What Really Goes Down in the Olympic Village a.k.a. the "Kobe Just Doesn't Care" Thread

Surprised no pics of Russy Westbrook wildin' haven't surfaced yet. I thought he'd be the one acting crazy.
It was obviously the groupies who took the pic, that's why their faces are blurred.

Yep. Kobe being Kobe.

To the guys that said his wife is overrated. Are you doing bath salts?


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Being with the same woman for 18 years gets old after a while. And she's had some work done.

There is a difference between love and liking someone. He was cheating on her probably... instantly anyway.

They have kids. You don't **** that up. Children don't forget stuff like that.

If they get divorced (I HOPE THEY DON'T AND LAST FOREVER BEFORE I'M CALLED A HATER) and he has to give her half, some if not most will bash her because of his actions. :lol:

"She never dunked on anyone."

"She never hit a game winning shot"

"She never scored 81 points"

Y'all did the same thing I think it was just last year when they were on the brink. Some of those dudes in that thread probably wanted to throw hands with her.
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sometimes i forget that kobe has been with vanessa for that long. shoulda listened to his parents and not rush in.
sometimes i forget that kobe has been with vanessa for that long. shoulda listened to his parents and not rush in.

Honestly, what would that have done for Kobe? Yeah he would have had more freedom to go crazy. But then with that you potentially sacrifice the wife and little girls.

Kobe was going to do Kobe regardless. Just like MJ. Dudes just never grew up and accepted they can't do whatever they want.
Honestly, what would that have done for Kobe? Yeah he would have had more freedom to go crazy. But then with that you potentially sacrifice the wife and little girls.
Kobe was going to do Kobe regardless. Just like MJ. Dudes just never grew up and accepted they can't do whatever they want.
Could've found a better mate than a jailbait high school dropout video ho on a Nate Dogg/Warren G video set, for one. He could've married Brandi.
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Could've found a better mate than a jailbait high school dropout video ho on a Nate Dogg/Warren G video set, for one. He could've married Brandi.

OUCH! :lol: With that though, it wasn't much that could be done on his parents end. They weren't stopping him. The best they could of done was accept and teach.

I'd rather not see how much more annoying Ray J would be.
All these leaked pics are too funny. Kobe needs to tell these ******* to turn their phones off though.
There is a difference between love and liking someone. He was cheating on her probably... instantly anyway.
They have kids. You don't **** that up. Children don't forget stuff like that.
If they get divorced (I HOPE THEY DON'T AND LAST FOREVER BEFORE I'M CALLED A HATER) and he has to give her half, some if not most will bash her because of his actions. :lol:
"She never dunked on anyone."
"She never hit a game winning shot"
"She never scored 81 points"
Y'all did the same thing I think it was just last year when they were on the brink. Some of those dudes in that thread probably wanted to throw hands with her.

RKO speaking the truth.

These Stan type dudes who adore kobe lol.

hating on her, wishing they were the ones married to the mamba.

on da PS we should be together too tip
My only problem with Vanessa is how stupid she is.

You don't publicly serve a man (or woman/vice versa) divorce papers and move out in some massive PR nightmare to only go back to him. 

At that point, she made her self a willing victim. 
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i thought the kobe pics was just for the lulz but some of you guys are acting like ya'll know for certain he's cheating.
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Could've found a better mate than a jailbait high school dropout video ho on a Nate Dogg/Warren G video set, for one. He could've married Brandi.
Find a better mate like who? Even if he find the perfect wife it still not going to last lol YOu do know guy like Kobe got model type jump off throwing panties at him basically on every road game right?

When you're that famous it's really hard to stay faithful
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