What have you learned so far in life?

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by NICKLE DIME BAY

You really cant trust anyone.

EVERYONE who you think is there for you will let you down someday.
Dunno how people live like this.

I do, and to add to that, be cordial with everyone you meet, but don't respect anyone until they prove themselves worthy of your respect.

A person's choice to take a "noble" career path is not an indicator of their character, and should not be used to judge that person.
Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by NICKLE DIME BAY

You really cant trust anyone.

EVERYONE who you think is there for you will let you down someday.
Dunno how people live like this.

I do, and to add to that, be cordial with everyone you meet, but don't respect anyone until they prove themselves worthy of your respect.

A person's choice to take a "noble" career path is not an indicator of their character, and should not be used to judge that person.
Still optimistic

Stay debt free and you can live "successfully" no matter how much money you make.
Still optimistic

Stay debt free and you can live "successfully" no matter how much money you make.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by youngj00

Sometimes your friends and family can hurt you more than your worst enemy ever could.

Life and time is extremely precious, so don’t waste it doing things that are unproductive.

There are just some people that you won’t get along with but that doesn’t mean you MUST hate them or be malicious towards them.

90% of guys these days act like women.

Be careful of the company you keep because who you are, is who you hang with.

Birds of a feather DO flock together.

Being financially responsible should be a huge priority in anyone’s life.

Love is overrated, but the work to keep love alive is SO underrated.

bold statement.

Bold, but true.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by youngj00

Sometimes your friends and family can hurt you more than your worst enemy ever could.

Life and time is extremely precious, so don’t waste it doing things that are unproductive.

There are just some people that you won’t get along with but that doesn’t mean you MUST hate them or be malicious towards them.

90% of guys these days act like women.

Be careful of the company you keep because who you are, is who you hang with.

Birds of a feather DO flock together.

Being financially responsible should be a huge priority in anyone’s life.

Love is overrated, but the work to keep love alive is SO underrated.

bold statement.

Bold, but true.
Everyone in the world is selfish, everyone in the world is a jerk, and everyone in the world is nice.
People generalize and stereotype, saying how a certain identity holds certain image, but in reality we all hold the same images because we are all just human beings.
People are generally all the same, every emotion and every action we show is just a facet of being human.
What separates us is our values, passions, and insecurities.

People only know what you tell them.

Life is ahead of us, not behind us.

You can't please everyone, so at the end of the day just please yourself, but at the same time do what is right.

If you're always angry, it is a sign that you don't know what your true happiness is and that you should hurry up and find it!

No such thing as Karma, and Karma is revenge.

Just because you do what is right, it doesn't mean it'll come back to you.

All emotions are temporary, which means that happiness won't last forever, but on the bright side, sadness is temporary too.
While happiness feels better than sadness, sadness tends to last longer, but in the end sadness helps you mature as a person.

The world's biggest flaw is perfection.
Not that we are perfect, but the idea that perfection is attainable.
Our society makes it seem like the quintessential life is possible, when it's not.
This creates many issues with our lives and in society, and while believing that perfection is impossible might seem disheartening, it should be rather encouraging because it shows that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has their foibles.
Also instead of hounding ourselves on our mistakes, we should learn from it and just move on.
And while someone might seem "perfect", they're not, everyone equally has their talents and flaws.

Everything in the world is arbitrary.
Everyone in the world is selfish, everyone in the world is a jerk, and everyone in the world is nice.
People generalize and stereotype, saying how a certain identity holds certain image, but in reality we all hold the same images because we are all just human beings.
People are generally all the same, every emotion and every action we show is just a facet of being human.
What separates us is our values, passions, and insecurities.

People only know what you tell them.

Life is ahead of us, not behind us.

You can't please everyone, so at the end of the day just please yourself, but at the same time do what is right.

If you're always angry, it is a sign that you don't know what your true happiness is and that you should hurry up and find it!

No such thing as Karma, and Karma is revenge.

Just because you do what is right, it doesn't mean it'll come back to you.

All emotions are temporary, which means that happiness won't last forever, but on the bright side, sadness is temporary too.
While happiness feels better than sadness, sadness tends to last longer, but in the end sadness helps you mature as a person.

The world's biggest flaw is perfection.
Not that we are perfect, but the idea that perfection is attainable.
Our society makes it seem like the quintessential life is possible, when it's not.
This creates many issues with our lives and in society, and while believing that perfection is impossible might seem disheartening, it should be rather encouraging because it shows that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has their foibles.
Also instead of hounding ourselves on our mistakes, we should learn from it and just move on.
And while someone might seem "perfect", they're not, everyone equally has their talents and flaws.

Everything in the world is arbitrary.
Hope for the best,prepare for the worst is something to live by.

Life is full of ups and downs sometimes more downs than ups.

Hard work pays off is not always true.

BAD things happen to good people.

"No matter what you go through in life, remember to keep your head up, stick your chest out and handle it." Was said by Tupac but imho it is something I really believe in because it is honest and true.
Hope for the best,prepare for the worst is something to live by.

Life is full of ups and downs sometimes more downs than ups.

Hard work pays off is not always true.

BAD things happen to good people.

"No matter what you go through in life, remember to keep your head up, stick your chest out and handle it." Was said by Tupac but imho it is something I really believe in because it is honest and true.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Hard work pays off when talent fails to work hard, Kevin Durant's favorite quote.

If I had to choose either, it's better to be average and hard working, than talented and lazy.
you can fix lazy...talent, you either have or you don't
sometimes you can't fix lazy.....the moral of the story is hard work gets you further than you think.

Being hardworking with average talent>>>>>being lazy without a work ethic.

Both would talent and hard work would be ideal. Hard work is what makes the great ones stand out.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Hard work pays off when talent fails to work hard, Kevin Durant's favorite quote.

If I had to choose either, it's better to be average and hard working, than talented and lazy.
you can fix lazy...talent, you either have or you don't
sometimes you can't fix lazy.....the moral of the story is hard work gets you further than you think.

Being hardworking with average talent>>>>>being lazy without a work ethic.

Both would talent and hard work would be ideal. Hard work is what makes the great ones stand out.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by jm2000


Through the teachings of people such as the people I listed above, I have learned how to intentionally create my life and experiences that come with it. I've learned that chronic synthetic thinking and visualization can intentionally change your physical life and experience. 
Its quite the phenomenon when you get the gist of exactly what the concept of LOA (law of attraction) is about but once you do, the results are phenomonal. Through intentional chronic conscious thought that will eventually seem into your subconscious, you can change the life around you.

I know a lot of people frown upon LOA, but from personal experience, it has changed my life.

So... basically hypnotize yourself into believing something is true when its not?
Touche'. Like I said, from personal experience, for MY life and for many others, the concept of the law of attraction has changed my life for the better x 10.
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