What do you do with your old shoes?

I'm just hooping in them . I play 2-3 times a week so I got a nice rotation from my days as a shoe junkie
the craziest thing i noticed is that i dont really have that many old shoes. Most of the shoes that i've stopped wearing all together have either onecracked and disintegrated or had my whole foot come out of them on the court. Other than those I just demote them slowly from random days, to gym shoes, tolawn shoes (cutting the grass in). I can't think of the last pair I threw out either, even my cracked ripped pairs have some residual sentimental value forme.
Goodwill or friends who want em. I've never just thrown a pair away cause there's always someone who needs a pair.
ROck em till the wheels fall off... then just throw them away or give them away if they are wearable still.
with shoes that i cant sell, i usually use them as beaters/work shoes. i give a couple pairs to my dad, cousins in the PI, co-workers, and donate them.

peep sig
Ima pack rat when it comes to shoes.
I still got the Carmelos .5 which i used to death, cleaned em.. And now i juss keep em for display along with a bunch of other stuff.

Never throw away shoes.
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