What's The Pettiest $%$% You've ever gotten in trouble/yelled at for?

Originally Posted by Fly or Die

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

having shoes under the bed laying around my room
No, !%@---it was under my bed
I remember I got yelled at for not sweeping under the kitchen table

I got thrown through a window for not taking a shower literally the
Second I woke up

Was yelled at when I nearly lost my life

Wasn't aloud to play on my high school basketball team freshmen and sophmore year....
Of course it was done purposely, its the only thing I really got going for me in life

I got the a** beating of a lifetime for getting two C's on my report card

Couldn't have friends over at my house because I didn't clean I portion
in h/school around gr.9 i had a shirt that said "when i talk dirty to a girl its sexual harassment, when a girl talks dirty to me its $2.99/min"

corniest thing ever but i wore it once to school under a sweater and my english teacher saw me in the hallway n just lost it on me. talking about how itsdisrespectful to women etc etc and i had to meet with the principal to discuss it further. smh
Coming home "late"
They ask me to be a psychic and look into the future and predict what time i'm coming home. I'll say i don't know (because i don't) and givean estimate like "maybe 12". If i get home at 12:05 they used to flip a @#%+, now it's just my dad thatgets upset.
They get mad at me "wasting gas" because i went ou to get osmethig to EAT.
Pretty much anytime their precious baby is not home, they're somehow upset.
I'm 21, btw.

One time (i was 15) my parents took me to a rock concert and they were soooo upset at the crowd of people and the fact that the band cursed. They were slammigdoors and not talking to me for like two days
i know this thread is leaning towards parental crackdowns, but in highschool i got a twenty minute lecture and almost a detention for trying to use a homeworkpass, teacher said i was being lazy
if my pants sagged 1 millimeter my dad would give me the business.
Saying Dang, or Darn.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

-For putting honey on a biscuit
-For saying I was a "big baller"
-I would get smacked in the head for having my hands in my pocket

Damn my pops was petty

Post yours

My mom always get crazy if i had my pockets when i was in a store. she thought people would accuse me of stealing
back in 9th grade my dad got pissed cause i was in the house and my hair wasnt picked
he then took me to the barbershop (1st time ever, my mom used toalways take me..) and told them how to cut my hair...had a borderline flat top
...i was sooooo pissed
I remember I was in like the 1st grade and asked my dad what came first the chicken or the egg (he didn't get it was a joke) so he said the chicken... so Isaid "so where did the chicken come from" ... to this day I don't know why but I guess that question got him mad; dude just smacked me and toldme to shut up
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