What year will religion finally be extinct?

I grew up in the church but stopped going when I was around 13. After that my life was a downward fall. Started hanging around with the wrong people and i did alot of things that i regret doing. Ive been in multiple life or death situations and i know for a fact that I could have died but God sparred me my life.

It's just something that yall would have to relate to and i doubt alot of people on here can.

A lot of people say it is what it is if I die whatever. There ain't a heaven or hell blah blah. But I bet more than half them people would swallow their words if they were ever in a situation where there life was in another man's hand with a glock in their face.

I've seen many miracles performed for family and freinds for doctors or other people to always try to come up with an excuse or some off the wall theories. People never want to give god credit for the good he does but are quick to point the finger at him for everything bad that happens. It's just sad to see.

I believe in god but I don't ever try to force it upon anybody. I respect everyones opinion even if I dont agree with it. If they want to learn more about god because of an experience they had there gonna do it on their own time when they are ready to.

I kinda hate the way people sterotype Christians to people who try to force their religion on to you. Not all people are like that tho.

As I said before ive been in too many situations where I could have been six feet under but i was given another chance. I acknowledge it and because of past history in the church I know that i was saved by god not just because.

I usually don't express myself to much in here. Idk why but I did.
Stay safe yall and god bless!
Science is merely a method of analysis... please explain how this can be used to manipulate and con people?

^The claim made on that poster is not based on science obviously....

The problem with most people is that they don't understand the scientific process.... so they fall victim to scams/false claims that try to assert scientific backing.

After falling victim/failing to understand what is going on, they fault valid science. That is what you are doing with this post.
I think the most interesting thing to ponder about a hypothetical post-religion world is how people would deal with loss. Too often people chalk up devastating loss to god's plan. Take away "god's plan" and you have a lot of people scrambling to find their own strength.
The worst example of "God's plan" was when Stevie Johnson of the Bills dropped a TD past 2 years ago and said something like God wanted me to drop it to humble me. Or something like that. Anyone remember that mess. :smh:
:x  :stoneface:


I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!!" the 24-year-old tweeted from his iPad at around 5:15 Sunday after the Steelers' 19-16 overtime victory. "AND THIS HOW YOU DO ME!!!!! YOU EXPECT ME TO LEARN FROM THIS??? HOW???!!! ILL NEVER FORGET THIS!! EVER!!! THX THO...

View media item 155001

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I grew up in the church but stopped going when I was around 13. After that my life was a downward fall. Started hanging around with the wrong people and i did alot of things that i regret doing. Ive been in multiple life or death situations and i know for a fact that I could have died but God sparred me my life.

It's just something that yall would have to relate to and i doubt alot of people on here can.
It sounds like your life was going terribly, you looked back to what changed that, attached that change to the church and no longer being affiliated instead of realizing the problem wasn't this excuse you wanted to credit what's good in your life but that you yourself were the problem, that you made mistakes and bad decisions.
A lot of people say it is what it is if I die whatever. There ain't a heaven or hell blah blah. But I bet more than half them people would swallow their words if they were ever in a situation where there life was in another man's hand with a glock in their face.
Extreme circumstances and situations do not necessarily bring out the real you or the truth. All it shows is how far or how low man can go to save their skin. I'm sure if a person's life was in the hands of their worse enemy they'd plead for their life and swear loyalty just to live another day.

Being in a situation where your life or death is being decided by someone else does not support much of anything other than ppl want to live.

I've seen many miracles performed for family and freinds for doctors or other people to always try to come up with an excuse or some off the wall theories. People never want to give god credit for the good he does but are quick to point the finger at him for everything bad that happens. It's just sad to see.
Miracle is just a word to label things ppl can't/won't explain (with some knowledge).
As I said before ive been in too many situations where I could have been six feet under but i was given another chance. I acknowledge it and because of past history in the church I know that i was saved by god not just because.
You being in the church in the first place is by chance, could've easily been born in India or Japan crediting why your alive today to something else.
Yeah, seems you're still completely ignoring what I said and still hung up on that. It's cool though.

nah, you first said that i said something that i never said, then you made a mess of a response to that, and now you're refusing to clarify. you also made the claim that i said something contradictory, which i never did. i'm just confused because it's almost like you're dodging it since nothing you've said has made any sense.
religion will never be extinct as long as people believe in God
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Yeah, seems you're still completely ignoring what I said and still hung up on that. It's cool though.

nah, you first said that i said something that i never said, then you made a mess of a response to that, and now you're refusing to clarify. you also made the claim that i said something contradictory, which i never did. i'm just confused because it's almost like you're dodging it since nothing you've said has made any sense.
The clarification is what you actually said didn't change what I initially said. Go back and substitute in what you actually said, then go and read the second reply referencing what you actually said where I add on instead of being hung on the initial mistake.

If you actually do go back and reread I don't see what's there is to be confused about.
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Yeah, seems you're still completely ignoring what I said and still hung up on that. It's cool though.
nah, you first said that i said something that i never said, then you made a mess of a response to that, and now you're refusing to clarify. you also made the claim that i said something contradictory, which i never did. i'm just confused because it's almost like you're dodging it since nothing you've said has made any sense.
The clarification is what you actually said didn't change what I initially said. Go back and substitute in what you actually said, then go and read the second reply referencing what you actually said where I add on instead of being hung on the initial mistake.

If you actually do go back and reread I don't see what's there is to be confused about.
this thread is just everyone trying to twist each others words around and point out where they contradicted themselves..
Sonya Shidday does that all the time.

even admitted to it being fun for him.
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The clarification is what you actually said didn't change what I initially said. Go back and substitute in what you actually said, then go and read the second reply referencing what you actually said where I add on instead of being hung on the initial mistake.

If you actually do go back and reread I don't see what's there is to be confused about.

i think this is all starting to make sense now. your sentences are giant messes that make next to no sense as shown above. if we go back to your second reply, not only is your sentence a huge mess, but your response is so incredibly general that you fail to actually make a point. now i understand why you're failing to comprehend what i initially said. problem solved.

Sonya Shidday does that all the time.

even admitted to it being fun for him.

i never twist words nor would i have to. you showed through your own responses that you don't understand general physics and you were called out by multiple people. nice try, though.
i think this is all starting to make sense now. your sentences are giant messes that make next to no sense as shown above. if we go back to your second reply, not only is your sentence a huge mess, but your response is so incredibly general that you fail to actually make a point. now i understand why you're failing to comprehend what i initially said. problem solved.
i never twist words nor would i have to. you showed through your own responses that you don't understand general physics and you were called out by multiple people. nice try, though.

damn u still on that?

wasn't even referring to that incident but i guess. and u dudes showed your lack of comprehension with your "i put it in the calculator and got a different answer". Not I.

u the only one trying and constantly derailing threads with your nagging and nitpicking. You like somebody's girl making a bunch of dumb statements as soon as u walk in the house from work

Another thread, another day, you're still doing the same ish.
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It took me a second to get this pic, probably cause Im a dumb Christian
lol it has nothing to do with religion and i dont have anything against religion..peoples beliefs are THEIR beliefs...i dont tell a kid santa doesnt exist just because i dont believe in em.

some people just need to figure out a way to just.
damn u still on that?

wasn't even referring to that incident but i guess. and u dudes showed your lack of comprehension with your "i put it in the calculator and got a different answer". Not I.

u the only one trying and constantly derailing threads with your nagging and nitpicking. You like somebody's girl making a bunch of dumb statements as soon as u walk in the house from work

Another thread, another day, you're still doing the same ish.

you really don't like being called out on your nonsense. these poorly presented misrepresentations of me are laughable at best.
The clarification is what you actually said didn't change what I initially said. Go back and substitute in what you actually said, then go and read the second reply referencing what you actually said where I add on instead of being hung on the initial mistake.

If you actually do go back and reread I don't see what's there is to be confused about.

i think this is all starting to make sense now. your sentences are giant messes that make next to no sense as shown above. if we go back to your second reply, not only is your sentence a huge mess, but your response is so incredibly general that you fail to actually make a point. now i understand why you're failing to comprehend what i initially said. problem solved.
Again, this has nothing to do with me comprehending what you initially said. It's right there if you actually reread it. No response was general, it was direct. The point is in the first reply and it still stands.
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Again, this has nothing to do with me comprehending what you initially said. It's right there if you actually reread it. No response was general, it was direct. The point is in the first reply and it still stands.

nah, i've tried over and over to get you to explain and you haven't been able to do anything except point me back to your original replies that made no sense. i think the confusion actually stems from your lack of understanding of the original post.
I grew up in the church but stopped going when I was around 13. After that my life was a downward fall. Started hanging around with the wrong people and i did alot of things that i regret doing. Ive been in multiple life or death situations and i know for a fact that I could have died but God sparred me my life.
It's just something that yall would have to relate to and i doubt alot of people on here can.
A lot of people say it is what it is if I die whatever. There ain't a heaven or hell blah blah. But I bet more than half them people would swallow their words if they were ever in a situation where there life was in another man's hand with a glock in their face.
I've seen many miracles performed for family and freinds for doctors or other people to always try to come up with an excuse or some off the wall theories. People never want to give god credit for the good he does but are quick to point the finger at him for everything bad that happens. It's just sad to see.
I believe in god but I don't ever try to force it upon anybody. I respect everyones opinion even if I dont agree with it. If they want to learn more about god because of an experience they had there gonna do it on their own time when they are ready to.
I kinda hate the way people sterotype Christians to people who try to force their religion on to you. Not all people are like that tho.
As I said before ive been in too many situations where I could have been six feet under but i was given another chance. I acknowledge it and because of past history in the church I know that i was saved by god not just because.
I usually don't express myself to much in here. Idk why but I did.
Stay safe yall and god bless!

The worst!!!! :x

Call me a pessimist but your life is no more worth sparing than the lives of me multitude of people on this planet who have suffered and who have died. Religion is simply a reflection of your own selfish needs, desires, fears, weaknesses and desire for self preservation. God spared your life but apparently lets other people die and continue to live in pain and misery. This is a most arrogant, presumptuous and selfish way of thinking.

Oh lemme guess, for the people who continue to suffer.....God is working in mysterious ways? AMIRITE OR AMIRITE? :nerd:

Thank God I'm alive, healthy and prosperous....to everybody else, better luck next time....in the afterlife. :smokin
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Marketing, is a science. It is the science of manipulation, the manipulation of facts in order to gain your attention, while using scientific means.

When they place ads for watches in mags, they put the hands of the watch at the 2 and ten, to make it seem as if the watch is smiling at you.
Science isn't equivalent to an applied science. You cannot say that marketing, which applies psychology and often manipulates peoples, leads to the field of psychology being manipulative. What you fail to acknowledge is that science deals with the physical and material world and not the internal lives of people.

Applications of sciences are distinct from the actual study of the science.  Marketing is more of an art than an science. Can you show me a case of how physics has been manipulative?
Science isn't equivalent to an applied science. You cannot say that marketing, which applies psychology and often manipulates peoples, leads to the field of psychology being manipulative. What you fail to acknowledge is that science deals with the physical and material world and not the internal lives of people.

Applications of sciences are distinct from the actual study of the science.  Marketing is more of an art than an science. Can you show me a case of how physics has been manipulative?
The study of Physics is only one part of science. However, the study of behavioural quirks and habits, is indeed scientific analysis. How it is applied after spotting the weaknesses of the consumer, is a different story. Still, it takes scientific study in order to find, and then pursue those weaknesses.

How do you make a person feel that they need, what it is that you are trying to sell?
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