what are the benefits for a man to get married?

wait how is "being a good mother" not one of the most important factors for a woman to be wifey material? this might be the main problem

because a bad broad with nice skin tone, good body and everything else surface is touted too often as "wifey" material

and the chic with motherly attributes is doing just that. She is probably somebody's mother and never even got a chance to date.

The "good" girls don't even get a chance to step on the dating playing field because they are usually out the game early. People tend to snatch up quality real quick
I'll tell you how, you take some years getting to know your mate, know that this is who ideally you wanna end up with work on that FOUNDATION then when kids come into the picture, that foundation is strong enough to hopefully get you through parenthood....no guarantees regardless but I don't know how your idea of parading in your hood, picking out the highest ranking bird, getting her pregnant and bringing a child into a relationship with little to no foundation can be any better.

Who has time. Honestly.

I think you may fall in that category of knowing your spouse for a long time before you got married.

When you are older and in the workforce, you barely got time to enjoy a day off work. How are you gonna get to know someone longterm if you didn't grow up with them?

I just personally can't get ddown with the speed dating culture.

And to you guys who got someone early on in life before the responsibilities started to stack up, you guys are truly fortunate.

Time is your enemy as you get older...
What's funny is that all your examples are actually the TRUTH! For some weak minded individuals.. yes they commit suicide after a failed marriage. Some dudes get old, fat and ugly and lose their confidence once they get married/have kids so I wouldn't doubt it if after a divorce, they end up living a life of solitude and end up watching porn all day/night. Murder? Yeah I could see that also... I mean I dated a female once and she had a restraining order against her ex husband who was stalking her.

I mean just for example and NO DISRESPECT... What if your wife is banging "Tyrone" on the side and eventually divorces you cause "Tyrone" was able to get her pregnant and you can't? Are you're telling us that you would just heal, and then easily find another woman to have a relationship with and marry again? A romantic sensitive cat like you would probably be devastated and would have the Great Wall of China protecting your heart if that ever happened.
Lol what did I say about Tyrone! Y'all just don't know. Tried to tell yall
What's funny is that all your examples are actually the TRUTH! For some weak minded individuals.. yes they commit suicide after a failed marriage. Some dudes get old, fat and ugly and lose their confidence once they get married/have kids so I wouldn't doubt it if after a divorce, they end up living a life of solitude and end up watching porn all day/night. Murder? Yeah I could see that also... I mean I dated a female once and she had a restraining order against her ex husband who was stalking her.

I mean just for example and NO DISRESPECT... What if your wife is banging "Tyrone" on the side and eventually divorces you cause "Tyrone" was able to get her pregnant and you can't? Are you're telling us that you would just heal, and then easily find another woman to have a relationship with and marry again? A romantic sensitive cat like you would probably be devastated and would have the Great Wall of China protecting your heart if that ever happened.

Nope, I'll take my time to heal, because as much as i love her I love myself more, yeah it'll hurt, but at the end of the day I will ALWAYS chuck it as her loss and good luck with Tyronne and their kid....the fact that she strayed doesn't change the fact that I'm a good man, professional and ambitious and in due time I should be ready to give love another try....it's all about character, as long as you know your worth, NOONE and NOTHING can ever take that away from you.
Being married to have kids/raise kids is just an opinion some of yall have that yall are trying to pass off as the rule or some ****.  It's definitely not required to have kids that'll grow up and thrive in this society
Who has time. Honestly.

I think you may fall in that category of knowing your spouse for a long time before you got married.

When you are older and in the workforce, you barely got time to enjoy a day off work. How are you gonna get to know someone longterm if you didn't grow up with them?

I just personally can't get ddown with the speed dating culture.

And to you guys who got someone early on in life before the responsibilities started to stack up, you guys are truly fortunate.

Time is your enemy as you get older...

Who has time?.....obviously not the dudes that wait till their mid 30's early 40's to magically hit the switch on commitment from a long life of slaying dimes and swinging their Jesus piece.

You get what you put in young grasshopper, you get what you put in.

If you a good dude, who believes in commitment but workin your *** off, you'll attract quality women, that's the way it is...because of the professional circles you sorroundings yourself with and the way you carry yourself...if this is you, donot worry, you'll find someone good...if you pushing a delivery truck and your idea of a good social outing is some club in your mid 30's then more than likely you'll be a bird magnet looking for a free ride
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Nope, I'll take my time to heal, because as much as i love her I love myself more, yeah it'll hurt, but at the end of the day I will ALWAYS chuck it as her loss and good luck with Tyronne and their kid....the fact that she strayed doesn't change the fact that I'm a good man, professional and ambitious and in due time I should be ready to give love another try....it's all about character, as long as you know your worth, NOONE and NOTHING can ever take that away from you.

Great answer and I respect that! It's a shame that more men don't have your attitude and confidence.
Being married to have kids/raise kids is just an opinion some of yall have that yall are trying to pass off as the rule or some ****.  It's definitely not required to have kids that'll grow up and thrive in this society

Forget marriage man, I'm not pushing that agenda when it comes to raising a family, in my personal opinion it helps the foundation but is not a rule to live by, what you should be is ready to fully commit to the woman you plan to bring a kid into this world with, too many dudes simply content with having other men involved in their child's life....go that way with that ****
I agree with Ninja as far as going the multiple BM route and keeping a stable relationship and just being a good parent.

Still don't see myself getting married. Don't see a good reason for it unless I'm slumming it and marrying for an upgrade on all levels.

As far as these two sides yall just gotta see that you have very different, some opposing, on a fundamental level core principles. This is just how it's always been and it's more prevalent in society today.
I'll tell you how, you take some years getting to know your mate, know that this is who ideally you wanna end up with work on that FOUNDATION then when kids come into the picture, that foundation is strong enough to hopefully get you through parenthood....no guarantees regardless but I don't know how your idea of parading in your hood, picking out the highest ranking bird, getting her pregnant and bringing a child into a relationship with little to no foundation can be any better.

Who has time. Honestly.

I think you may fall in that category of knowing your spouse for a long time before you got married.

When you are older and in the workforce, you barely got time to enjoy a day off work. How are you gonna get to know someone longterm if you didn't grow up with them?

I just personally can't get ddown with the speed dating culture.

And to you guys who got someone early on in life before the responsibilities started to stack up, you guys are truly fortunate.

Time is your enemy as you get older...

no one is forcing you to get married :lol:

if you don't have the time to get to really know someone like that, don't marry them. like i said, it's stupid to commit to someone for over 50+ years when you've only known them/ been with them for 2-3. but people actually do that :smh:
Forget marriage man, I'm not pushing that agenda when it comes to raising a family, in my personal opinion it helps the foundation but is not a rule to live by, what you should be is ready to fully commit to the woman you plan to bring a kid into this world with, too many dudes simply content with having other men involved in their child's life....go that way with that ****
That's what you think is right but it doesn't mean others are wrong by not following your guidelines.  I don't need to be together with either of my kids moms for them to be alright, they're more than good and I'd be willing to bet will become more successful than most of their peers regardless of what arrangements they come from.  
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Being married to have kids/raise kids is just an opinion some of yall have that yall are trying to pass off as the rule or some ****.  It's definitely not required to have kids that'll grow up and thrive in this society

(First, this isn't just directed to "you" but the general theme in this thread)

On the flip side though in terms of rules, to see some people act as if just having a baby momma without any chance of a relationship as a better alternative is a recipe for failure as well. That the rule is that divorce will happen and a long marriage is only an exception. Yeah being a product of divorce is often detrimental to a child and there can be children born to unwed parents that grow up in a healthy environment but let's not act like that **** usually goes smoothly even most of the time.

People like to bring up the fact that 50% of marriages end up in divorce and how that affects a child...what % of unwed parents do you realistically think have healthy relationships or generally provide a positive environment with no ill effects on a child?

The idea that someone would seek out just having baby mom(s) because it avoids the headache and financial hardship of a potential divorce is a loser mentality and it's selfish IMO. The reality is that you'd be bringing a child(ren) into this world with a poor concept of relationship and likely just furthering the cycle. You really doing it for the benefit of the child or your own protection from possibly taking a hit from a divorce. Giving up before you start if that's the route you take. With all the kids born that are just mistakes or have fathers (or mothers) that just jump ship to avoid responsibility, it's just compounding the problem and will make things worse rather than getting better.

Don't have kids if you're not committed to providing the best possible life you can for them and that's not just buying them whatever they want or showing up for birthdays, being a full-time loving parent is way more beneficial to a child in the long term. If your rationale for having a baby moms instead of a wife is just to avoid any risk of going through a divorce, maybe you should also reconsider becoming a parent.
Forget marriage man, I'm not pushing that agenda when it comes to raising a family, in my personal opinion it helps the foundation but is not a rule to live by, what you should be is ready to fully commit to the woman you plan to bring a kid into this world with, too many dudes simply content with having other men involved in their child's life....go that way with that ****

That's what you think is right but it doesn't mean others are wrong by not following your guidelines.  I don't need to be together with either of my kids moms for them to be alright, they're more than good and I'd be willing to bet will become more successful than most of their peers regardless of what arrangements they come from.  

i dont mean any offense when i say this, but i feel like you're a very shrewd person. you think of things as materials. yeah, your kids might be well off financially, but i guarantee every now and then they'd trade off some of that money just to have dad go to their little league game. some experiences you can't replace with money.
i dont mean any offense when i say this, but i feel like you're a very shrewd person. you think of things as materials. yeah, your kids might be well off financially, but i guarantee every now and then they'd trade off some of that money just to have dad go to their little league game. some experiences you can't replace with money.
I had to be shrewd to be a self made millionaire in my 20s as a black man from the hood.  I have a son and daughter with two women that share my mindset of doing raising our kids collectively with their family and my family.  We all work very hard so more important then the nice things we buy them, they're well prepared to become independent and succeed in this capitalistic society one day.  Like I said earlier, both my parents are still married to this day for over 30 years.  The first few years of my life was tough, we were poor at that time since my parents didn't make much money with 3 kids and we lived in a small house in the hood.  It wasn't til years later when my pops got into the Fire Dept. and started a business on the side working extremely long hours between both that things started to get better for us and we moved out to a bigger house in a nicer area.  I have so much respect for my pops putting in that hard work for us to this day.  I've been putting in this work and will continue to do so for both my kids to get the best education/training/exposure/experiences I can possibly provide them along with their moms.  
(First, this isn't just directed to "you" but the general theme in this thread)

On the flip side though in terms of rules, to see some people act as if just having a baby momma without any chance of a relationship as a better alternative is a recipe for failure as well. That the rule is that divorce will happen and a long marriage is only an exception. Yeah being a product of divorce is often detrimental to a child and there can be children born to unwed parents that grow up in a healthy environment but let's not act like that **** usually goes smoothly even most of the time.

People like to bring up the fact that 50% of marriages end up in divorce and how that affects a child...what % of unwed parents do you realistically think have healthy relationships or generally provide a positive environment with no ill effects on a child?

The idea that someone would seek out just having baby mom(s) because it avoids the headache and financial hardship of a potential divorce is a loser mentality and it's selfish IMO. The reality is that you'd be bringing a child(ren) into this world with a poor concept of relationship and likely just furthering the cycle. You really doing it for the benefit of the child or your own protection from possibly taking a hit from a divorce. Giving up before you start if that's the route you take. With all the kids born that are just mistakes or have fathers (or mothers) that just jump ship to avoid responsibility, it's just compounding the problem and will make things worse rather than getting better.

Don't have kids if you're not committed to providing the best possible life you can for them and that's not just buying them whatever they want or showing up for birthdays, being a full-time loving parent is way more beneficial to a child in the long term. If your rationale for having a baby moms instead of a wife is just to avoid any risk of going through a divorce, maybe you should also reconsider becoming a parent.
I never wanted to get married because I'm not for the institution of marriage not because I was giving up on it, can't give up something you never wanted.  Do you have statistics on unwed parents relationships with their children?  If you don't then I don't see how you can provide any facts on that. Who are you to set universal standards?  You do realize that there were societies throughout time in history where the majority of children didn't have your idea of arrangement growing up right?  You might as well say the majority of people in Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark etc. are doing it all wrong than since they have an extremely high rate of unwed parents there.  
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i dont mean any offense when i say this, but i feel like you're a very shrewd person. you think of things as materials. yeah, your kids might be well off financially, but i guarantee every now and then they'd trade off some of that money just to have dad go to their little league game. some experiences you can't replace with money.

I had to be shrewd to be a self made millionaire in my 20s as a black man from the hood.  I have a son and daughter with two women that share my mindset of doing raising our kids collectively with their family and my family.  We all work very hard so more important then the nice things we buy them, they're well prepared to become independent and succeed in this capitalistic society one day.  Like I said earlier, both my parents are still married to this day for over 30 years.  The first few years of my life was tough, we were poor at that time since my parents didn't make much money with 3 kids and we lived in a small house in the hood.  It wasn't til years later when my pops got into the Fire Dept. and started a business on the side working extremely long hours between both that things started to get better for us and we moved out to a bigger house in a nicer area.  I have so much respect for my pops putting in that hard work for us to this day.  I've been putting in this work and will continue to do so for both my kids to get the best education/training/exposure/experiences I can possibly provide them along with their moms.  

(First, this isn't just directed to "you" but the general theme in this thread)

On the flip side though in terms of rules, to see some people act as if just having a baby momma without any chance of a relationship as a better alternative is a recipe for failure as well. That the rule is that divorce will happen and a long marriage is only an exception. Yeah being a product of divorce is often detrimental to a child and there can be children born to unwed parents that grow up in a healthy environment but let's not act like that **** usually goes smoothly even most of the time.

People like to bring up the fact that 50% of marriages end up in divorce and how that affects a child...what % of unwed parents do you realistically think have healthy relationships or generally provide a positive environment with no ill effects on a child?

The idea that someone would seek out just having baby mom(s) because it avoids the headache and financial hardship of a potential divorce is a loser mentality and it's selfish IMO. The reality is that you'd be bringing a child(ren) into this world with a poor concept of relationship and likely just furthering the cycle. You really doing it for the benefit of the child or your own protection from possibly taking a hit from a divorce. Giving up before you start if that's the route you take. With all the kids born that are just mistakes or have fathers (or mothers) that just jump ship to avoid responsibility, it's just compounding the problem and will make things worse rather than getting better.

Don't have kids if you're not committed to providing the best possible life you can for them and that's not just buying them whatever they want or showing up for birthdays, being a full-time loving parent is way more beneficial to a child in the long term. If your rationale for having a baby moms instead of a wife is just to avoid any risk of going through a divorce, maybe you should also reconsider becoming a parent.

I never wanted to get married because I'm not for the institution of marriage not because I was giving up on it, can't give up something you never wanted.  Do you have statistics on unwed parents relationships with their children?  If you don't then I don't see how you can provide any facts on that. Who are you to set universal standards?  You do realize that there were societies throughout time in history where the majority of children didn't have your idea of arrangement growing up right?  You might as well say the majority of people in Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark etc. are doing it all wrong than since they have an extremely high rate of unwed parents there.  

Give up or never give it a chance. Semantics.
What's your reason for never wanting it? And were your children planned with your children's mothers with the understanding of how you would raise them? I'm not asking that in doubt or sarcastically but just out of general curiosity because you mentioned it. You don't have to answer if that's too personal, I'm not trying to offend you. I said I don't think people should have children if they're not dedicated to providing everything they can for them which most importantly includes love. If you are, it doesn't apply to you.

I asked a general question of those who think it's common for children with unwed parents to grow up with healthy parenting. Those who are quick to quote divorce statistics as a reason for not getting married yet still having children out of wedlock as if it's automatic that children whose parents divorce are worse off. I'm not questioning whether divorce can often create an unhealthy environment for a child but is having unwed parents any better? I realize that SOME unwed parents can remain civil and friends or just good parents but let's be realistic. Use the quoted even number of the divorce rate being 50% and the general idea presented that divorce is unfair to a child so just avoid it...do you realistically think that greater than 50% of unwed parents have healthy relationships AND provide positive environment that will not have any negative effects on a child.

I said it wasn't directed towards you, once again I'm not trying to judge you as a person because I know nothing about you and it's great if you're in your children's lives. I don't doubt that for a second. I'm questioning the idea as a whole that it's better to just avoid marriage altogether and just have baby mommas as if that is somehow a more positive situation for a child. That's ridiculous. It may be better for the parent (in this case the man, like Ninjahood whose valuable assets ie. sneakers could get unfairly taken from him in a divorce) but the reality it is that most likely doesn't work as planned and instead the child is either pulled in different directions or lacks one figure or both in their life when it's needed.

No, I don't have statistics but neither do those that are implying that unwed parenting is a better situation like they don't frequently end up as simply single-parent households with a check (supposed to be) coming in instead. Once again, not saying all but the idea that people can just have a child with a woman they're in no way committed to and everything is just smooth sailing from there and more importantly completely fine for the child is ridiculous. Holding that view is as an ideal is absurd. And seriously...you're bringing up Scandinavian countries? :lol: As if their societies are anything like America's to compare, once American principles are anything near that of Scandinavia, I'll consider that as relative.
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Give up or never give it a chance. Semantics.
What's your reason for never wanting it? And were your children planned with your children's mothers with the understanding of how you would raise them? I'm not asking that in doubt or sarcastically but just out of general curiosity because you mentioned it. You don't have to answer if that's too personal, I'm not trying to offend you. I said I don't think people should have children if they're not dedicated to providing everything they can for them which most importantly includes love. If you are, it doesn't apply to you.

I asked a general question of those who think it's common for children with unwed parents to grow up with healthy parenting. Those who are quick to quote divorce statistics as a reason for not getting married yet still having children out of wedlock as if it's automatic that children whose parents divorce are worse off. I'm not questioning whether divorce can often create an unhealthy environment for a child but is having unwed parents any better? I realize that SOME unwed parents can remain civil and friends or just good parents but let's be realistic. Use the quoted even number of the divorce rate being 50% and the general idea presented that divorce is unfair to a child so just avoid it...do you realistically think that greater than 50% of unwed parents have healthy relationships AND provide positive environment that will not have any negative effects on a child.

I said it wasn't directed towards you, once again I'm not trying to judge you as a person because I know nothing about you and it's great if you're in your children's lives. I don't doubt that for a second. I'm questioning the idea as a whole that it's better to just avoid marriage altogether and just have baby mommas as if that is somehow a more positive situation for a child. That's ridiculous. It may be better for the parent (in this case the man, like Ninjahood whose valuable assets ie. sneakers could get unfairly taken from him in a divorce) but the reality it is that most likely doesn't work as planned and instead the child is either pulled in different directions or lacks one figure or both in their life when it's needed.

No, I don't have statistics but neither do those that are implying that unwed parenting is a better situation like they don't frequently end up as simply single-parent households with a check (supposed to be) coming in instead. Once again, not saying all but the idea that people can just have a child with a woman they're in no way committed to and everything is just smooth sailing from there and more importantly completely fine for the child is ridiculous. Holding that view is as an ideal is absurd. And seriously...you're bringing up Scandinavian countries? :lol: As if their societies are anything like America's to compare, once American principles are anything near that of Scandinavia, I'll consider that as relative.

I don't see how its semantics when I clearly said I don't believe in marriage. I didn't give it a chance because it wasn't something for me personally for various reasons. I'm not affiliated with any organized religion and I'm liberal with a progressive mindset. The idea of legally binding myself with any woman is foolish to me. If you don't have statistics that are backed with proof it can only be an opinion just like the other side which I never claimed to be better I just said not one way is right.. I don't know what you mean by planned or unplanned but all parties wanted to have the kids otherwise the abortion route would've been took.

Scandinavian countries have always been more progressive and the US is always a little behind them but its where the US is trending towards in case you don't notice
That's what you think is right but it doesn't mean others are wrong by not following your guidelines.  I don't need to be together with either of my kids moms for them to be alright, they're more than good and I'd be willing to bet will become more successful than most of their peers regardless of what arrangements they come from.  

Just honestly answer me this question, what's more of an IDEAL situation?...1 parent/split household or a household where both parents are equally present committed/married?...

Be honest fam, this shouldn't be debatable...
Just honestly answer me this question, what's more of an IDEAL situation?...1 parent/split household or a household where both parents are equally present committed/married?...

Be honest fam, this shouldn't be debatable...

neither is better because its not objective. Anything that's not objective is debatable I don't care what you say. This isn't a mathematical formula with one right answer. I'm not knocking any arrangement including them mormon dudes with sister wives. If you make it work you make it work
What are the cons to two parents building a loving home, fighting through the odds set against them and raising a child together?...

What are the cons of a man who got his kids and baby mom set for life with no real fighting odds?
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