What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

yeah, instead of posting that embarassing ratio, continue calling me a troll.

Button Glitches- I used button glitches, but they were fair. I acknowledge that they added a new degree of difficulty to the game but the more you played team hardcore and the higher you got, the standard skills like aim, map control, and positioning, took a backseat to button glitches.
sounds like the greatest first person shooter of all times.

You need more hand / eye coordination in halo. The way the *+@*** jump in halo, you have to be fast.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yeah, instead of posting that embarassing ratio, continue calling me a troll.

Button Glitches- I used button glitches, but they were fair. I acknowledge that they added a new degree of difficulty to the game but the more you played team hardcore and the higher you got, the standard skills like aim, map control, and positioning, took a backseat to button glitches.
sounds like the greatest first person shooter of all times.


Whoops that was supposed to say unfair.
If it matters I have a 2.4 in MW3, been top 1% Onyx in Reach 3 times, and had 8 different MM 50s in H3, cant remember what my highest in H2 was but it sucked.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Neither play street fighter
now that takes skill

yup, +1.

the dexterity, timing, strategy & reactionary/motor skills required to excel at street fighter makes cod look like child's play.  the learning curve for cod isn't steep at all, you can be good at it after playing 3 weeks straight.  while if u wanna master sf & be the best player out there it'll take multiple years.  execution on sf is waaaaaayyy harder to master than cod.
This, i have a couple friends that play street fighter competitively and that $+%+ is no joke. These dudes custom make their own fight sticks and everything. I've played them in the past just for the hell of it and was amazed at how fast i was beaten. I didn't even get a single hit in. Then again i'm probably the worst Street Fighter player out there
the first part was to frosty

the mere fact that there were button glitches that you had to conform to says more about halo 2 than i ever could.

like i said, sounds like an AMAZING game.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yeah, instead of posting that embarassing ratio, continue calling me a troll.

Button Glitches- I used button glitches, but they were fair. I acknowledge that they added a new degree of difficulty to the game but the more you played team hardcore and the higher you got, the standard skills like aim, map control, and positioning, took a backseat to button glitches.
sounds like the greatest first person shooter of all times.


stopped playing COD competitively after COD4.
that's like me asking you for your K/D ratio in Halo 3.
Really though, I didn't even think this was a discussion. Halo by far.

- someone already said it but power weapons, weapon respawns and board control facilitates player movements. You can't just camp behind claymores and snipe. You had to run around and snipe, then keep moving.

-the fact that you had do bring down a shield with MULTIPLE SHOTS to the head (not just one like in COD) and keep crosshairs on your opponent over time naturally makes halo a game where more skill is involved. getting shot first from behind does not always mean that you're going to die. If your BR or DMR SKILL is better than your opponent's you will always come out on top. This is not even a factor in COD.

-teams of 4 means you have to pull more weight and can't rely on the ace on your team to win you matches. Each player has more responsibility and plays a bigger role in controlling the board and the weapons.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Curb gotta be trolling. Same game type is not the same game. And you said halo 2 sucked lmfaoo it is undisputed pound for pound one of the best multiPlayer games ever. Cod is ridiculously easy, you can close your eyes and spray at an opponent and due to bullet damage you can easily get a random kill. Halos shield mechanics does not allow this. Its not 1 lucky shot its 5 consecutive well placed shots meaning if you choke, the better consistent player will catch up in that race to 5 and drop you.


whatever you say, b.

if anything, due to the shields, halo has a bigger "hit radius" than COD games

granted, 3 has terrible hit detection, but 2 was flawless.

@ you saying the same thing about COD i said about halo, but it only being true about halo.

they had a gun that auto locked on the bullets

shut up.


as far as weapon placement to discourage camaping....i mean, you want guns to pop up in COD games that you have to race for?


sounds quite trash to me...sounds like that terrible game halo 2


besides, in halo 1 people camped weapons all the time...LMAO camp the invisible shield all the time....

i was playing halo 1 when you dudes were in 5th grade


"undisputed" means that i wouldnt be in here calling the game trash, genius

if you could close your eyes and spray on COD and get a kill then WHY ARE ALL OF YOU GUYS' K/D RATIOS UNDER 1.00?

IF ITS SO EASY WHY ARE YOUR RATIOS .45 and "dont matter" ???????????


Originally Posted by gregbutler20

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

so why cant you play hardcore search and destroy, again? its literally the exact same game with better graphics and more complex maps....literally the exact same game.
Not even the same. COD is like the nba jam of shooters. While at times it's fun, it just doesn't have the same feel, it doesn't feel......sim like. S and D is just call of duty with the mechanics that made it unique turned off. Not to mention, there is little communication at all on COD games, tons of kids talking about everything under the sun, but where the last guy may be hiding. Unless you have a clan, most people play S & D solo like all the other modes. I'm not attacking the game, I played COD 4 and MW2, own black ops and MW3 as well as battlfield 3. However, these space/arcade shooters today just don't feel as intimate as the early PS2 and PC shooters. I met dudes on those games some 9+ years ago that I still play with today. Since PS3, I've met 2 people that I play with on a regular. Everyone else on my friends list are people that I'm friends with, know from work, etc. Dudes on COD are often those teenage, let me play drake over the open mike type dudes.

Again, COD is fun, but not the same experience as earlier shooters.

so COD sucks because you play online with children? because you havent made very many friends?


valid criticism of the game.



...but all this is your opinion though... some of it is actually circular logic. (halo is bad because weapon respawns sucks, weapon respawns suck because halo is bad.)
Why come into a casual gaming topic and force your opinion onto others like it's the only valid one, and then talk down to us like you haven't put the most work into this thread. 

This isn't a religion thread b, cool it. 
Cod is about who shoots first and has the better connection so a k/d wont necessarily reflect how easy it is to acquire kills. The game is random
Go on youtube and you can find thousand of game winning random knife thrown in the air kill cam, or
Other jank stuff. To kill someone in halo takes a lot longer, first you drop their shield, then you kill them. How can you even debate which requires more consistency for a kill. Putting up numbers at your college doesnt mean much, neither does being invited to play
Competitively for the simple fact i could grab 3 nt members and enter a tourney. But if you are playing competitively youd be wasting 20+ on entrance fees, with others who feel they are capable that prize. This reminds me
Of before i played super smash bros melee competiively, everyone thinks they are amazing amongst their friends but when you step out of that circle to tournaments, you can find players skilled beyond your imagination.

Tldr; if you play scrubs your not the best, your the best of the scrubs
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Of before i played super smash bros melee competiively, everyone thinks they are amazing amongst their friends but when you step out of that circle to tournaments, you can find players skilled beyond your imagination.

Tldr; if you play scrubs your not the best, your the best of the scrubs
My friend found this out this year at EVO. 
His gouken is solid but it's a whole new ball game once you make that jump from casual to pro. There's zero margin for error at that level.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

...but all this is your opinion though... some of it is actually circular logic. (halo is bad because weapon respawns sucks, weapon respawns suck because halo is bad.)
Why come into a casual gaming topic and force your opinion onto others like it's the only valid one, and then talk down to us like you haven't put the most work into this thread. 

This isn't a religion thread b, cool it. 

   its all opinion. nice realization there, braniac.

circular logic?


that on your terms to study list, b?

a.) never said halo was bad because of weapon respawns

b.) never said weapon respawns are bad because halo is bad, either

since you are learning the definition of circular logic, would you like to also tell me what kinda fallacies you are committing in your response back to me?

no? oh, didnt think so


Why come into a casual gaming topic

wait, so i cant speak in this topic because im a casual gamer, then, now, i cant speak in this casual gaming topic because im not a casual gamer with a casual opinion?


now which fallacy is this one?

and force your opinion onto others like it's the only valid one, and then talk down to us like you haven't put the most work into this thread. 

yes, im forcing my opinion on you all


by making statements.....and responding to new questions/comments.....yes......forcing my opinion on you

the talking down comes naturally....when you say things like "dude its not the same as counterstrike, this 300 year old FPS that looks like die hard arcade and has absolutely zero customization is better than mw3....because i am trash at mw3"

its really not that hard to come off as condesending

when people say things like "youre just a casual gamer" as an insult....yes, you will be called a nerd.....

only a nerd would highlight that like im contradicting myself.

again, the main points ive made are yet to be addressed

a.) how is COD easy, simple and accessable when you all suck at it?

b.) how is counter strike NOT ONLY the same as hardcore s & d but BETTER? LMAO  BESIDES the fact that you havent made as many friends online as you typically do?

c.) im speaking on halo 1 and the game was prolly the easiest game ive ever gotten really good at. i told 3 anicdotes to give you a sense of my skill in the game. i wasnt trash by far...and the game was 1000000000 times more simple and easy than ANY COD game..halo 2 was halo 1 with cheese added......just because it was the first console multiplayer FPS doesnt mean everything about the game is amazing and has yet to be surpassed....cause its 2012.....IMO halo 1 on a LAN was MUCH better than halo 2 online...period. it was more fun.

again, this is ALL opinion

(i love when i get into an argument with an NTer and he feels the need to point out its my opinion...as if my opinion isnt being argued against other opinions LMAO...nice observation, scientist.)

unlike many others in this thread tho, im not biased against anything

i dont like halo 2 cause i didnt like the game...

not because a magazine said so

not because "the community" says so

because i played it and didnt have fun.

am i going to say "its super easy and simple and its only popular cause children who arent good play"?


im simply going to say "it wasnt fun"

dudes are addressing everything BUT the game

"modern warfare isnt fun because the leveling system is stupid"


"halo had weapons spawn out of thin air in set locations that you had to fight over....COD doesnt, therefore it encourages camping...because you start off with a weapon you chose...like real life...and pick up dropped weapons...like real life...give me weapon respawns out of thin air!"


"in halo you had to learn how to button glitch, it added another layer of difficulty and skill"


"i dont like COD because i didnt make any friends, only 3....in counter strike in 2001 i made like 20 friends"


the only one that even addresses the game is the weapon spawn points, which would make COD unrealistic for me (i know, that sounds real funny....but im saying...fighting for spawn points is a halo thing...let halo keep that.)

all the other complaints are just that...complaints....that have nothing to do with the game

hence why i say you are all BIASED in an attempt to be DIFFERENT

like USUAL


"everyone loves COD? not me, im special. im a "real" videogamer...not some "casual" gamer who camps with a claymore....waaaaaaaah"


meanwhile, i check your ratio in the "simple and easy" mw2 or 3 and its .45


i think i would hate the game too
This isn't about what you like though, it's about what takes more skill, like the title says.

I've posted my reasons and arguments. I'd like to hear yours sometime.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Cod is about who shoots first and has the better connection so a k/d wont necessarily reflect how easy it is to acquire kills. The game is random
yes, the game is random. so random people who are good at it have high KDs and people who are trash at it randomly have trash KDs...same with win/loss ratios...all of them are completely random.


this isnt a bias? the game is random? LMAO

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yeah, instead of posting that embarassing ratio, continue calling me a troll.

Button Glitches- I used button glitches, but they were fair. I acknowledge that they added a new degree of difficulty to the game but the more you played team hardcore and the higher you got, the standard skills like aim, map control, and positioning, took a backseat to button glitches.
sounds like the greatest first person shooter of all times.

stopped playing COD competitively after COD4.
that's like me asking you for your K/D ratio in Halo 3.


. To kill someone in halo takes a lot longer, first you drop their shield, then you
more shots equal skill. because youre a futuristic space marine with a shield, its automatically more skilled....two life bars, not just one...more skill...you can get shot 30 times before you die, of course it takes more skill to stay alive......


(i play hardcore, if you get shot in the ankle you die...that sounds a little more skill-testing than having a shield and rushing to "power weapons"...oddly enough ive played the game you describe....its not very sweet. i want to shoot someone once in the neck with a shotgun, not 17 times in the shield...)

 Putting up numbers at your college doesnt mean much, neither does being invited to play
Competitively for the simple fact i could grab 3 nt members and enter a
putting up numbers at YOUR college didnt matter, mine was the biggest undergrad university in the country tho

i mean, if thats not a decent talent pool, i dont know what is.

i got invited to play professionally, but again, i will repeat for you, since you cant read, I DONT THINK I AM GOOD ENOUGH

as far as grabbing 3 NTers and entering a torney, maybe youre confused about what i meant by invited.

i was offered an interview for a salaried position on a team.......that is sponsored by a video game studio......not "grab some friends and enter"


ill be a casual gamer if you admit to be a casual thinker.

you can find players skilled beyond your imagination.
son, youre typing things i learned at 7 years old in professional LEGO competitions


everyone on NT thinks they have some amazing comment to make




and you ask why im condesending?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

as far as weapon placement to discourage camaping....i mean, you want guns to pop up in COD games that you have to race for?


sounds quite trash to me...sounds like that terrible game halo 2


besides, in halo 1 people camped weapons all the time...LMAO camp the invisible shield all the time....

and yeah.....
like I said. 

"weapon placement sucks, because halo 2 sucks. Halo 2 sucks because weapon placement sucks"
I'm a halo man. Since the debut of the first halo. I came into this thread ready to say cod. I get smacked around every time I play that. Y'all definitely brought a lotta points that makes halo a verry different fps.
Halo 2 revolutionized online play. No one can ever doubt that. Its the best halo to date.
It requires more skill, cod requires more knowledge of maps etc.

Halo killed me with the damn extra nonsense they added. I was unstoppable in halo 2 but now I've lost my edge anyway. I don't play as much as I ever did
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Cod is about who shoots first and has the better connection so a k/d wont necessarily reflect how easy it is to acquire kills. The game is random
yes, the game is random. so random people who are good at it have high KDs and people who are trash at it randomly have trash KDs...same with win/loss ratios...all of them are completely random.


this isnt a bias? the game is random? LMAO

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yeah, instead of posting that embarassing ratio, continue calling me a troll.

sounds like the greatest first person shooter of all times.

stopped playing COD competitively after COD4.
that's like me asking you for your K/D ratio in Halo 3.


. To kill someone in halo takes a lot longer, first you drop their shield, then you
more shots equal skill. because youre a futuristic space marine with a shield, its automatically more skilled....two life bars, not just one...more skill...you can get shot 30 times before you die, of course it takes more skill to stay alive......


(i play hardcore, if you get shot in the ankle you die...that sounds a little more skill-testing than having a shield and rushing to "power weapons"...oddly enough ive played the game you describe....its not very sweet. i want to shoot someone once in the neck with a shotgun, not 17 times in the shield...)

 Putting up numbers at your college doesnt mean much, neither does being invited to play
Competitively for the simple fact i could grab 3 nt members and enter a
putting up numbers at YOUR college didnt matter, mine was the biggest undergrad university in the country tho

i mean, if thats not a decent talent pool, i dont know what is.

i got invited to play professionally, but again, i will repeat for you, since you cant read, I DONT THINK I AM GOOD ENOUGH

as far as grabbing 3 NTers and entering a torney, maybe youre confused about what i meant by invited.

i was offered an interview for a salaried position on a team.......that is sponsored by a video game studio......not "grab some friends and enter"


ill be a casual gamer if you admit to be a casual thinker.

you can find players skilled beyond your imagination.
son, youre typing things i learned at 7 years old in professional LEGO competitions


everyone on NT thinks they have some amazing comment to make




and you ask why im condesending?

There you go again. What does being "lifelike" or not have anything to do with how much skill it takes to play a game. Yes there are shields, and there is more than one way to take them down. OHK have to be earned through stickies or sniper headshots. (not even a body shot will get you  a ohk with a sniper). oh but it's not lifelike therefore there's no skill involved right? get real. 
If you think it takes less skill to bring a shield down by maintaining your crosshairs on a moving target over time then I don't know what to tell you. You simply aren't arguing with any logic.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

This isn't about what you like though, it's about what takes more skill, like the title says.

I've posted my reasons and arguments. I'd like to hear yours sometime.
who said its about "what i like"?


IN YOUR OPINION, which takes more skill....IN YOUR OPINION

which, for those who can read and comprehend english, i posted my OPINION on the matter in my FIRST POST IN THE THREAD

and im the troll here?


remember how i said "i fell like i could kill people in halo with my eyes closed"?


remember how i said i used to get drunk and play the CTF beta on PC and go 98-4 in 5 minutes?


remember me saying how terrible halo 2 was? how much skill is involved in a plasma sword kill? oh.


remember how you can just press shoot on a needler and the bullets auto guide into the persons body?


its called bias.

you have that.

its like the people who dont think lebron should get the MVP, not because hes not having an MVP season, but because everyone says he should get the MVP


"everyone loves COD, not me, im special"


dudes is still level 8 on skyrim and #$#%


now the trolling is starting.
Are you really laughing when you post all those rolling smileys or are you just being flippant?

Every CoD game after CoD4 is easy as hell IMO. All these kill streaks, perks, you even get something to help you when you die too many times? wut? That's like losing a bunch of times in SSBB or SF and saying "Let me turn up my handicap, then I got you son". I still love CoD, I'm typing this during an intermission. But to say it takes more skill than Halo is just a flat out lie. Learn the maps, use the right perks with the right weapons and weapon perks (
) and you're solid. CoD is the shooter for casual gamers. Of course it's the easiest.

Skillwise: TF2 > CS > Halo > BF > CoD. I don't see that ever changing.

Why did someone bring up K/Ds like they matter? And
@ the college thing.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Are you really laughing when you post all those rolling smileys or are you just being flippant?

Every CoD game after CoD4 is easy as hell IMO. All these kill streaks, perks, you even get something to help you when you die too many times? wut? That's like losing a bunch of times in SSBB or SF and saying "Let me turn up my handicap, then I got you son". I still love CoD, I'm typing this during an intermission. But to say it takes more skill than Halo is just a flat out lie. Learn the maps, use the right perks with the right weapons and weapon perks (
) and you're solid. CoD is the shooter for casual gamers. Of course it's the easiest.

Skillwise: TF2 > CS > Halo > BF > CoD. I don't see that ever changing.

Why did someone bring up K/Ds like they matter? And
@ the college thing.
by TF2 do you mean team fortress 2?
Halo series...

Reach ruined it though.

Halo 2 & Halo 1 were my favorite.

Halo 1 - 3 shot kill pistol was the truth, %*+# what anyone else says if you don't know how to pistol then gtho lol. Launching weapons across the map with grenades, Playing CTF and throwing the flag at the right spot/angle and watch it bounce its way hella far, the double melee trick
Halo 2 - all those button glitches like the double shot for the BR, BXR, etc.

too much stuff to name/recall
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

as far as weapon placement to discourage camaping....i mean, you want guns to pop up in COD games that you have to race for?


sounds quite trash to me...sounds like that terrible game halo 2


besides, in halo 1 people camped weapons all the time...LMAO camp the invisible shield all the time....

and yeah.....
like I said. 

"weapon placement sucks, because halo 2 sucks. Halo 2 sucks because weapon placement sucks"

yeah, perfect comprehension of what was typed.


not the rushing to default weapon positions being a stupid concept for a FPS, no, its because "halo sucks cause of weapon placement"

the mere idea of weapon placement is ******ed to me.

i get a pistol until i beat you to the rocket launcher you can now camp cause you picked it up first? skill.


the camping comment was because someone said "all you do is camp with a claymore, theres no camping in halo"

which is not true....theres plenty of camping. there are also ACTUAL ITEMS YOU CAN CAMP

see, it doesnt bother me when an 8 year old sits in a corner for 9 minutes then shoots me in the back to go 1-9

thats whatever, hes in the room watching a blank screen for 9 minutes to get a kill


this makes you all so mad you refuse to play the game

in halo, i could just, say, grab a shotgun, then, say, camp the shotguns that respawn.....LMAO

not only am i the only one with the shotgun, but people HAVE to come where im camping...cause its where the weapon is

you dont HAVE to let a camper keep shooting you....but apparently thats too much depth for such a simple game, you'd rather just not play


you say having to shoot someone 30 times because of a shield and all that makes it more skilled?

why isnt shooting him once while not being shot once yourself harder?

with 30 times to get shot before you die, alot more time is afforded to catch up, hide, manuver, backflip, whatever you cornballs do in halo

thats like a 20 second gunflight

how is that "more skill"

than smoking 20 people in a row on hardcore, one shot one kill, not getting shot once?

i think not getting shot once takes more skill that being shot 500 times but not having your shield break


but maybe thats just me and my circular logic


like in real life, the less bullets you take the more skilled you are in gunfights

dude just said "if you get caught from behind, its not the end"


so if i sneak up on you and shoot you in the back you can turn around and still merk me?

sounds awesome.

the guy who sneaks up on his enemy never wins the fight........ever. it doesnt take skill to flank someone without being seen by an entire team.....

that's just ridiculous to think you should get a kill for sneaking up behind someone and shooting them in the back....


it takes skill to get shot 10 times and still not die



Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Cod is about who shoots first and has the better connection so a k/d wont necessarily reflect how easy it is to acquire kills. The game is random
yes, the game is random. so random people who are good at it have high KDs and people who are trash at it randomly have trash KDs...same with win/loss ratios...all of them are completely random.


this isnt a bias? the game is random? LMAO

Originally Posted by spacerace

stopped playing COD competitively after COD4.
that's like me asking you for your K/D ratio in Halo 3.


. To kill someone in halo takes a lot longer, first you drop their shield, then you
more shots equal skill. because youre a futuristic space marine with a shield, its automatically more skilled....two life bars, not just one...more skill...you can get shot 30 times before you die, of course it takes more skill to stay alive......


(i play hardcore, if you get shot in the ankle you die...that sounds a little more skill-testing than having a shield and rushing to "power weapons"...oddly enough ive played the game you describe....its not very sweet. i want to shoot someone once in the neck with a shotgun, not 17 times in the shield...)

 Putting up numbers at your college doesnt mean much, neither does being invited to play
Competitively for the simple fact i could grab 3 nt members and enter a
putting up numbers at YOUR college didnt matter, mine was the biggest undergrad university in the country tho

i mean, if thats not a decent talent pool, i dont know what is.

i got invited to play professionally, but again, i will repeat for you, since you cant read, I DONT THINK I AM GOOD ENOUGH

as far as grabbing 3 NTers and entering a torney, maybe youre confused about what i meant by invited.

i was offered an interview for a salaried position on a team.......that is sponsored by a video game studio......not "grab some friends and enter"


ill be a casual gamer if you admit to be a casual thinker.

you can find players skilled beyond your imagination.
son, youre typing things i learned at 7 years old in professional LEGO competitions


everyone on NT thinks they have some amazing comment to make




and you ask why im condesending?

There you go again. What does being "lifelike" or not have anything to do with how much skill it takes to play a game. Yes there are shields, and there is more than one way to take them down. OHK have to be earned through stickies or sniper headshots. (not even a body shot will get you  a ohk with a sniper). 
If you think it takes less skill to bring a shield down by maintaining your crosshairs on a moving target over time then I don't know what to tell you. You simply aren't arguing with any logic.

yawn. shooting someone 35 times maybe takes more skill than shooting someone once......but having a 35 shot window isnt skilled at all.


i like playing whole matches without getting shot once.

thats skill....

you keep playing halo 2 tho

Is everything that funny?
like all those smileys contribute nothing to your post.
You act like you were some halo god and the way you talk i can tell you were in a small circle. The numbers you described come from when average to pro players play noobs. Equal skill you arent hearing about any 98-2 or ahatever you said.
Just because the game is random doesnt mean a consistent player wont stand out. Put it this way i played basketball my whole life and couldnt score a bucket on kobe, some 8 year old throws the ball backwards at the hoop and it goes in. And i like how you ignored my point entirely should i post all the kill cam random i didnt even mean that kills?

And again you could be average and sponsored depending on the time and place. Yipes has been garbage at mvc3 for like the first year but he was still getting bread to show up and compete.
I find that no matter which COD I'm playing, I'll eventually get my groove back and start murking cats...

While in Halo, I just flat out suck.

So Halo.
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