Whats on the top of YOUR fridge?????........VOL.1....................

Dec 9, 2001
KOOL AID KOOL AID KOOL AID..........and some LICKA!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have a problem sleeping every now and then

Im too lazy to have the regular kool aid.........tastes the same any damn way...................WHATS ON THE TOP OF YOUR FRIDGE???????????????
HAHAHA.........naaaa......the seagrams is my brother in laws stuff from new years........i dont mess with Gin anyway..............Dude just turned 21 on Dec31st........her got gin because of "gin and juice"........thats what he repeated 10 times before even taking a sip, drank too much.......hurled allover my effin carped....ughh
I really don't know right now. Probably cereal boxes with only the crumbs and sugar from the cereal left.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

I really don't know right now. Probably cereal boxes with only the crumbs and sugar from the cereal left.

word. smh @ everyone in my family not knowing how to throw things away.
3 empty cereal boxes, oreos, kool aid Mix I think thats it. These janky %##+ roomates can't clean for #+#!
* 1 fifth of Sailor Jerrys Spiced Rum

* 1 fifth of Pyrat Rum

* 6 boxes of cereal

* Bottle opener
jar of change (toll money, arcades)
2 boxes of cereal (lucky charms and coco crispies)

a glue stick? idk where that came from
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