What year will religion finally be extinct?

The study of Physics is only one part of science. However, the study of behavioural quirks and habits, is indeed scientific analysis. How it is applied after spotting the weaknesses of the consumer, is a different story. Still, it takes scientific study in order to find, and then pursue those weaknesses.

How do you make a person feel that they need, what it is that you are trying to sell?
Your logic is completely off. If you gain knowledge of  behavioral quirks and habits from scientific analysis and decide to apply it to marketing to manipulate, then that doesn't make the knowledge gained by scientific analysis wrong in any way. It's how you use the science that matters and that boils down to ethics of people. Furthermore, like I said earlier, science is impartial and doesn't care about how "People feel that they need....". The act of guessing how a person feels is subjective and trying to guess that is an art. 
Science isn't equivalent to an applied science. You cannot say that marketing, which applies psychology and often manipulates peoples, leads to the field of psychology being manipulative. What you fail to acknowledge is that science deals with the physical and material world and not the internal lives of people.

Applications of sciences are distinct from the actual study of the science.  Marketing is more of an art than an science. Can you show me a case of how physics has been manipulative?

LOL religious people who are creating this divide between science and "faith", rely on science in their everyday lives. Like some said even religious people themselves can be scientists, they just throw out the scientific method when it contradicts their beliefs. Furthermore they are the first to ask for evidence when someone makes magical claims that don't go with their beliefs (Eg the flying spaghetti monster baptizing us with rich tasty ragu from his balls).

The science vs religion debate is absurd.
LOL religious people who are creating this divide between science and "faith", rely on science in their everyday lives.

Absolutely. Ask a religious person whose having a heart attack if they'd rather have a priest, vicar, rabbi, whatever or a doctor by their side.
Absence of Religion means Absence of Faith

A Civilization full of the faithless will cease to exist..........

Having a moral barometer (God), prevents us from killing everyone and not giving a damn

I genuinely would not feel bad, killing half of you if it didnt mean eternal damnation...........

Will the discovery of aliens make people stop believing in god....or do they have a backup plan?
Will the discovery of aliens make people stop believing in god....or do they have a backup plan?
Why do people keep thinking that the discovery of people from other planets will mean the elimination of religion from Earth? You really think religions like Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism will stop being followed because of that? People have been watching too much Prometheus.
Absence of Religion means Absence of Faith
A Civilization full of the faithless will cease to exist..........
Having a moral barometer (God), prevents us from killing everyone and not giving a damn

I don't believe in god and I've never killed anyone.
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Again, this has nothing to do with me comprehending what you initially said. It's right there if you actually reread it. No response was general, it was direct. The point is in the first reply and it still stands.

nah, i've tried over and over to get you to explain and you haven't been able to do anything except point me back to your original replies that made no sense. i think the confusion actually stems from your lack of understanding of the original post.
I did several times. You seem to just continue to be confused. Although I'm not sure if you at any point actually did go back and reread. Especially when I just told what you did in one of my last replies. The gist of what I'm saying is right there in my first two replies to you. Really can't get clearer than that.
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Your logic is completely off. If you gain knowledge of  behavioral quirks and habits from scientific analysis and decide to apply it to marketing to manipulate, then that doesn't make the knowledge gained by scientific analysis wrong in any way. It's how you use the science that matters and that boils down to ethics of people. Furthermore, like I said earlier, science is impartial and doesn't care about how "People feel that they need....". The act of guessing how a person feels is subjective and trying to guess that is an art. 
This has less to do with applied logic, than it has to do with how much actual science is used to manipulate people. It is a fact that while science itself should be used to do great things, but as evidenced in Nazi Germany, and the aforementioned Tuskegee Experiment, science isn't always practiced on the side of right.
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This has less to do with applied logic, than it has to do with how much actual science is used to manipulate people. It is a fact that while science itself should be used to do great things, but as evidenced in Nazi Germany, and the aforementioned Tuskegee Experiment, science isn't always practiced on the side of right.
And your point is? You should be focusing on the individuals or groups that are committing those unethical acts instead of blaming the science. It's actually religious like and faith based thought that lead many of those scientists to follow the nazi ideology and etc.

Science has allowed for the creation of great technologies and has lifted humanity and civilization into new heights that wouldn't have happened without science. You should focus on the positives, which are rather overwhelming in comparison to the negatives causes of science.
Absence of Religion means Absence of Faith
A Civilization full of the faithless will cease to exist..........
Having a moral barometer (God), prevents us from killing everyone and not giving a damn
I genuinely would not feel bad, killing half of you if it didnt mean eternal damnation...........
what? You sound like a damn fool. Are you trolling? I took the bait, huh? DAMN
Absence of Religion means Absence of Faith
A Civilization full of the faithless will cease to exist..........
Having a moral barometer (God), prevents us from killing everyone and not giving a damn
I genuinely would not feel bad, killing half of you if it didnt mean eternal damnation...........

Stupidity. God and religion are NOT moral barometers, it is law and a collective benefit of people not killing each other that keeps people in check. Religion has never stopped anyone from killing, in fact since the dawn of man many religions have actually encouraged immoral behavior. Less religious populations are actually associated with lower crime rates. I personally don't want to kill anyone because 1. I'd go to jail 2. I don't want anyone killing me a law preventing it is to my benefit.
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The way I see it, religion will continue to cease due to human being's arrogance, and attempts to "evolve". Yet, at one point, we will be so far from what we perceive as life, that religion will make a strong comeback. People will ultimately side with religion though...because as mush as you atheists want the world to be free, with your "education" which can't reach 30% population of the world, you will never win.

And regardless of your view here in the 1st world, palm trees, and garbage trucks that collect every Monday, people in the global south dont give a f about your scientists and so called truth seekers. But again come on, this is Europe and USA who view the world through atheist lens, so EVERYONE must follow or they are dumb right?
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And your point is? You should be focusing on the individuals or groups that are committing those unethical acts instead of blaming the science. It's actually religious like and faith based thought that lead many of those scientists to follow the nazi ideology and etc.

Science has allowed for the creation of great technologies and has lifted humanity and civilization into new heights that wouldn't have happened without science. You should focus on the positives, which are rather overwhelming in comparison to the negatives causes of science.
That's pretty funny, because you surely do not sound as if you are being objective about certain aspects of organized religion either. You can't have it both ways, not while suggesting that I should only focus on the positives that scientists produce through scientific means.

I can say some great things about religion as well, and I am not a believer, nor follower.
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The way I see it, religion will continue to cease due to human being's arrogance, and attempts to "evolve". Yet, at one point, we will be so far from what we perceive as life, that religion will make a strong comeback. People will ultimately side with religion though...because as mush as you atheists want the world to be free, with your "education" which can't reach 30% population of the world, you will never win.
And regardless of your view here in the 1st world, palm trees, and garbage trucks that collect every Monday, people in the global south dont give a f about your scientists and so called truth seekers. But again come on, this is Europe and USA who view the world through atheist lens, so EVERYONE must follow or they are dumb right?

LOL I don't think atheists want everyone to become atheists, they do want that crap kept out of politics and schools though. And most importantly they want churches to be taxed.
I just don't see how religion doesn't fall off as we go further into the future especially in the middle to upper class communities. 
Obviously we don't know for sure what will happen in the future, but it basically comes down to demographics and world population growth, and as that grows, the main organized religions will continue to flourish in regions where they are already strongly populated -likewise the percentage of secular/atheist populated areas will also grow alongside them. So pretty much everything stays the same ....just on a larger scale. 

Of course religions will adapt and change as they always have done over the years, but man's innate tendency to "fill the gaps" of his understanding will always be there.
Religion has been waning since the advent of the industrial revolution - a trend which has been accelerating exponentially since the onset of the Information age. Soon, religion will take the form of a cultural vestige, much like today in Scandinavia. Some churches will remain but will serve as museums and relics instead of places of worship and Sunday service. All in all, i view this is a "natural" path of human consciousness' evolution, its just a question of whether we're going to embrace the change or not.

Theres also an interesting link between religion and social status imo with more avid followers coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds. You wanna get rid of religious extremists? Invest in their economy instead of bombing it so Akbar can have a job and a pot to piss in instead of being a prime target for religious fanatic recruiters.
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Religion has been waning since the advent of the industrial revolution - a trend which has been accelerating exponentially since the onset of the Information age. Soon, religion will take the form of a cultural vestige, much like today in Scandinavia. Some churches will remain but will serve as museums and relics instead of places of worship and Sunday service. All in all, i view this is a "natural" path of human consciousness' evolution, its just a question of whether we're going to embrace the change or not.
Theres also an interesting link between religion and social status imo with more avid followers coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds. You wanna get rid of religious extremists? Invest in their economy instead of bombing it so Akbar can have a job and a pot to piss in instead of being a prime target for religious fanatic recruiters.

You could've just saved the keystrokes and said your "Everything happens for a reason" nonsense. There is a lot of true evil and suffering on this planet and that type of belief is a sign of complacency, laziness and helplessness.

Education is a privilege, and I wake up and thank Satan everyday I'm not an idiot.

God hurts and kills ALL THE TIME. Yahweh has more blood on his hands than Lucifer, Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan and Joseph Stalin combined. Objectively, the devil is a more moral figure than "God" will every be.
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