What do you do for a living?

Gotta get all As and Bs in pre-reqs and school is competitive. The great thing about nursing is the versatility. There are a hundreds of fields, many of them not in the hospital. Home health, Dialysis, Clinical coordinator, outpatient facility, flight nurse, army/navy/air force RN, SWAT nurse, forensics nurse, the list goes on and on... I started doing home health, then did flu vaccines, then worked in operating room, then worked in the hospital, then found a field I really liked in dialysis. Starting in this area is 60k+

There's a lot of sacrifices that I make. I work on most holidays (people are sick on holidays too, somebodies got to take care of em). Christmas week I put in 76 hours that WEEK. 12h shifts, I've worked over 14 hours in a day. I work with really sick peoples' blood everyday. If one of my patients has AIDs and they get blood on my hangnail, guess what? I'm probably gonna contract AIDs.

My friend just got a job at Stanford after being a nurse for 2 years, 62$/hr, free medical, 9% 401k match after a year. Of course this is in Nor cal where it's all inflated, but still.

I hear you. I have a ton of friends in CT and NYC who are RN's, Practioners, MDs, and plastic surgeons and they all aren't entirely fond of the hours, the grime work, etc that comes with it. Regardless, they do it because they're absolutely passionate about the medical field and helping people.

Most folks I know in the medical field aren't in it for the check and if they were, they wouldn't last more than a year.

Can you imagine some of these NTers having to touch male eggplant or cleaning up butt mud on a daily basis for $90K? They'd lose it :lol:

Yeah please don't join the medical field if you don't have a passion for it, people's lives are in your hands. My sis did a stint as a nursing professor, got frustrated due to the amount of adults who didn't really care and just want the answers.

And good stuff Malta, once I finish this grind I see myself on a similar trajectory, Director of Tech with some nice investments. Way in the back for now though.
Another RN here.  Nurse Manager on a sub-acute cardiopulmonary rehab unit.  $82K+/year.  First job out of nursing school.

Honestly, it's not my ideal position.  I do a decent amount of hands-on skills, but the majority of my job is paperwork, education, and damage control. Never had a desire for a management position. However, I'm getting a lot of good experience to put on my resume.  Ultimately wanna end up in a critical care setting and eventually pursue an advanced degree.

I'm actually the opposite of most people.  I love the grime.  I love dealing with the gnarly **** (no pun intended 
).  I don't mind getting my hands dirty. I'd rather be on my feet running around all day than be stuck behind a desk with a stack of paperwork/going to meetings all the time.  It has its place, but its certainly not the type of nursing I want to be stuck doing forever.  
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Lol wonder if you did the underwriting for my disability or life insurance

Lol, no sir. I only do management liability. We write coverage for Board of Directors and Employment Practice liabitly. All commercial risk stuff - no personal lines.
WallStreetNKE....I just PM'd you back.

But with insurance, you can be an underwater for something as easy as auto to medical to property to even food, which is what I do. It's a stale business but there is always jobs available if you keep at it. It's not over stressful but man, it can be a bit demoralizing if you aren't ready for an office type job. I just talk to people whether on the phone or emails and it can a little pointless since all the money you are making goes back into the company. I just had my numbers run the other day since the new year started. I just got my new job and made $500k for them and I am only seeing a fraction of that as far as my salary goes. My manager made $9M for the company and I am sure she gets paid $300k or so. Anyways....nothing to complain about but it'd be nice to see all of that go into your bank account.
Currently unemployed due to medical conditions.
I earn money by hacking inactive social media usernames which I sell for money.
Income varies though I usually make at least $1000 a month. My best month was somewhere around the $2k range.
It helps keep me busy and earns me a sizeable amount of money to save and spend.
I intend to study computer science when I get a diagnosis for my conditions, without a diagnosis I can't apply for a customized education based on my medical limitations.

Can you hack an inactive ig name? Srs
I work as a Software Engineer at a relatively successful startup in NYC and make 65k and get a minuscule amount of equity. Trying to get a little more time in here before I dip cause I feel like I'm getting pretty underpaid and want to work on a more interesting product. I turned 24 today.
I work as a Software Engineer at a relatively successful startup in NYC and make 65k and get a minuscule amount of equity. Trying to get a little more time in here before I dip cause I feel like I'm getting pretty underpaid and want to work on a more interesting product. I turned 24 today.
happy birthday

hook me up with a job
If you don't mind me asking, what's the start up you work for? (You can also just pm me if you don't want to disclose in the open)

With the tech startup space increasing at an incredible rate in NYC, the most coveted and well leveraged positions are always on the engineering side and executive side.

Depending on your current experience, your startup's product and how well it's doing, you should EASILY be able to leverage That for an $80K base with a decent chunk of equity. You're still relatively young tho but it can't hurt to keep your head on a swivel and find a company with an amazing product to break into.
I'm a Surgical Intensive Care Unit RN in New York City.

I assess, monitor, medicate, draw blood, infuse blood, partake in procedures and care for perioperative (meaning pre-operation, during operation, and post operation) and critically unstable patients taken to my unit.

I just turned 26 about three weeks ago.

It's my very first job out of college.

I love it.

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Manager, Sales. Supply Chain solutions industry.
What company? I'm looking for internships in the Logistics/SCM field.
Not going to disclose cause it's a smaller company, but my advice would be to take advantage of your career fairs and any on-campus interviews. 

Look at transportation companies (JB Hunt, Cardinal, Werner, Swift, etc.), Transport Management Solutions companies (JDA, Manhattan), and any manufacturers and retailers. 
If you don't mind me asking, what's the start up you work for? (You can also just pm me if you don't want to disclose in the open)

With the tech startup space increasing at an incredible rate in NYC, the most coveted and well leveraged positions are always on the engineering side and executive side.

Depending on your current experience, your startup's product and how well it's doing, you should EASILY be able to leverage That for an $80K base with a decent chunk of equity. You're still relatively young tho but it can't hurt to keep your head on a swivel and find a company with an amazing product to break into.

Sounds like nyc is the move, but I'm good on the city. It's surprising how much of an old boys club technology is in the DC area.
Was active duty AirForcr Security Forces for 10yrs

Now I'm a processing clerk for the post office in Brooklyn. Only 30 mins from my job. Plus I get to retire at the age of 51.
Just gonna be smoking and watching Netflix after that.
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