What are your Goals and Dreams, Lets see if we can help.

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

this movie and this quote changed my life about a year ago. It stuck with me please watch and listen

So to continue on my dreams and goals
Buy a Silverado(to do construction with)
Buy a Tahoe
Build my dream house
Buy a BMW 750li
Buy a S550 Benz
Settle down and start a family
All by the age of 35
When people's goals are to "buy ___," it's hard to take society seriously. I mean, what kind of "dream" is that? What's itgoing to prove/accomplish?
Be better than Drew Rosenhaus. Almost got the law degree, so the game is so close to beginning. Tough journey though but fortunately I finally have the eff itmentality. I refuse to die before my dream is accomplished.
raise my gpa and transfer from community college out here to a real undergrad school, preferably in california, then go on to law school. i ultimately want tobecome a defense attorney.
honestly, my goal is to get the hell out of my city and move to Cali, with a decent job waiting on me.

I took a bullet recently, and i'm still recovering from it, with the broken ribs, collapsed lung and all, and i just wanna live somewhere else.

I got too deep in the game, and got caught slippin by the wrong dudes. No love in the streets, thats why im out the streets.

I'm not on the run from anybody, but i been wanting to live in Cali, and there was a job posting in Irvine.

Imy goal is to get that job, and have enough cheese stacked up to move comfortably.

Even tho i got insurance, the medical bills still bust my head, and im recovering financially at the moment.

I lost nearly 3k in "assets", but i have my life, so im thankful for that, so my goal is to start over fresh, and do it right.

Football- I want to go back and play college ball again. Don't matter where. I just miss it so much. I took this past year off but this thread has inspiredme to get back at it and hopefully find a small school to play for next year. I'm 20 and just a sophmore in college. My goal is to start again..whereverI'm at.
School- my goal in school is to graduate by 2012 with a kinesiology degree. I'm at a cc right now after my 1st semester playing at a private naia school.
After I graduate...I will have bigger goals. Takin it one step at a time.
Thanks OP
My problem is that I don't really have an ultimate goal in mind. I just know that whatever I do, I must do well. I want to go into accounting so I'mdoing well in my classes and then looking to get into a good graduate school and then getting my CPA license.
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

My problem is that I don't really have an ultimate goal in mind. I just know that whatever I do, I must do well. I want to go into accounting so I'm doing well in my classes and then looking to get into a good graduate school and then getting my CPA license.

well whats important is that your progressing, thats what really matters.
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