What year will religion finally be extinct?

I'm going off what you said as far as coherency goes. The incoherence/contradiction is what I intiially pointed out.

you're failing to explain how saying that human psychology explains why people believe in religion is equivalent to saying that it's human nature to believe in religion.
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No wonder OP has such a high post count that quick with ******** like this.....

1. It never will

2. Even if it were to, how the **** am I supposed to know when...

3. Oh, and this is for you.

:lol: The irony of people in here saying religion is pushed down their throats when they're in this thread trying to force atheism down peoples' throats. I LOVE it :lol:
The pic you posted has nothing to do with science. If anything, it shows that marketing and advertising manipulates people into profiting their business. But to a certain extent you are correct. The thing about science is that methods of experimentation are performed impartially. So, it will on some occasions due to unethical scientists lead to manipulation and conning.  But these cases are rare and few, so to disregard science as a whole due to some rare cases is a rash decision. Overall,  It's safer to logically deduce a set of laws and improve upon them than be given a set of predefined ones.
Actually, yes, it does have everything to do with science. Marketing is a science, especially while using psychology. They manipulate the public through mixed messages, telling the gullible that it is okay to smoke, just like the doctor in the picture.

At no point am I suggesting to disregard science.  I am simply stating that whether practicing religion, or pursuing a education, they are both forms of discipline.

The expectation from both is enlightenment.
 you haven't seen it, no living human being has any proof of seeing it, but you and plenty of others believe it's there. share your story if you'd like, I am interested.
Alright this is my latest and great piece of evidence that there is a God, and that Christianity is the truth.  It's a bit long, but I in order for you to truly under stand I've got to lay it all out there

My Father died several years back at a early age.  Before he died we had very ruff patches or no contact at all.  The last year of his life he was very open and honest with me during conversation about his wife, because I guess he thought I didn't like her.  Which was very true, but what I hated more was that was he allowed her to get in between our relationship.  Which I guess she felt like she had the right, because he governed over her daughter that is older then me by 10 years.  Which he had all right too, because he supported her from the age of 16 well into her adulthood.  My dude brought her a house in a good neighborhood, multiple cars, made many of Christmas for her kids, etc.  He never even brought me one car.  So I guess this was his way off getting on my good side by trying to confide in me about his marriage.  He's constantly telling me he's going to get a divorce, and I give him the I really don't give a F type of attitude, because I was completely fed up and had moved on after my little brother said something about them having a argument about him giving me a birthday gift.  So I flipped on him in the most respectful harshest way possible.  He died three months later never spoke to him again after that one time.  So what I knew as an outsider at that time is he had plans on getting a divorce real soon.  

Fastfoward to his death.  I feeling like trash because my last conversation with him is me going all the way off on him like I've never done before, and choosing work over seeing him one last time.  Because our last conversation was spawned by my great grandmothers death, and him expecting me to come to LA for the funeral.  Now I'm at his casket in a state of total shock and disbelief sitting there staring at his blotted lifeless body.  I'm constantly calling on God to do something.  Raise him from the dead something I just feel terrible, but everyone thinks I could care less because I didn't cry in front of anyone except my mother.  At the same time I stuck to his body like glue(man I had to take a tissue break  thinking about that) having conversation with him in my head hoping that he hears me.  The whole time I'm where ever my brother is and trying to be there for him, because he's my little brother and he was still real young at the time.  And if I'm around him I'm around his mother, so days later after we bury him he go back to the house they shared together.  I hang out with my brother playing basketball reminisce and what not.  While I'm outside playing ball my dad's friends roll up in one of his cars, and starts unloading a gang of boxes, clothes, etc.  So in my mind I'm like oh shessy he took it that far to where he moved out.  Then his wife pulls me to the side later on that day to tell me that she's going to set me straight financially blah blah blah.

Months later I'm back at home, and my grandfather is hitting me up about how I should get a lawyer and all.  So I hit her up, because it has been like 7 months, and the only phone call I get from her is can I straighting my brother out because he's acting up.  We talk and I begin to ease into that whats up with them ends convo, and I mention that I knew about the divorce.  Her responds is "What divorce?".  So needless to say I contacted a few attorneys that day. 

So like another 6 months later the attorney I hired found that the divorce had been filed, and a decree had been signed by both of them.  Which is an agreement to separate assets.  This is yours and this is mine, and agreeing that if anyone of them should die in between this time and the time of the divorce finalization they have no rights to one another property.  So she got hers before he died, and his should be split 50 50 between me and my brother. 

Years go by my attorney gets on that BS, and I give up on the case and live my life; but continue to have that expectation that it will all play out in my favor.  At the same time I got this F it mentality about the case, but something in me wouldn't let go of that favorable expectation no matter what it looked like.  I'm talking about me firing my attorney them quiting on me twice, and trying to feed me constant BS.  But that expectation that she was going to screw herself out of the picture never left.

So last year I'm on a spiritual hiatus, and I get a call from her about the case.  She wants it over with blah blah blah.  I call my attorney tell them they say okay cool, we'll get in contact with her attorney.  Months later nothing doing her attorney won't even respond, and I told her in order for this to be over our attorneys need to speak.  So like I said I'm on that spiritual level hardcore trying to get myself right, because I had been going through a series of things for like 3 years.  During this time the only TV I watch was Christian TV channels, and this guy Mike Murdock is really giving a great message.  At the end he takes a NT style derail, and says, "there is someone watching this program right now, and you've been going through a long drawn out court case, and it just looks like it's not going to end in you favor.  I'm here to tell you right now that God says it's not over.  The people involved with the opposing side are not going to know what hit them".  And then he goes on to say I've got to sow $54 exactly like 26 times
 .  Or something or another.  I believe in the prosperity message 100%, but if your intentions have to do with caring out Gods will in the long run he's going to bless you with it whether you sow or don't.  There's no right way or wrong way to do it, just be about carrying out the will of God and he'll make it happen.  So I start to tear up because it is all to real to me.  Then my attorney calls me to tell me he's quiting the case for the second time, and in the face of adversity my faith just got stronger.  I started to prepare to get ready to handle the case all by myself, and then like three weeks ago my attorney contacted me again.  They had reviewed the case, and have found some strong evidence of serious misconduct on her end involving the case.  So it's in the beginning stages of turning around in a positive way for me and my brother, and we'll she how catastrophic it gets for his mother.  I think, want, and believe that she will be totally X'ed out of the picture.

But throughout all the up's and downs my faith stayed the same.  I was thought by my mom and my childhood pastor that no matter what it looks like no matter the trial or the tribulation keep your faith strong.  Because that's why problems come your way to shack your faith and denounce God.  Death and poverty aren't of God only life and prosperity, and I've developed a mentality of no matter what happens it always works out in God's favor.  You may not see it but the tragic death of one person could turn out to help ten people and bring them closer to God.  I think there is nothing the devil can do to me that won't turn out in God's favor.  People misinterpret the bible, and get there understanding of who God is all the way mixed up.  God doesn't kill or hurt that's the devil's work, and no matter what you do or who you are God loves and admires us all.  Whether we believe in him or we don't, but how can he protect or help someone that does believe in him whole heartedly.

I BS around and get off track, but my mind is always on God and my purpose.  24/7 even when I'm out up to no good.
Dude just compared Christianity to racism, how befitting. Christianity isn't special it is just new. Greater Gods than Yahweh couldn't stand a chance and are now considered irrelevant/ Pagan/ Satanist Gods. Such is the natural progression of most religions.
Alright this is my latest and great piece of evidence that there is a God, and that Christianity is the truth.  It's a bit long, but I in order for you to truly under stand I've got to lay it all out there

My Father died several years back at a early age.  Before he died we had very ruff patches or no contact at all.  The last year of his life he was very open and honest with me during conversation about his wife, because I guess he thought I didn't like her.  Which was very true, but what I hated more was that was he allowed her to get in between our relationship.  Which I guess she felt like she had the right, because he governed over her daughter that is older then me by 10 years.  Which he had all right too, because he supported her from the age of 16 well into her adulthood.  My dude brought her a house in a good neighborhood, multiple cars, made many of Christmas for her kids, etc.  He never even brought me one car.  So I guess this was his way off getting on my good side by trying to confide in me about his marriage.  He's constantly telling me he's going to get a divorce, and I give him the I really don't give a F type of attitude, because I was completely fed up and had moved on after my little brother said something about them having a argument about him giving me a birthday gift.  So I flipped on him in the most respectful harshest way possible.  He died three months later never spoke to him again after that one time.  So what I knew as an outsider at that time is he had plans on getting a divorce real soon.  

Fastfoward to his death.  I feeling like trash because my last conversation with him is me going all the way off on him like I've never done before, and choosing work over seeing him one last time.  Because our last conversation was spawned by my great grandmothers death, and him expecting me to come to LA for the funeral.  Now I'm at his casket in a state of total shock and disbelief sitting there staring at his blotted lifeless body.  I'm constantly calling on God to do something.  Raise him from the dead something I just feel terrible, but everyone thinks I could care less because I didn't cry in front of anyone except my mother.  At the same time I stuck to his body like glue(man I had to take a tissue break  thinking about that) having conversation with him in my head hoping that he hears me.  The whole time I'm where ever my brother is and trying to be there for him, because he's my little brother and he was still real young at the time.  And if I'm around him I'm around his mother, so days later after we bury him he go back to the house they shared together.  I hang out with my brother playing basketball reminisce and what not.  While I'm outside playing ball my dad's friends roll up in one of his cars, and starts unloading a gang of boxes, clothes, etc.  So in my mind I'm like oh shessy he took it that far to where he moved out.  Then his wife pulls me to the side later on that day to tell me that she's going to set me straight financially blah blah blah.

Months later I'm back at home, and my grandfather is hitting me up about how I should get a lawyer and all.  So I hit her up, because it has been like 7 months, and the only phone call I get from her is can I straighting my brother out because he's acting up.  We talk and I begin to ease into that whats up with them ends convo, and I mention that I knew about the divorce.  Her responds is "What divorce?".  So needless to say I contacted a few attorneys that day. 

So like another 6 months later the attorney I hired found that the divorce had been filed, and a decree had been signed by both of them.  Which is an agreement to separate assets.  This is yours and this is mine, and agreeing that if anyone of them should die in between this time and the time of the divorce finalization they have no rights to one another property.  So she got hers before he died, and his should be split 50 50 between me and my brother. 

Years go by my attorney gets on that BS, and I give up on the case and live my life; but continue to have that expectation that it will all play out in my favor.  At the same time I got this F it mentality about the case, but something in me wouldn't let go of that favorable expectation no matter what it looked like.  I'm talking about me firing my attorney them quiting on me twice, and trying to feed me constant BS.  But that expectation that she was going to screw herself out of the picture never left.

So last year I'm on a spiritual hiatus, and I get a call from her about the case.  She wants it over with blah blah blah.  I call my attorney tell them they say okay cool, we'll get in contact with her attorney.  Months later nothing doing her attorney won't even respond, and I told her in order for this to be over our attorneys need to speak.  So like I said I'm on that spiritual level hardcore trying to get myself right, because I had been going through a series of things for like 3 years.  During this time the only TV I watch was Christian TV channels, and this guy Mike Murdock is really giving a great message.  At the end he takes a NT style derail, and says, "there is someone watching this program right now, and you've been going through a long drawn out court case, and it just looks like it's not going to end in you favor.  I'm here to tell you right now that God says it's not over.  The people involved with the opposing side are not going to know what hit them".  And then he goes on to say I've got to sow $54 exactly like 26 times:lol:  .  Or something or another.  I believe in the prosperity message 100%, but if your intentions have to do with caring out Gods will in the long run he's going to bless you with it whether you sow or don't.  There's no right way or wrong way to do it, just be about carrying out the will of God and he'll make it happen.  So I start to tear up because it is all to real to me.  Then my attorney calls me to tell me he's quiting the case for the second time, and in the face of adversity my faith just got stronger.  I started to prepare to get ready to handle the case all by myself, and then like three weeks ago my attorney contacted me again.  They had reviewed the case, and have found some strong evidence of serious misconduct on her end involving the case.  So it's in the beginning stages of turning around in a positive way for me and my brother, and we'll she how catastrophic it gets for his mother.  I think, want, and believe that she will be totally X'ed out of the picture.

But throughout all the up's and downs my faith stayed the same.  I was thought by my mom and my childhood pastor that no matter what it looks like no matter the trial or the tribulation keep your faith strong.  Because that's why problems come your way to shack your faith and denounce God.  Death and poverty aren't of God only life and prosperity, and I've developed a mentality of no matter what happens it always works out in God's favor.  You may not see it but the tragic death of one person could turn out to help ten people and bring them closer to God.  I think there is nothing the devil can do to me that won't turn out in God's favor.  People misinterpret the bible, and get there understanding of who God is all the way mixed up.  God doesn't kill or hurt that's the devil's work, and no matter what you do or who you are God loves and admires us all.  Whether we believe in him or we don't, but how can he protect or help someone that does believe in him whole heartedly.

I BS around and get off track, but my mind is always on God and my purpose.  24/7 even when I'm out up to no good.

Ok, I'm going to be careful here and not **** on your beliefs or how you go to this point of spiritual clarity, but that may be the worst evidence of a god I have ever read. How does that prove anything? Also, why is god rewarding you for being a bad son? God's scale seems to be the exact opposite of Santa's Naughty List. I'm sorry dude, I just don't see any proof of anything in there. sorry to hear about your pops though.
The pic you posted has nothing to do with science. If anything, it shows that marketing and advertising manipulates people into profiting their business. But to a certain extent you are correct. The thing about science is that methods of experimentation are performed impartially. So, it will on some occasions due to unethical scientists lead to manipulation and conning.  But these cases are rare and few, so to disregard science as a whole due to some rare cases is a rash decision. Overall,  It's safer to logically deduce a set of laws and improve upon them than be given a set of predefined ones.
Actually, yes, it does have everything to do with science. Marketing is a science, especially while using psychology. They manipulate the public through mixed messages, telling the gullible that it is okay to smoke, just like the doctor in the picture.

At no point am I suggesting to disregard science. I am simply stating that whether practicing religion, or pursuing a education, they are both forms of discipline.

The expectation from both is enlightenment.

wait.. so because marketing uses science it is a science? I can just pull up any ridiculous advertisement as an example of how science is manipulating people? That advertisement is made by the business, it isn't a peer reviewed scientific paper.

Now I'll agree science is not without its faults. Not too long ago scientists were trying to prove that white people had larger brains than other races and therefore higher intellect. There have been scientists that made up their data. ish hapens. But eventually these made up theories/ideas get phased out... just like any other claim that has no evidence. Science doesn't keep theories that have no evidence and try to tell everyone this is what it is, believe it or burn in hell.
Alright this is my latest and great piece of evidence that there is a God, and that Christianity is the truth.  It's a bit long, but I in order for you to truly under stand I've got to lay it all out there

My Father died several years back at a early age.  Before he died we had very ruff patches or no contact at all.  The last year of his life he was very open and honest with me during conversation about his wife, because I guess he thought I didn't like her.  Which was very true, but what I hated more was that was he allowed her to get in between our relationship.  Which I guess she felt like she had the right, because he governed over her daughter that is older then me by 10 years.  Which he had all right too, because he supported her from the age of 16 well into her adulthood.  My dude brought her a house in a good neighborhood, multiple cars, made many of Christmas for her kids, etc.  He never even brought me one car.  So I guess this was his way off getting on my good side by trying to confide in me about his marriage.  He's constantly telling me he's going to get a divorce, and I give him the I really don't give a F type of attitude, because I was completely fed up and had moved on after my little brother said something about them having a argument about him giving me a birthday gift.  So I flipped on him in the most respectful harshest way possible.  He died three months later never spoke to him again after that one time.  So what I knew as an outsider at that time is he had plans on getting a divorce real soon.  

Fastfoward to his death.  I feeling like trash because my last conversation with him is me going all the way off on him like I've never done before, and choosing work over seeing him one last time.  Because our last conversation was spawned by my great grandmothers death, and him expecting me to come to LA for the funeral.  Now I'm at his casket in a state of total shock and disbelief sitting there staring at his blotted lifeless body.  I'm constantly calling on God to do something.  Raise him from the dead something I just feel terrible, but everyone thinks I could care less because I didn't cry in front of anyone except my mother.  At the same time I stuck to his body like glue(man I had to take a tissue break  thinking about that) having conversation with him in my head hoping that he hears me.  The whole time I'm where ever my brother is and trying to be there for him, because he's my little brother and he was still real young at the time.  And if I'm around him I'm around his mother, so days later after we bury him he go back to the house they shared together.  I hang out with my brother playing basketball reminisce and what not.  While I'm outside playing ball my dad's friends roll up in one of his cars, and starts unloading a gang of boxes, clothes, etc.  So in my mind I'm like oh shessy he took it that far to where he moved out.  Then his wife pulls me to the side later on that day to tell me that she's going to set me straight financially blah blah blah.

Months later I'm back at home, and my grandfather is hitting me up about how I should get a lawyer and all.  So I hit her up, because it has been like 7 months, and the only phone call I get from her is can I straighting my brother out because he's acting up.  We talk and I begin to ease into that whats up with them ends convo, and I mention that I knew about the divorce.  Her responds is "What divorce?".  So needless to say I contacted a few attorneys that day. 

So like another 6 months later the attorney I hired found that the divorce had been filed, and a decree had been signed by both of them.  Which is an agreement to separate assets.  This is yours and this is mine, and agreeing that if anyone of them should die in between this time and the time of the divorce finalization they have no rights to one another property.  So she got hers before he died, and his should be split 50 50 between me and my brother. 

Years go by my attorney gets on that BS, and I give up on the case and live my life; but continue to have that expectation that it will all play out in my favor.  At the same time I got this F it mentality about the case, but something in me wouldn't let go of that favorable expectation no matter what it looked like.  I'm talking about me firing my attorney them quiting on me twice, and trying to feed me constant BS.  But that expectation that she was going to screw herself out of the picture never left.

So last year I'm on a spiritual hiatus, and I get a call from her about the case.  She wants it over with blah blah blah.  I call my attorney tell them they say okay cool, we'll get in contact with her attorney.  Months later nothing doing her attorney won't even respond, and I told her in order for this to be over our attorneys need to speak.  So like I said I'm on that spiritual level hardcore trying to get myself right, because I had been going through a series of things for like 3 years.  During this time the only TV I watch was Christian TV channels, and this guy Mike Murdock is really giving a great message.  At the end he takes a NT style derail, and says, "there is someone watching this program right now, and you've been going through a long drawn out court case, and it just looks like it's not going to end in you favor.  I'm here to tell you right now that God says it's not over.  The people involved with the opposing side are not going to know what hit them".  And then he goes on to say I've got to sow $54 exactly like 26 times:lol:  .  Or something or another.  I believe in the prosperity message 100%, but if your intentions have to do with caring out Gods will in the long run he's going to bless you with it whether you sow or don't.  There's no right way or wrong way to do it, just be about carrying out the will of God and he'll make it happen.  So I start to tear up because it is all to real to me.  Then my attorney calls me to tell me he's quiting the case for the second time, and in the face of adversity my faith just got stronger.  I started to prepare to get ready to handle the case all by myself, and then like three weeks ago my attorney contacted me again.  They had reviewed the case, and have found some strong evidence of serious misconduct on her end involving the case.  So it's in the beginning stages of turning around in a positive way for me and my brother, and we'll she how catastrophic it gets for his mother.  I think, want, and believe that she will be totally X'ed out of the picture.

But throughout all the up's and downs my faith stayed the same.  I was thought by my mom and my childhood pastor that no matter what it looks like no matter the trial or the tribulation keep your faith strong.  Because that's why problems come your way to shack your faith and denounce God.  Death and poverty aren't of God only life and prosperity, and I've developed a mentality of no matter what happens it always works out in God's favor.  You may not see it but the tragic death of one person could turn out to help ten people and bring them closer to God.  I think there is nothing the devil can do to me that won't turn out in God's favor.  People misinterpret the bible, and get there understanding of who God is all the way mixed up.  God doesn't kill or hurt that's the devil's work, and no matter what you do or who you are God loves and admires us all.  Whether we believe in him or we don't, but how can he protect or help someone that does believe in him whole heartedly.

I BS around and get off track, but my mind is always on God and my purpose.  24/7 even when I'm out up to no good.

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View media item 163390
You could've just saved the keystrokes and said your "Everything happens for a reason" nonsense. There is a lot of true evil and suffering on this planet and that type of belief is a sign of complacency, laziness and helplessness.

Education is a privilege, and I wake up and thank Satan everyday I'm not an idiot.

God hurts and kills ALL THE TIME. Yahweh has more blood on his hands than Lucifer, Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan and Joseph Stalin combined. Objectively, the devil is a more moral figure than "God" will every be.
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wait.. so because marketing uses science it is a science? I can just pull up any ridiculous advertisement as an example of how science is manipulating people? That advertisement is made by the business, it isn't a peer reviewed scientific paper.
Now I'll agree science is not without its faults. Not too long ago scientists were trying to prove that white people had larger brains than other races and therefore higher intellect. There have been scientists that made up their data. ish hapens. But eventually these made up theories/ideas get phased out... just like any other claim that has no evidence. Science doesn't keep theories that have no evidence and try to tell everyone this is what it is, believe it or burn in hell.

Technically, rich people and those in power use the psychology of religion to manipulate others. I suppose religion falls under the umbrella of the scientific faith in its own way. Religion is MARKETING. >D
wait.. so because marketing uses science it is a science? I can just pull up any ridiculous advertisement as an example of how science is manipulating people? That advertisement is made by the business, it isn't a peer reviewed scientific paper.
Now I'll agree science is not without its faults. Not too long ago scientists were trying to prove that white people had larger brains than other races and therefore higher intellect. There have been scientists that made up their data. ish hapens. But eventually these made up theories/ideas get phased out... just like any other claim that has no evidence. Science doesn't keep theories that have no evidence and try to tell everyone this is what it is, believe it or burn in hell.
Marketing, is a science. It is the science of manipulation, the manipulation of facts in order to gain your attention, while using scientific means.

When they place ads for watches in mags, they put the hands of the watch at the 2 and ten, to make it seem as if the watch is smiling at you.
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I'm going off what you said as far as coherency goes. The incoherence/contradiction is what I intiially pointed out.

you're failing to explain how saying that human psychology explains why people believe in religion is equivalent to saying that it's human nature to believe in religion.
That was not what I was aiming to do.

You seem to have forgotten the part where I already addressed what you actually said despite quoting it.
You seem to have forgotten the part where I already addressed what you actually said despite quoting it.

i was already aware of what i said because i said it. you claimed that i said something that wasn't the same. do you always equate sentences with different meanings?
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This is a really stupid question.

Like... people still believe there's Bigfoot in 2012 :lol:

Faith will never die.
I was gonna mention this. Hopefully sooner.
:lol: I'd love to read a genuine story about a non-believer just get up and suddenly start believing one day that isn't froth with dishonesty, anti-logic, and ofcourse some sort of indoctrination/brainwashing.
True story.

We were out in Vegas and a couple of my folks smoked some green stuff they bought from some dude out there.

4 smokers.
3 regular smokers
1 of them is a 1 time a year smoker.

Well the 1 time a year smoker basically hallucinated for 5 hours. He thought he was dead. He thought we tried to kill him. There were fireworks outside that he thought was God's way of not letting him fall asleep.

The Devil wanted him to fall asleep so he could take him away.

He was disapponted in me since I "allowed them to do this to him."

He was a super atheist.

He felt that situation was a sign from God. In his words, "God just wants me to know he is real."

He was talking all of this nonsense then, that man hasn't read one Bible verse or attented one service since. He said he was going to.
But when I ask him about it now he says, "I'm cool. God just wanted me to know he is real."

So yea....it happens :smh:
I think the most interesting thing to ponder about a hypothetical post-religion world is how people would deal with loss. Too often people chalk up devastating loss to god's plan. Take away "god's plan" and you have a lot of people scrambling to find their own strength.
The worst example of "God's plan" was when Stevie Johnson of the Bills dropped a TD past 2 years ago and said something like God wanted me to drop it to humble me. Or something like that. Anyone remember that mess. :smh:
True story.
We were out in Vegas and a couple of my folks smoked some green stuff they bought from some dude out there.
4 smokers.
3 regular smokers
1 of them is a 1 time a year smoker.
Well the 1 time a year smoker basically hallucinated for 5 hours. He thought he was dead. He thought we tried to kill him. There were fireworks outside that he thought was God's way of not letting him fall asleep.
The Devil wanted him to fall asleep so he could take him away.
He was disapponted in me since I "allowed them to do this to him."
He was a super atheist.
He felt that situation was a sign from God. In his words, "God just wants me to know he is real."
He was talking all of this nonsense then, that man hasn't read one Bible verse or attented one service since. He said he was going to.
But when I ask him about it now he says, "I'm cool. God just wanted me to know he is real."
So yea....it happens :smh:

Schizophrenia and other psychotic psychopathologies are associated with super-religiosity for a reason. Where do we draw the line between mental illness and faith?

The classic presentation of a new schizophrenic is a normal, well-adjusted college student all of a sudden isolating himself, drawing religious images and quoting nonsensical biblical passages.
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Yea I was kinda "disappointed" that he "tapped out" that night man. I am like this is one of the more logical dudes I know and he just chalked it all up to God's doing........:smh:
I think the most interesting thing to ponder about a hypothetical post-religion world is how people would deal with loss. Too often people chalk up devastating loss to god's plan. Take away "god's plan" and you have a lot of people scrambling to find their own strength.
The worst example of "God's plan" was when Stevie Johnson of the Bills dropped a TD past 2 years ago and said something like God wanted me to drop it to humble me. Or something like that. Anyone remember that mess.

I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!!" the 24-year-old tweeted from his iPad at around 5:15 Sunday after the Steelers' 19-16 overtime victory. "AND THIS HOW YOU DO ME!!!!! YOU EXPECT ME TO LEARN FROM THIS??? HOW???!!! ILL NEVER FORGET THIS!! EVER!!! THX THO...
What a stupid quote.
Many Eastern philosophies came up with similar spiritual ideologies, even though they were thousands of miles and years removed from each other. That's because they approached the spiritual/unseen like a "science".
Whereas scientific discovery is constantly changing....he speaks about science like some static truth? One person didn't figure anything out alone....what it true today will be looked as false tomorrow and different schools of scientific thought are always clashing with each other. ******ed quote...but y'all praise anything bashing religion, doesn't even matter if it makes sense or not.
Humanity needs myth to survive. It is an incubator for creativity, technology and culture. Even if the Abrahamic religions disappeared, new forms of religion would emerge. Even if we fully understood the brain (which we are far from) and every other subject in existence their will always be an etheric field of quantum existence that we could never touch or explain with complete certainty. The placeholder for theorizations on that realm will always be "myth" even if called by a different name, like scientific hypotheses/"quantum psychology", whatever have you...
The spiritual is undeniable, even if you chose o deny it or feel more comfortable referring to it by a different name.
I understand the backlash that is currently being seen against traditional religious systems but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are certain "spiritual" constants that guide humanity, just as gravity under girds physics. Pick those truths out of the massive jumble of religious rhetoric and spiritual teachings and form your own religion if you have to. Become grounded and secure in your own spiritual/esoteric understandings or others will do it for you and impose their creations on you.
Its kinda two folded his qoute... because while i dont think science etc... is ever changing our understanding and knowledge of said sciences etc is changing. I dont know if he meant it in this manner, but look at it like this... at one point in time it was universally known the world was what a flat round surface and you.... "essentially" could fall off the earth. while our understanding about the earth and how it works changed the facts and the truths about how the earth is didnt.

Lets say we learn or uncover some new ways to use a material etc... just becaused we discover a new way of doing somethiing doesnt mean it just had developed the capabilities to perform said ways... its just that we now have untapped discovered the new said ways. I also wonder if the truths concerning extra terrestrial life etc... was revealed and we had an interaction on a grand scale how would that affect religion/our belief systems/social norms/moral code etc.... Knowing us as humans we would despite them obviously being a more advanced/progressive life form would insist their ways is wwrng and somehow try to convince them our ways are somehow better.
You seem to have forgotten the part where I already addressed what you actually said despite quoting it.

i was already aware of what i said because i said it. you claimed that i said something that wasn't the same. do you always equate sentences with different meanings?
Yeah, seems you're still completely ignoring what I said and still hung up on that. It's cool though.
I was gonna mention this. Hopefully sooner.
:lol: I'd love to read a genuine story about a non-believer just get up and suddenly start believing one day that isn't froth with dishonesty, anti-logic, and ofcourse some sort of indoctrination/brainwashing.
True story.

We were out in Vegas and a couple of my folks smoked some green stuff they bought from some dude out there.

4 smokers.
3 regular smokers
1 of them is a 1 time a year smoker.

Well the 1 time a year smoker basically hallucinated for 5 hours. He thought he was dead. He thought we tried to kill him. There were fireworks outside that he thought was God's way of not letting him fall asleep.

The Devil wanted him to fall asleep so he could take him away.

He was disapponted in me since I "allowed them to do this to him."

He was a super atheist.

He felt that situation was a sign from God. In his words, "God just wants me to know he is real."

He was talking all of this nonsense then, that man hasn't read one Bible verse or attented one service since. He said he was going to.
But when I ask him about it now he says, "I'm cool. God just wanted me to know he is real."

So yea....it happens :smh:
That'd fall in to the anti-logic and ignorant categories. That's not evidence. That's a dude on a bad trip hallucinating himself in to a whole different mind state.

Drugs have powerful effects on the human mind. That's really all I can get from that story.
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