What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

if your ratio doesnt matter why wont you post your under 1.0 ratio?



youre salty i was 98-4 in ctf beta for pc which was worldwide?

eh, wish i cared about demfeelings.

yes, you will always assume what you need to assume to help your pisspoor argument.

yes, assume that i am an average player who miraculously was gonna get paid a salary to play video games

they offer salaries to average people.


you're so salty im going outside to smoke.

i dont.

small circle of people on the halo PC beta....very small circle.






Originally Posted by gatorad3

Halo series...

Reach ruined it though.

Halo 2 & Halo 1 were my favorite.

Halo 1 - 3 shot kill pistol was the truth, %*+# what anyone else says if you don't know how to pistol then gtho lol. Launching weapons across the map with grenades, Playing CTF and throwing the flag at the right spot/angle and watch it bounce its way hella far, the double melee trick
Halo 2 - all those button glitches like the double shot for the BR, BXR, etc.

too much stuff to name/recall

my fav halo video back in the day Halo 50k tourny 4v4 CTF BattleCreek
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yawn. shooting someone 35 times maybe takes more skill than shooting someone once......but having a 35 shot window isnt skilled at all.


i like playing whole matches without getting shot once.

thats skill....

you keep playing halo 2 tho


you got facts for that?  How much of that hit box is the head? What's the comparison to the hit box for COD? you have these numbers or are you just talking out of your %!$.
And you act like COD doesn't have a shield system itself. Get shot a few times, get red screened and hide. Everything turns back to normal. Only difference is you can get shot once in the head with a red dot SCAR halfway across the map (lol) and die. (oh but it's lifelike so it takes more skill right?)

And there you go assuming I still play halo 2 when all I said was halo is a more skilled game than COD. I love COD and is my preferred shooter... because I can pick it up out of nowhere and play it well right out of the box. KD 1.32 but whatever, I'm a casual gamer anyways. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Are you really laughing when you post all those rolling smileys or are you just being flippant?

Every CoD game after CoD4 is easy as hell IMO. All these kill streaks, perks, you even get something to help you when you die too many times? wut? That's like losing a bunch of times in SSBB or SF and saying "Let me turn up my handicap, then I got you son". I still love CoD, I'm typing this during an intermission. But to say it takes more skill than Halo is just a flat out lie. Learn the maps, use the right perks with the right weapons and weapon perks (
) and you're solid. CoD is the shooter for casual gamers. Of course it's the easiest.

Skillwise: TF2 > CS > Halo > BF > CoD. I don't see that ever changing.

Why did someone bring up K/Ds like they matter? And
@ the college thing.
by TF2 do you mean team fortress 2?

My KD is 1.259, do I suck at CoD?
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Are you really laughing when you post all those rolling smileys or are you just being flippant?

Every CoD game after CoD4 is easy as hell IMO. All these kill streaks, perks, you even get something to help you when you die too many times? wut? That's like losing a bunch of times in SSBB or SF and saying "Let me turn up my handicap, then I got you son". I still love CoD, I'm typing this during an intermission. But to say it takes more skill than Halo is just a flat out lie. Learn the maps, use the right perks with the right weapons and weapon perks (
) and you're solid. CoD is the shooter for casual gamers. Of course it's the easiest.

Skillwise: TF2 > CS > Halo > BF > CoD. I don't see that ever changing.

Why did someone bring up K/Ds like they matter? And
@ the college thing.
by TF2 do you mean team fortress 2?

My KD is 1.259, do I suck at CoD?
I remember buying this on steam when it was on sale. I might fire it up again since i never got into it. I was playing L4D for the longest time. 
I'm not talking down to you at all nor am I trying to sound like the know-it-all of all things videogames, but the way you communicate your opinion makes you look so damn ignorant. It's crazy... Obviously you're not since you teach which is why I'm always so confused when I see you post. You start off with a opinion then you just spew general stuff without really backing it up. Then you start attacking people who disagree with you. This whole post is a mess. I haven't heard a legit argument from you on why CoD is better than CS, Halo, etc. You just say things like "omgz its ancient" "that was 12 years ago". You keep bringing up the customization aspect. Is that groundbreaking to you or something?
When you post things like this :

"its hardcore s & d without classes, basically. LMAO

thats all there is to it."

Seriously...? Everything about CS is better than CoD. The recoil on the guns behave better, the maps are actually good and make sense, No perks or killstreaks so less camping and less randomness, PC and Keyboard will always be more accurate than controllers, The mods. Cs was a free game that was built on for years, it's just a better built game.

"GTA IV online was legitimately FUN and DIFFICULT....had a HUGE learning curve...."

How the hell am I suppose to take your opinion seriously? You should've at LEAST said RDR and that's pushing it. LOL

"so you're mad terrible players still level up?

such a design flaw in the game b"

That IS a design flaw. When you see someone at a high level it should be intimidating and they should be better than you. This NEVER happens in CoD because leveling is based on who plays the MOST not who plays the BEST. You don't get penalized for playing bad.


This is why people think you're trolling. You're missing out on so many quality games, I don't know why that's funny.

"like, games like skyrim come out and people go bananas, but ##+# on games like mw2? which had a million users on that %#%$@ for 3 years? "

Skyrim has a REAL fanbase, not random kids that were drawn into because everyone else was. CoD used to have a real fanbase, they grew up and are mostly PC gamers now.

"halo had weapons spawn out of thin air in set locations that you had to fight over....COD doesnt, therefore it encourages camping...because you start off with a weapon you chose...like real life...and pick up dropped weapons...like real life...give me weapon respawns out of thin air!"

Look at him comparing the most arcadey FPS on the market to real life. I can't...

"Fable, skyrim, halo, any game thats come out...you hit the ceiling super fast. skyrim is the perfect game to let ANYTHING happen in it, and its like they stopped 1/3rd through....8 armors? LMAO i invested over 100 hours in the game and i can make 8 basic default armors? LMAOOOOOOOOO"

You obviously don't know what I'm talking about. When I say hit the ceiling I'm talking about in the context of a competitive game. Hitting the ceililng in a single player game is based on your imagination.

Seriously though, who cares? Throughout replying I'm forgetting what the hell we're talking about. If people want to play bad games, let them. If people want to play good games, let them. Just stop being so damn ignorant. At least try something before you dismiss it (speaking in general).In 2 years you're all gonna be playing my game.
Between the two it's undoubtedly Halo. But, as others have eluded to there are far more difficult games out there in the FPS genre including: CS 1.6, AA, RS3, BF, etc
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Seriously though, who cares? Throughout replying I'm forgetting what the hell we're talking about. If people want to play bad games, let them. If people want to play good games, let them. Just stop being so damn ignorant. At least try something before you dismiss it (speaking in general).In 2 years you're all gonna be playing my game.

what's your game? 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

counter strike was okay. i dont see how you think search and destroy on any modern warfare isnt basically the exact same game as

counter strike, but whatever.

alex, you have a cod-bias

you told me the game had no depth

then i tried to explain how the customization of classes provided depth, you didnt want to hear it.

you're biased against cod....

typically people with bias' against cod in particular just suck at the game...thats why they dont like it.

i dont see how COD sucks but ANY OTHER FPS IS CONSIDERED 'GOOD' LMAO


in the same vein, i gave valid criticism of skyrim and you werent trynna hear it LMAO

so much for "cod-fanboy defense" being funny...its all video game fans, period.

people saying halo multiplayer is better than cod....just suck at cod

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos

the anicdote is for people who would respond "well you prolly suck at halo"

sorry, not at all.

"CoD has no chance at all; Maybe the first 2 which were praised for their single player but after that no chance in hell."

the perfect example of your bias....LMAO maybe for the single player?

bro, its the most popular online game like 4 years and running LMAO

mw2 was damn near flawless (all the glitching was out of hand)

people who cry about it just get raped and dont find that enjoyable.

you never hear people who are actually good at the game say its so trash and halo is so much better LMAO
You gotta be trolling. A BRAIN DEAD CHILD COULD PLAY COD AND BE "GOOD" AT IT. You said your 'god' at Halo1 but you probably only played your cousin and little brother and you formed an idea in your head that your were 'good'. H2 was trash?? Halo2 was the reason MLG was made
 You were probably garbage at it because they didn't put in the usual aim and spray CoD weapon (assault rifle) and you dropped the game all together. 
Like I said in my first post, You need good reaction to be a top COD player and make money off it. For casual online play you don't even need reaction because the frame rate is different, some shot don't register and random $$!$%*%! like that.. 

All and all Halo>Cod. 
I'm a decent FPS player...not really good but decent.

I can put up numbers in Halo or Call of Duty or Battlefield.

When I play Halo though, I can't just jump into a game and start murdering...I need time to warm up and get situated with the flow of the game.

I usually do way better at CoD than I do with Halo, but that's not because I'm better at it.

It's just that Halo is a more challenging game.

I find it hard for anyone to argue that.
I think the last 4 pages have the most rolling smilies I've ever seen made by a single NT'er in one thread.

Originally Posted by Air Kalo

I think the last 4 pages have the most rolling smilies I've ever seen made by a single NT'er in one thread.


And it wasn't even funny
Curb is obviously MLG or Pro, we're clearly not on his level
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

in the same vein, i gave valid criticism of skyrim and you werent trynna hear it LMAO

so much for "cod-fanboy defense" being funny...its all video game fans, period.

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos
You gotta be trolling. A BRAIN DEAD CHILD COULD PLAY COD AND BE "GOOD" AT IT. You said your 'god' at Halo1 but you probably only played your cousin and little brother and you formed an idea in your head that your were 'good'. H2 was trash?? Halo2 was the reason MLG was made
 You were probably garbage at it because they didn't put in the usual aim and spray CoD weapon (assault rifle) and you dropped the game all together. 
Like I said in my first post, You need good reaction to be a top COD player and make money off it. For casual online play you don't even need reaction because the frame rate is different, some shot don't register and random $$!$%*%! like that.. 

All and all Halo>Cod. 

This guy says he's a god in Halo but doesn't even use the pistol in it and calls Halo 2 trash??

Need to have Neg buttons in this forum
Both are very difficult to excel at at high levels (of course). For mid-lower levels, Halo is harder, by far. Here's my opinion why:

-Halo is much more slow-paced than COD. COD is very fast-paced and it'll catch new players off guard on how fast you can kill/be killed, but once you get used to that, it's easy to start putting up kills if you're careful. Halo is more calculated. You can get the jump on someone, shoot first and still get killed, unlike COD where the first shooter is usually the guy who survives.

-Halo everyone starts with the same weapons and can only pick up the same weapons. That makes the playing field balanced, whereas COD you can choose "better" guns (I put quotes because different people say different guns are better) such as the ACR, Type 95, etc. that lower-level players can't use.

-The vehicles in Halo make it easier but it's still not as easy to put up numbers as in COD.

All in all, both are hard to be good at. I personally think COD is more fun than Halo, but I play Halo with friends because it's more relaxed and slower. I like the customization in COD and the fast-paced action, but when I'm just trying to chill with friends we'll play Halo first.
Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

Anyone that says halo is easy hasn't played with good ppl, you really see how good they get I mean like a level 38 or 39

My highest skill in H3 was like 43 in Lone Wolves and I could NEVER go higher.
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