What are you East Coast NTers going to do about the FOOT of snow dropping tomorrow?

Is that *gasp* the sun?
I'm in Silver Spring, Maryland and we've got around 2 feet of snow so far. We've been chilling in my apartment, watching flicks, playing spades and drinking games.
im in pittsburgh, came to my parents after i had to get pulled up a hill by a truck at like 930pm, the power was out it was my sisters birthday, so we just started drinking, woke up power still out, started drinking again. but now the powers on and im drunk and its only 430
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Silver Spring, MD
. Thank God my power and cable aren't out like a lot of my friends (knocks on wood)

there's my whip
Where you at? I'm in S.S. as well, off of Colesville Ave. and Georgia. 
Originally Posted by RottenPieces

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Silver Spring, MD
. Thank God my power and cable aren't out like a lot of my friends (knocks on wood)

there's my whip
Where you at? I'm in S.S. as well, off of Colesville Ave. and Georgia. 
I'm away from Downtown, closest to Georgia Ave and Layhill Road

Really not looking forward to shoveling this %!!@ tomorrow, I'll wait til the plow trucks do their thing
Loving that NY got close to nothing. My football game woulda been cancelled and i would have been very dissapointed.
i hate to say it but NYC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I left College Park, MD Friday afternoon to come home to Frederick, MD and it's pretty much the same situation in both areas.
I hope they cancel class Monday.
md got hit pretty hard... just walked to royal farms... and im outta greenery... its gonna be rough... oh well, we got capt. morgan and some beers.... should be ok... shoveling out tommrow...
lolol @ the palmeranian (sp) in the snow... i got one too... he wont even leave the porch to pee... lolol, my pitt dont mid the snow @ all... but the little dog cant even see over all of this...
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by RottenPieces

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Silver Spring, MD
. Thank God my power and cable aren't out like a lot of my friends (knocks on wood)

there's my whip
Where you at? I'm in S.S. as well, off of Colesville Ave. and Georgia. 
I'm away from Downtown, closest to Georgia Ave and Layhill Road

Really not looking forward to shoveling this %!!@ tomorrow, I'll wait til the plow trucks do their thing

I used to live off east-west hwy...the high rises behind the metro.
Originally Posted by The King Of Maryland

lolol @ the palmeranian (sp) in the snow... i got one too... he wont even leave the porch to pee... lolol, my pitt dont mid the snow @ all... but the little dog cant even see over all of this...
When I first opened the door this morning to let him out, He stared at the snow for about 5 seconds, then turned around like the hell with this lol. But I shoveled a trench for him to run around.
Originally Posted by dokdiamond

im in pittsburgh, came to my parents after i had to get pulled up a hill by a truck at like 930pm, the power was out it was my sisters birthday, so we just started drinking, woke up power still out, started drinking again. but now the powers on and im drunk and its only 430
What part of pittsburgh are you in?

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by dokdiamond

im in pittsburgh, came to my parents after i had to get pulled up a hill by a truck at like 930pm, the power was out it was my sisters birthday, so we just started drinking, woke up power still out, started drinking again. but now the powers on and im drunk and its only 430
What part of pittsburgh are you in?

yeah, i also wanna know, how much did you guys get down town? im like a half hour south of the city and i got 20 inches
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by dokdiamond

im in pittsburgh, came to my parents after i had to get pulled up a hill by a truck at like 930pm, the power was out it was my sisters birthday, so we just started drinking, woke up power still out, started drinking again. but now the powers on and im drunk and its only 430
What part of pittsburgh are you in?

yeah, i also wanna know, how much did you guys get down town? im like a half hour south of the city and i got 20 inches

Yeah my parents are in the monroeville area and they got pounded out there.
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