What Is Jail Like?

I spent a 3 weeks in this place before being transfered to my parent institution a few of you might have seen it on MSNBC, tha stadium aka roundhouse, F-House, ect. Loud +$# hell all the time couldnt sleep, alot of homosexuals, crazy people, food wasnt that bad unless tha joint was on lockdown, 1 shower a week, 1 yard a week, a real $!%#+! place. I was happy +$# hell when I left...

then I was here for like 4 months it was sweet(pause). Clean +$# dorms, shower when ever you want, 3 yards a day, real weights on tha yard, hell they even had HBO and Cinemax that showed porn faithfully late nights Thursday thru Saturday. Real comfortable, felt more like a rehab than prison.......

Well after a while I got kicked out of there for something I had no control of then they sent me to Lawrenceville
23 and 1(if you get tha 1)
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[/td][/tr][/table] total of 18months and it was bogus joe, Ive been scared +$# hell to do anything since I got out, been in tha crib for like 2months already

and every N listens to Jadakiss
A few people in here don't know what they are talking about but you really never know until you go there... Ive been to jail a few times

I was in county... basically wake up, chill all day, tv here and there, rec, lunch, dinner then sleep everyday

Nobody will mess with you if you dont mess with them... a lot of cool people in there... but not to many people do any real crazy stuff cuz they know they will be going home sometime..

Life in there is just crazy boring... really makes you appreciate all the little stuff that you have at home.. ex. bed, tv, sleep
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Jail or prison? I like to watch those prison shows on msnbc and I don't know how these people can not feel like losers
I refuse to ever go to jail or prison.

you can go alot easier than you think.
it sucks. 16 months gone from my life.
Texas Department of Corrections. TDC
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Inmates report being raped by guards significantly more than other inmates.
source is needed imediately


Based on a 2007survey of tens of thousands of incarcerated people, 4.5 percent ofthose surveyed reported being sexually abused in the previous 12 months— and more prisoners claimed abuse by staff than by other inmates.
County is cold.

Q-tip in the !+*% hole isn't fun.

You better know what phone you can use before you try and use it.

Neutron = in for a long stay, even if you're not.
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Prison, is way better than jail. More freedom


I remember the first time I went in to the county jail here in Dallas, these 2 white dudes tried to punk me out for my sandwich. My fellow hispanic's had my back.
You, my friend, would be the belle of da ball........ gruel. sandwiches. gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus you can eat your own hair. The worst thing about prison was the Dementors. They were flying all over the place, and they were scary. And they'd come down, and they'd suck the soul outta your body....and it hurts.
only been there twice )tgk in miami) and the felony box was a bunch of str8 ()'s the food sucks and even if ur there 10 minutes or 5 years u still get the same "wow this aint me" feeling
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Inmates report being raped by guards significantly more than other inmates.
source is needed imediately


Based on a 2007survey of tens of thousands of incarcerated people, 4.5 percent ofthose surveyed reported being sexually abused in the previous 12 months— and more prisoners claimed abuse by staff than by other inmates.

They didn't say sexual abuse though..just abuse.
Originally Posted by jordan231025

I went to jail for being drunk in public. Was in there for like 10 hours. Wasn't too bad until this twacked out Charles Manson looking fiend came in still jacked up on horse tranquilizers or something. He was arrested for domestic violence. His ear was still bleeding and stuff. He just came in and laid down and slept like it was nothing
. I ended up just talking to this other cat who got a DUI. They ended up moving me into another cell with tons of phones so I spent the rest of my night calling all my friends so they could bail me out.

Edit-Yeah I had to take off my belt, shoes and socks while in there. I think it was because there was blood all over the shoes and socks though...

Originally Posted by jordan231025

The anxiety kills you. You're in a constant battle with yourself the entire time.

we have the same exact identical jail expierence!
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