What physical activities are you into?

Apr 7, 2008
I'm 25, and the only physical activity I really do is running, and a little weight training here and there and simple calisthenics. It seems like the older I get, the less time I have for doing recreational activities, but I need something more... I need to start biking or something, but I want something more exciting than that. I really want to learn to dance, and I should.

What do you do?
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I bike, ride/average about 150 miles per week. Working on 1,000 miles for the month of August, 586 to go. Also do light weight lifting, nothing crazy, a lot of body weight related lifting. I run as well but not often as i ride, i eventually wanna get into triathlons.
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Tennis is always fun with friends.
Swimming is also something I like to do when I get the chance.
It takes a lot of energy and you burn off more than you think.
Boxing/Kickboxing, weight lifting, running, basketball and the sexing. I want to go on more hikes!!!!
Soccer and gym.

Tough to "get big" with all the long distance running I have to do stay in soccer shape.

But i feel you op i want another outdoor hobby. (just bought a motorcycle which doesn't really count but its an outdoor hobby). I wanted to get into kayaking. Just wake up early on weekend and head out solo and just kayak around. My mom road bikes too and always wanted me to get into that too but i never could idk why.
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