against marriage I expect him to impose his own views and opinion onto others as 100% indisputable fact, copy and paste a number of articles stating that putting off marriage/not getting married at all is an increasing trend, and be stubborn in even considering the views of others on the topic since he is right (#factsonly). Argue until the thread derails with someone personally attacking his living situation or car situation. Thread will then derail into a discussion about rent control/living in NYC or cars.

I'll check back later and see how things turned out. I am expecting a ksteezy post vouching for marriage to set this thread off.
Called it on page 3
I got married last October. The reason why I got married was because I wanted to make us one. My wife & kids & have someone to grow old with. She's a good woman & she got my back. I always knew I wanted to get married but I waited til I think was a right age. I'm 32. I have seen the bad side of marriages cheating all that but it didn't detour me. We all got different views on it. I did the single thing I've smashed lots of women so I was cool on that part.
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I'll say this much..........

1).  You are what you attract.

2).  If your not finding what your looking for, don't be afraid to venture out of your community/city and experience different women from different places.  Either way, you should be traveling just to experience new things.  Stop sticking to things or people in your 2 block radius.  
umm have you step foot out da cribs b? da way ya talking about these mythical "i work, cook, clean, got my own job, and pay my own bills

with a college degree" chicks hanging out wit da unicorns & Pegasuses on mount olympic with zeus plotting on bringing back fire for humans.

these stragglas ain't doing nothing other then playing da same game that supposed to be sold not told, they flying out to miami on da next

simp's dime, they throwing da box to promoters to be at all da clubs, they stripping to pay da bills, and their prerogative is "me first because i

got a vag and everyone is giving me attention for it so im entitled to it"

i seen too many good dudes who were barely outta cool school get eaten alive by these heathenz  in these streets b, getting trains ran on em

and telling their man they was out to 6 flags wit her home girls, man...da **** i seen and personally been thru, i just wanna make sure IM STRAIGHT

FIRST before i ever deal with a hefer trying to dog me out, eff marriage, da era of being a DOMINANT male who's got his

**** on point and ain't throwing money at a bad situation like child support or a crazy broad is on da endangered list, its survival times..i suggest

ya watch ya backs.
This guy is on a roll today.
This guy is on a roll today.

he's right tho.

i don't think the state laws and finance need to come between e and my spouse. This is what happens when a whole nation of people try to live like the kings and queens they aren't. ( They clearly base their entire livelihood on marriage to acquire and escheat property.

Clearly by the responses by both sides in this thread show that marriage is a power play.

The reasons a lot of guys seem to be giving about their preference for marriage seem to be out of convenience rather than love.

It's cool you trying to be efficient in life, but don't make like you are truly happy.
I think the problem is the "you're suppose to be married and settled down by this age" that seems to be a rule in society. There's an article that's been posted on facebook about a 26 year old woman who's tired of being asked "when are you gonna get married and have kids" and I agree. I feel mid 20's is a little young to be getting married but up and down my friends list I see people getting married and I'm like that nice but don't make it the rule
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he's right tho.

i don't think the state laws and finance need to come between e and my spouse. This is what happens when a whole nation of people try to live like the kings and queens they aren't. ( They clearly base their entire livelihood on marriage to acquire and escheat property.

Clearly by the responses by both sides in this thread show that marriage is a power play.

The reasons a lot of guys seem to be giving about their preference for marriage seem to be out of convenience rather than love.

It's cool you trying to be efficient in life, but don't make like you are truly happy.

Why do you assume dudes ain't truly happily married?...is it that hard to grasp for you dudes?
Why do you assume dudes ain't truly happily married?...is it that hard to grasp for you dudes?

because a perceived benefit from a relationship does not equate to love and happiness in my book.
I'll say this much..........

1).  You are what you attract.

2).  If your not finding what your looking for, don't be afraid to venture out of your community/city and experience different women from different places.  Either way, you should be traveling just to experience new things.  Stop sticking to things or people in your 2 block radius.  
Dudes want a chick to cook, clean, degree, car, crib, no kids, no crazy ex's, make bank , weigh less than 150 meanwhile all they have is a license, associate degrees, online articles for facts, 30K job and sneakers for collateral. What would a chick with all of those attributes want from a wack negro like that?
thoroughly confused.
both of these sum up how I feel about this topic
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