whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Usually i just get followed around til i reach my destination

1. One time i was waiting out front of a supermarket waiting for my parents to get out, since i went to get something to drink.  So out comes this white lady with her son and she tells him to give me the cart he'll put it away... mind you i'm in street clothes

I just stopped the cart and give them the

2. When i was younger my dad and I went to strawbridges when they were still in business to pick up some of the furniture...mind you we have the store dolly looking cart for the bigger items... so we're taking the two boxed pieces out, a cop happened to be near our van.... drives up and asks whats in the boxes.
Eventhough i was young i knew what he was implying and i just gave him lip and said i didnt know i had to show my reciept outside the store too. He just gave me a
 and drove away.

3. Was at Champs sports looking to see what was new and what not...
Manager: " Hi, can i help you"
Me: Just looking
Manager: Just looking, thats what you all say...
Me: Walks out

I ended up emailing corporate and they called me to appologize and stated they didnt tolerate that kind of behavior, asked for a description of the manager and said they would look into the matter

Havent been back sense to confirm though

4. There have been a few cases where i've actually been pulled over one that stands out in particular was a day i was leaving work.  So i got done my shift and leave and let the car warm up before i moved i noticed there was a cop at the opposite end of the parking lot, didnt think anything of it since i heard sirens earlier while at work.... anyways as i'm putting the car in reverse the squad car speeds up quick behind me and puts their lights on.

Officer: What are you doing around these parts?
 I work here....
Officer: So if i go to that house they can vouch for you?
 be my guest they arent going to tell you other wise...
Officer: Let me see your license .... my names Juan how did he pronounce it? Juuu wannn

I seriously wanted to just poke him in the face with the tire iron i keep next to my seat but i know that wouldnt've done any good

Those are all i can remember right now
BTW i'm a Tan Dominican
Usually i just get followed around til i reach my destination

1. One time i was waiting out front of a supermarket waiting for my parents to get out, since i went to get something to drink.  So out comes this white lady with her son and she tells him to give me the cart he'll put it away... mind you i'm in street clothes

I just stopped the cart and give them the

2. When i was younger my dad and I went to strawbridges when they were still in business to pick up some of the furniture...mind you we have the store dolly looking cart for the bigger items... so we're taking the two boxed pieces out, a cop happened to be near our van.... drives up and asks whats in the boxes.
Eventhough i was young i knew what he was implying and i just gave him lip and said i didnt know i had to show my reciept outside the store too. He just gave me a
 and drove away.

3. Was at Champs sports looking to see what was new and what not...
Manager: " Hi, can i help you"
Me: Just looking
Manager: Just looking, thats what you all say...
Me: Walks out

I ended up emailing corporate and they called me to appologize and stated they didnt tolerate that kind of behavior, asked for a description of the manager and said they would look into the matter

Havent been back sense to confirm though

4. There have been a few cases where i've actually been pulled over one that stands out in particular was a day i was leaving work.  So i got done my shift and leave and let the car warm up before i moved i noticed there was a cop at the opposite end of the parking lot, didnt think anything of it since i heard sirens earlier while at work.... anyways as i'm putting the car in reverse the squad car speeds up quick behind me and puts their lights on.

Officer: What are you doing around these parts?
 I work here....
Officer: So if i go to that house they can vouch for you?
 be my guest they arent going to tell you other wise...
Officer: Let me see your license .... my names Juan how did he pronounce it? Juuu wannn

I seriously wanted to just poke him in the face with the tire iron i keep next to my seat but i know that wouldnt've done any good

Those are all i can remember right now
BTW i'm a Tan Dominican
Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
this sounds like remember the titans..

Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
this sounds like remember the titans..

I agreed to write another kids paper for him ($$$) and its supposed to be about a self-portrait by a feminist. He gave me a pic of Rihanna taken by some photographer, and when I said it didnt fit the prompt but I had found a painting from the 18th century to do instead he told me he had chosen the picture of Rihanna because he figured Id find it more interesting. Hit him with a 
until I just now realized that he didnt just do that cuz hes dumb. 
I agreed to write another kids paper for him ($$$) and its supposed to be about a self-portrait by a feminist. He gave me a pic of Rihanna taken by some photographer, and when I said it didnt fit the prompt but I had found a painting from the 18th century to do instead he told me he had chosen the picture of Rihanna because he figured Id find it more interesting. Hit him with a 
until I just now realized that he didnt just do that cuz hes dumb. 
Racism extended my virginity
It was summer break and I had been making plans for weeks to go see this girl at her summer camp (she had a dorm there).
I had been struggling to get over there because my raise was strict ---I hadnt left the nest yet
Luckily, my raise went on vacation and left me with my grandmother who said, "Be back by 9pm"
I was on my way to the girls dorm, which was in an affluent area.
When the Feds, state troopers, and a couple of other alphabet boys jumped out with assault rifles and pistols drawn and told me to put my hands in the air...assault rifles make you comply quick (that and the need to use my d_)
They said they were looking for a 25-35 yo Black male that was between 5'5-5'8 with dreads wearing a all black and I fit the description.
I was a 6ft 13yo with a hat covering my short braids and wearing a Darius Miles jersey.
They patted me and then said they were waiting for another trooper to come and identify me.
I waited there for about 2hrs while they told each other good ol' boy club jokes.
I dont know what was more annoying...the dry D_, the lame jokes, or the fact that I was standing with cuffs in 90 degree weather for no reason
Said trooper arrives and promptly tells them that I am not the older guy dressed in Black that held up a states store.
All I got was a pat on the back and told that they were happy that I didnt make this harder than this had to be (truthfully, I did it because I thought it would speed up the process so I could get the V_)
Afterward, I didnt smash and I dont think the girl believed my story
So, when I drop my nuts and say F_ the police...it comes from gut
Im about that life....Blee dat!!!
Racism extended my virginity
It was summer break and I had been making plans for weeks to go see this girl at her summer camp (she had a dorm there).
I had been struggling to get over there because my raise was strict ---I hadnt left the nest yet
Luckily, my raise went on vacation and left me with my grandmother who said, "Be back by 9pm"
I was on my way to the girls dorm, which was in an affluent area.
When the Feds, state troopers, and a couple of other alphabet boys jumped out with assault rifles and pistols drawn and told me to put my hands in the air...assault rifles make you comply quick (that and the need to use my d_)
They said they were looking for a 25-35 yo Black male that was between 5'5-5'8 with dreads wearing a all black and I fit the description.
I was a 6ft 13yo with a hat covering my short braids and wearing a Darius Miles jersey.
They patted me and then said they were waiting for another trooper to come and identify me.
I waited there for about 2hrs while they told each other good ol' boy club jokes.
I dont know what was more annoying...the dry D_, the lame jokes, or the fact that I was standing with cuffs in 90 degree weather for no reason
Said trooper arrives and promptly tells them that I am not the older guy dressed in Black that held up a states store.
All I got was a pat on the back and told that they were happy that I didnt make this harder than this had to be (truthfully, I did it because I thought it would speed up the process so I could get the V_)
Afterward, I didnt smash and I dont think the girl believed my story
So, when I drop my nuts and say F_ the police...it comes from gut
Im about that life....Blee dat!!!
Living in the bay area, I don't experience much racism if any at all because it is so diverse and open minded. I was in Castro Valley one night at a park hanging with a couple of my friends. Out of nowhere, a beer bottle lands a couple feet away from where we were sitting and we hear "White Power... and dont come back." We all just stand there in shock. Keep in mind that I'm the darkest one of the group while I'm only mixed and there is one Mexican girl who is as dark as me. The rest of the group which was probably 4 people were white or could pass. A couple minutes later  a white park cop or something asks us what happen. I leave the conversation because I got a call from my mom. When I get back, the patrol man left and my friend told me after explaining what happened to us to the guy, he said we shouldn't have been in the park in the first place
Living in the bay area, I don't experience much racism if any at all because it is so diverse and open minded. I was in Castro Valley one night at a park hanging with a couple of my friends. Out of nowhere, a beer bottle lands a couple feet away from where we were sitting and we hear "White Power... and dont come back." We all just stand there in shock. Keep in mind that I'm the darkest one of the group while I'm only mixed and there is one Mexican girl who is as dark as me. The rest of the group which was probably 4 people were white or could pass. A couple minutes later  a white park cop or something asks us what happen. I leave the conversation because I got a call from my mom. When I get back, the patrol man left and my friend told me after explaining what happened to us to the guy, he said we shouldn't have been in the park in the first place
I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?
I walked into a liqour store in downtown Atlanta a couple weeks ago and a random black dude yelled out "Caucasians, the Devil's workers!"

I couldn't do anything but laugh.
I walked into a liqour store in downtown Atlanta a couple weeks ago and a random black dude yelled out "Caucasians, the Devil's workers!"

I couldn't do anything but laugh.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?
plenty.  you are embarrassing yourself, cut it out.

although I kind of get the impression that you're trying to pick an argument right now, in which case troll on.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?
plenty.  you are embarrassing yourself, cut it out.

although I kind of get the impression that you're trying to pick an argument right now, in which case troll on.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?

You basically missed everything. 
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by sevit86

Grow up,

You get butt hurt cause you thought some people were looking down on you?

if this is the degree of racism you've experienced in your life, you need to live more, or just grow a pair

EDIT: If your Caucasian and spent your life predominantly in the States, you guys have no idea what racism is. 

Your comprehension is terrible, kid.

- you got invited to a party by a old flame

- took a plus one to the party

- happened to be a girl of an ethnicity the majority of the people at the party disapproved of.

- you got your feelings hurt

- associated this experience to a minority and how difficult it must be for them to get work. 

did i miss anything?

You basically missed everything. 
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Got called the n-word by my assistant manager last year... I recorded him during his outbursts towards me, so when I took it to HR, there was nothing he could deny... Documentation
... he got fired, now he can't feed his family

im curious how you recorded his out burst.....did he know you was recording?
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