What is your view on money?

You can make money without the money making/defining you. Cash might be KING, but that doesn't mean you have to be a slave to the paper.
This idea of money with its correlation to people's happiness is some s**t I've never seemed to grasp...

Me personally, I've seen the lows... From being broke, those financial struggles, being grown and scrounging up cash just to buy something to eat...

I've also been blessed to have a nice job now... Granted, I'm not millionaire or 6-digit status, but I'm completely opposite of what I've mentioned above...

Having said that, I've come to this personal realization that money is just paper... its a number... just some quantitative entity that our society has given so much power to...

Money =/= happiness... Money = relief...

I havent really been the type to chase around money or to achieve a high dollar amount... I've learned how to be comfortable and how to manage with what I do have...

If it comes to a point where I don't have it, so be it... And to be honest, s**t seem a lot more fun when I was broke anyway... (socially at least)
it's good to have, I'm not saying it isn't and it's necessary, but it shouldn't be about the money. The wealthiest look beyond money and pursue other goals, the money follows along. I've always tried to believe, that doing what you love, will lead to you becoming good at it, leading to income from it. And until you've become good at it, no, not good, but acknowledged for it you just have to make certain compromises.

Artists mostly lived in poverty and worked part time jobs, to have an income to pursue their career. Working 12 hours at a firm, may be bad at the beginning, but if there's hope and space to move forward, then it's an opportunity to move forward and the most important is not to let it become a permanent state. I think this is the flaw many have, they settle for the smaller, which is sure, but terrible instead of "pursuing their dreams", thus they live the lives you described.

On contrary the wealthy did work hard and made many compromises, but I suppose after putting in the effort one does have the opportunity to move to the top floor and buy the Bentley if that's a goal.
I always enjoyed that scene. I tend to agree with OP, we are all slaves to currency and the evils it brings.
With the exception of J's, I'm not a materialistic person. I don't wear jewlery, don't do drugs(anymore), haven't worn a watch since beepers came out, and my whip is 12 years old. (excellent condition tho) I could afford to indulge in those things but don't because I don't get any joy out of them really. I do like like to break out a pair new J's now and again with a white v-neck t or wife beater.  I own my own crib and put most of my expendable cash into that and travel. I make a comfortable living and got a chill *** job. I'm like Tommy from Martin as most of my friends don't really know what I do. But you can bet without money you can't make any moves, it's sad, but the truth. Before I had kids I shunned holidays and most commercialism but didn't want them to miss that part of childhood as I had it. When I see stories like Bernie Madoff, it's almost as crazy as the dude who shot up TDKR. What kind of mf'er cons people out of their life savings for his own personal gain. Madofff killed people with his actions too.
Money is made to control people. If you don't value money as much as most people do, nobody can't control you. It's all a game we play and most people take it too seriously.
having money is great...the love of money is where you go wrong.

The fact of the matter is that we need money to do 98% of the things we want in life. Therefore we will always have the desire to acquire as much of it as we need, but in most cases we become greedy and it leads to our downfall. Being money greedy destroys your morals since many times you must trample over others in order to increase your funds. When a person realizes that they do not need to have the Ferrari or Lamborghini they want oh so badly, their happiness level increases and they become content with the common sedan and decent living quarters. Media and society have placed such an enormous emphasis on wealth that we have been brainwashed into believing we aren't "making it" if we don't make at least 6 figures.
to me, money = opportunity .. need money to help me get to a point where i don't need money
so if i am the type of person who enjoys spending money, buying new clothes, driving newest whips, and eating out almost everyday = materialistic guy? i can't be labeled as enjoying what i earned type guy?
so if i am the type of person who enjoys spending money, buying new clothes, driving newest whips, and eating out almost everyday = materialistic guy? i can't be labeled as enjoying what i earned type guy?

I would label anyone like this a dunce.
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Because at the end of the day, money is a tool.

A tool that you should be using to make even more money.

Once you reach a point where your money is working for you, then you can do whatever the **** you want.

If I were to eat out every night, that's probably 1k on just tipping, per month.

That really sounds like a smart financial decision to you guys?

I'm not even going to get into buying a new car because I'm pretty sure everybody knows that its a silly thing to do.

I only have 1 rule, word to Batman.

I never purchase anything unless I can buy it outright in cash, financing is for suckers.

My outlook on money is different than most peoples, though.

It seems like most people don't mind being in debt.

As long as they have a decent car and clothes to impress people that they don't even know, then they're content.
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I hate money.

Money makes people act funny.

I make enough.. but in this cruel world enough is never enough.. and you can never make too much
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

so if i am the type of person who enjoys spending money, buying new clothes, driving newest whips, and eating out almost everyday = materialistic guy? i can't be labeled as enjoying what i earned type guy?

I'm the same way and that is why I began thinking the way I'm thinking now. All my enjoyment is dependent on having bread. When I'm broke, I'm miserable... This cant be life.

Lately I've just been having a mindset similar to what SquatchNT said. I'm really considering just stacking up heavy and just ending all my credit obligations and just paying for rent and a cell phone. Trying to get out of this life that is dependent on my money. The sad part is living a life that isn't so money driven I can imagine won't be to exciting. I've listened to far to much Rozay etc and I get enjoyment out of BMF :smokin....
But for past 3 weeks I've really been on some low key, careless attitude towards money and I've felt alot happier. I mean I still get up and go to work and pay my bills but I'm not putting so much thought in money and just enjoying things for what they are and not striving to get a trillion dollars cause when I reach that THEN WHAT?

Money is something that will not go away, its needed, so I figure play by the rules of the world but don't get so caught up in the game. As long as im steady saving and I can eat, I could careless about the rest..

Money is made to control people. If you don't value money as much as most people do, nobody can't control you. It's all a game we play and most people take it too seriously.

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girls prefer money over love

i know one thing though

happiness > money
Money ain't about materialistim. It's about 'quality' of life. Money will allow you better health care, health services. It allows you to eat better, and to live life better. It'll allow you to have electricity, and a/c during summers.

If you are fine eatting Crap Food at Fast Foods, then so be it, but there are other there that would enjoy prime rib, or a seafood buffett.

If you earn it, of course you can spend it.
Money ain't about materialistim. It's about 'quality' of life. Money will allow you better health care, health services. It allows you to eat better, and to live life better. It'll allow you to have electricity, and a/c during summers.
If you are fine eatting Crap Food at Fast Foods, then so be it, but there are other there that would enjoy prime rib, or a seafood buffett.
If you earn it, of course you can spend it.

I feel that is part of the slavery though. I have to work extra hard, non stop... just so I can have a quality meal, a decent home a comfortable life for my family.

Or if I say **** it, and just make ends meet then I eat ramon noodles and drink Arizonas all day and die of obiesty. If you want that good food you have to be a slave... :smh:
And people who say "Let money work for you" I still don't get it... Your still a slave. Your constantly checking stocks and your money is dependent on the stock market. There is no escape B.
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