Whats the male equivalent to a 'girl with daddy issues'?

i've never met my father
I was raised by my mother and her sister.
I am not seeing how funny this terrel owens story is.

From personal experience it is soul shattering to think that one half of the two people on earth who are supposed to love you unconditionally doesn't give a damn about you.
T.O is a clown.  Dude might have real issues but he's brought nothing but pain on himself.  He's too old not to have adapted.  He's too rich not to gone to therapy.  I don't feel for that clown.
i've never met my father
I was raised by my mother and her sister.
I am not seeing how funny this terrel owens story is.

From personal experience it is soul shattering to think that one half of the two people on earth who are supposed to love you unconditionally doesn't give a damn about you.

:stoneface: T.O is a clown.  Dude might have real issues but he's brought nothing but pain on himself.  He's too old not to have adapted.  He's too rich not to gone to therapy.  I don't feel for that clown.

Bingo. Every pic I posted was on t.o’s accord. I feel really bad for people that have messed up childhoods. I do.


He of all people should look at things differently at this point. Screw T.O I'll put him on blast all day.
i would guess a guy that is real emotional?

and spot on when it comes to needing compliments.

most times, if you have a father that's there and supportive, you understand that you do stuff and will absolutely receive no credit for it.

i guess, if you have never seen this, then you wouldn't eem know how to deal w/ not getting compliments.

This man speaks the truth. I never thought of it in this way. My boy who's father wasn't really around is like this in that he has to let his friends know whenever he accomplishes something in order to receive credit or some sort of recognition.

Look no further than on social media sites for examples of this type of behavior. There are those people (males and females) who post pics everyday of the most minute things for attention.

/End of my Dr.Phil rant
There are a ton of issues that a guy can have with respect to his mom.

- too much love = grow up to be soft/simpish
- too little love = violence/anger towards women?
- smothering love/overprotected = resentment towards women, and being naive

Then of course the father can come into play, and the dynamic between parents can come into play.

- submissive mom, dominant father
- submissive father, dominant mom

The former will lead to a guy who is a #$%#$% towards women, while the latter will almost surely lead to a simp.

i would guess a guy that is real emotional?

and spot on when it comes to needing compliments.

most times, if you have a father that's there and supportive, you understand that you do stuff and will absolutely receive no credit for it.

i guess, if you have never seen this, then you wouldn't eem know how to deal w/ not getting compliments.

This man speaks the truth. I never thought of it in this way. My boy who's father wasn't really around is like this in that he has to let his friends know whenever he accomplishes something in order to receive credit or some sort of recognition.

Look no further than on social media sites for examples of this type of behavior. There are those people (males and females) who post pics everyday of the most minute things for attention.

/End of my Dr.Phil rant
Yeah... All these typical traits must originate somehow from a deficiency in parenting, whether it's the facebook attention #$#@$ or a simp or whatever. I'd say the facebook attention @#$@$@ is a result of a needy/weak/absent father combined with a mother who thinks everything her son does is amazing, even when it's trash.
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There are a ton of issues that a guy can have with respect to his mom.

- too much love = grow up to be soft/simpish
- too little love = violence/anger towards women?
- smothering love/overprotected = resentment towards women, and being naive

Then of course the father can come into play, and the dynamic between parents can come into play.

- submissive mom, dominant father
- submissive father, dominant mom

The former will lead to a guy who is a #$%#$% towards women, while the latter will almost surely lead to a simp.

This is interesting. What would you say is balance?
This is interesting. What would you say is balance?
Maybe psychologists have disproven a lot of this, but I'd say it follows from a healthy relationship between the parents. A good give-and-take where neither side is always in control. And, at its root, a healthy relationship results from each parent being strong and secure in themselves.

The opposite side of this: unresolved issues or insecurities in the parent will cause problem in a marriage and also cause mommy/daddy issues in the children.

Lastly -- "a girl with daddy issues" can also fall on a spectrum. The typical case is an emotionally absent father, leading to an insecure, attention-seeking daughter. But you can also have the opposite, where a father who is too loving and forgiving, leading to a girl with a princess complex, i.e. a high maintenance/stuck-up #@%@.
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i believe that a guy with daddy issues grows to have a lil bish*****ness in him. He may have a childish selfish attitude or some punk ways. Sad to say but the only men i know with "daddy issues" are drug dealers and are the ones running around shooting ppl because they can be a man and fight. But there are some I know that are successful because they dont want to be like their dad. So I think it can only go two ways there is no middle ground.
I feel like dudes with daddy issues to quick to use that as an excuse. 
Interesting thread, one way of looking at it is that responsive and sensitive parents teach their children that adults can be relied upon during times of distress and that their needs will be consistently met. Conversely, maltreating parents are often unresponsive, insensitive, or physically harmful, and through these behaviors teach their children that adults can be unresponsive and even hurtful. These parent-child experiences lay the foundation for attachment relationships and influence the child's expectations or representations of the world. The absence of consistent and nurturing care, or the occurrence of physical or sexual violations, may send messages to young children that they are unworthy of love, respect and support. Rejection or abuse from a parent can lead to an insecure attachment in the young child and development of a negative internal working model for later relationships. Basically, these relationships during early childhood are particularly important because they serve as the building blocks for other aspects of development, including development of self-regulation skills, coping, and peer and romantic relationships. Which is why we see so many cases of child who were were raised in an insecure attachment have been associated with a number of negative developmental outcomes including psychopathology, negative peer interactions, and impaired social competencies. A lot of factors may contribute, this is just one example of the overarching theme.
female with daddy issues = seeks attention, wild or simply hates all men and uses personal achievement to pat herself on the back

female with mommy issues = rare, doesn't show or deal with emotions well, cold, bottles up things

male with daddy issues = Drake, seeks attention, flamboyant, or too rough, wanna be thug, cant handle authority

male with mommy issues= woman hater, doesn't trust well
they have anger problems. dont trust women and would most likely manipulate women and/or cheat on em
female with daddy issues = seeks attention, wild or simply hates all men and uses personal achievement to pat herself on the back
female with mommy issues = rare, doesn't show or deal with emotions well, cold, bottles up things
male with daddy issues = Drake, seeks attention, flamboyant, or too rough, wanna be thug, cant handle authority
male with mommy issues= woman hater, doesn't trust well

If someone can acknowledge their specific issue because of the signs they're showing does that mean its ok to continue displaying these signs?

If I'm always verbally abusing women because I feel like I had mom issues and I'm aware that's the reason why I do it i don't think I should be using it as a crutch. Identify the issue, find the source, and better myself right.
Good posts by JPEG and PowerBallin.

Yeah, identifying the issue and its cause is only the first step. Next you gotta work on it. Not only will you become a better, more secure person, but you'll have better relationships with women and be a better father.

I think part of the reason why guys end up in relationships with crazy/insecure/unstable girls is because the guy has mommy or daddy issues himself and, instead of dealing with them head on, he finds a girl willing to put up with his issues, and vice versa.
lol.. Forgot about NT's love for that episode. In my case, I don't talk to my father, don't hate him, I just don't have any feelings towards him. Maybe when I was younger I'd feel a certain way like that episode but not at the age of 27. I feel like once you're able to identify the cause of an issue you no longer have an excuse to act out. Example. girls who decide to strip or prostitute. If she can tell me she's doing it because she didn't have love from her father I don't feel like she can use that as a crutch. Then again, I'm no doctor so I don't know. :lol:

I'm in the same boat as you my friend. I'm 27, and don't any feelings towards my dad. He walked on me and my brother when I was about 12. Personally what it boils down to is abandonment issues, and I HATE to rely on people. I feel like most people will just let me down. In high school and college, I didn't really get close with people and I became more introverted. I don't know if it's fear of people walking out on me or letting me down, but I just accept the impermanence of people in my life.

EDIT: just read JPEG's post and pretty much hit the nail on the head. I definitely have social incompetencies that I'm aware of
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female with daddy issues = seeks attention, wild or simply hates all men and uses personal achievement to pat herself on the back
female with mommy issues = rare, doesn't show or deal with emotions well, cold, bottles up things
My ex had both; I was ****** from the jump. Wasted time man, wasted time :smh:
i would guess a guy that is real emotional?

and spot on when it comes to needing compliments.

most times, if you have a father that's there and supportive, you understand that you do stuff and will absolutely receive no credit for it.

i guess, if you have never seen this, then you wouldnt eem know how to deal w/ not getting compliments.
I work at a school. Soft kids (boys) is SO frustrating. All of the whining, and sucka stuff displayed by them. And most don't have a daddy.
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