What do YOU do with your booger? (pic)

Nov 26, 2007
nah no pic
So i so one of my co workers today just diggin in his nose, so it got me to wondering what was he gonna do with that? Was he gonna wash hishand or use some purell? Me i flick em i dont wash my hands but i use purell. So what do you do with yours?
First of all
Second, tissue.
Flicking it is just nasty. Don't even get me started on people who wipe on walls.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]he probably looked around, leaned back and looked around again, leaned forward/stoodup and looked around again, sunk down in his chair and ate it.[/color]
Modern scientific research suggests that mucophagy seems to be a natural and evenhealthy activity, which exposes the digestive system to bacteria accumulated in the mucus, thereby helping to strengthen the overall immunesystem.
lol at smoke it
but to add on i blow my nose like 50 times a day so i never have boogers i guess theres no time for them to build up
Originally Posted by heyowazzup

wait until someone walks by and give the innocent pat on the back.

oh man thats dirty......and purpleface always coming in threads with the bestcomments
nasty but in hs me and a couple guys would pick big ones and wipe them on the kids we didn't like by slapping their pads, cruel i know...
I like to put them places other people will touch them disgustingly, soooo...
I put them on door knobs...
Have fun checking all the door knobs you turn for the next few days fellas...

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