What is your hangover remedy?

I heard eating something spicy helps. Take this with a grain of salt, I don't drink so I can't really give you first hand experience.
Drink water while your drinking the night before and you'll have 0 headaches the next day. I usually try and have at least 2 waters throughout the night.

As far as the pukey feeling, I wish I found a cure for that
Usually either ginger ale or gatorade helps.
I don't understand the logic behind taking ANY type of pill before or after consuming alcohol, it is horrible for your body. Just drink water & eat,you'll feel better in a few hours. Quit begin a female.
#1 from McDonanlds w/ a 6pc nugget and a coke. I usually don't get hangovers, for me its more I still feel drunk so that kind of sobers me up.
I drink 3 bottles of water before I go to bed. Its a routine for me now. I never forget to drink my water when I'm drunk.
Shot o henny to settle my stomach, then take a shower at BURRR temp. Then face two bottle of le Gatorade. Always works for me when I can't dip my body inthe candle wax pool frm Wanted
Originally Posted by filly413

Shot o henny to settle my stomach, then take a shower at BURRR temp. Then face two bottle of le Gatorade. Always works for me when I can't dip my body in the candle wax pool frm Wanted

yeah that would be good to have

I don't get how you can drink alcohol when hung over, the thought makes me gag but I might try it
I was in need of a good hangover remedy yesterday! I just try to drink as much water as possible the night before, and take some Advil when I get up in themorning. Gatorade also helps...
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