What is your view on money?

you gotta work for what you want nothing is free
dont like it set a lower standard of living for yourself or make more money
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So before you only had to do minimal work to JUST SURVIVE
Now you are complaining because just surviving isn't enough for you.... but you don't want to work continuously....?
You argument is flawed

Your right, what I want isn't realistic.... :rolleyes
It is what it is. At the end of the day, I'm not going to stop working hard as long as I'm on this earth.
Money was never supposed to buy happiness. It was supposed to buy freedom. 
I feel you OP...
This idea of money with its correlation to people's happiness is some s**t I've never seemed to grasp...
Me personally, I've seen the lows... From being broke, those financial struggles, being grown and scrounging up cash just to buy something to eat...
I've also been blessed to have a nice job now... Granted, I'm not millionaire or 6-digit status, but I'm completely opposite of what I've mentioned above...
Having said that, I've come to this personal realization that money is just paper... its a number... just some quantitative entity that our society has given so much power to...
Money =/= happiness... Money = relief...
I havent really been the type to chase around money or to achieve a high dollar amount... I've learned how to be comfortable and how to manage with what I do have...
If it comes to a point where I don't have it, so be it... And to be honest, s**t seem a lot more fun when I was broke anyway... (socially at least)
"Truth be told I had more fun when I was piss poor"

Originally Posted by Dipsetallday05  

All people are slaves for money, unless you don't care for money at all and your living in Alaska.
Aaayyyyeeee, that's where I live man 
Your right, what I want isn't realistic.... :rolleyes
It is what it is. At the end of the day, I'm not going to stop working hard as long as I'm on this earth.

I was presenting you with the flaw your ARGUMENT...ie. wanting to be a soldier is realistic... wanting to be a soldier without waking up early in the morning is not....
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