What was the #1 song on Billboard the day of your birth NT??????

hell yeah.

[table][tr][td]1985[/td][td]Everybody Wants to Rule the World[/td][td]Tears for Fears[/td][/tr][/table]
hell yeah.

[table][tr][td]1985[/td][td]Everybody Wants to Rule the World[/td][td]Tears for Fears[/td][/tr][/table]
so much bad stuff happened on my b-day......i.e the luby's massacre (23 killed and 20 wounded in killen texas, irony is my name is only two letters off from being and sounds similar to killen), china detonates it's first nuclear weapon, the first day of the cuban missile crisis....now i gotta add this to the list
it's october 16th for those of you who are curious....don't believe me on the travesties check for yourself
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