What's The Pettiest $%$% You've ever gotten in trouble/yelled at for?

ImReallyDirkNowitzki wrote:
Originally Posted by Jules300

My moms yelled at me for getting a 99 in gym she said i should of got a 100. My moms is crazy yo i swear.


Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by solemunchies

I got yelled at for using my dad's tools
I couldn't touch none of my pops @%@*, I remember when that R. Kelly TP2.com came out and my dad bought it. He wasn't home one day so I took it and was banging "feelin' on yo' booty". He bust in my room outta no where and whipped my @@$
"This belt gonna be feelin on ya booty"

Funiest @@*! ive herd in a while man thanks.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

I don't know why, but he started telling me that my drawings I gave him for birthdays or father's day were stupid, and that they were worthless. He also said that he could just kick me to the curb too, and made me stand straight up and face the front door for thirty minutes, or some long time.
Damn, that would make me feel like (*#&$#. It's the thought that counts
in gr.4 when i say "jeez" at a catholic school. got suspended because it was supposedly using the lords name in vain. jesus %%@#!%$ christ.
i have a few of them...

when i was about 5-6 years old i loved drawing, i wanted to be an artist

i drew my older brother a t rex but the middle nail was longer than the others... i got beat the he
ll up... he was pissed all week... pushing me down the stairs and !#%%....

i dont like drawing anymore....

and just in case you're wondering, my phone has a limit of 200 chars so i split it
This thread is hilarious, but on the real my childhood was nothing but pettiness and is probably why I'm still somewhat bitter towards my immediate fam.

Some of the memories that stand out:

-Getting slapped because my younger brother didn't do HIS homework.

-I always looked forward to my bday because my Uncle Al would always send me $100 inside the birthday card. Back then, that was an incredible amount of money.Anyways, I noticed one year that the card had been opened then taped. I opened the card and oddly there was no money in it. I didn't trip, I was just gladmy Uncle didnt forget about me. Anyways, I'm talking to him later on the phone and he's like "what did you do with your birthday money thisyear"? I'm like
. Turns out my moms opened the joint, took the bread and taped it back up. So I confronted her and this $$@ slapped me for askingabout my $%%%@$%%#@%+! money!

-My mom's ex husband flicked my ear (that +!+# hurts!) cause I made her a sandwich with the end piece of bread. I still don't understand what's sobad about that part of the bread but that +!+# turned into an hour long discussion about me respecting my mom and all this other bs. They divorced over adecade ago and I'm grown now but he's still at the top of my "People Who I Want To Die" list.

-Got slapped for asking for seconds at a holiday get together at some friends house. The food situation at our house wasn't right so I was starving, andyou know how good holiday food is.

- My mom would always threaten to send me to live with my real dad when I was little. One day she said it and I asked if could I really go live with him...gotslapped.

-I got yelled at for not playing videogames with my brother. So I begin playing the games with him, he cries cause I'm too good so then I get yelled at fornot letting him win. So confusing.

-In Baltimore, we lived behind a food lion. My mom would drive past it every day on her way home then make me walk to it to get dinner for that night. Oneday Ididn't feel good and told her no...got slapped. Still had to go. Then I got yelled at for having to come home early the next day because I was more sick.Didn't get slapped but the verbal abuse was about equivalent.

-My mom made me cut my brothers hair one day. His dumb %$! moved while I was doing the shape up so I had to cut his hair bald. She made me stay home the nextday as punishment. To this day, I have no idea what the point of making me stay home was.

-In B-More, our apartment got robbed, took everything including my videogames which was my life at the time. This $$@ slapped me and asked if I was sure Ididn't have anything to do with it. I think that's about the time I stopped feeling love and compassion for my mother, and realized she was a *@!%+@#idiot.

-Got kicked out of the house at 18 and was homeless for awhile. I wish there was some gangsta story behind it but it's embarrasing because there isn't.We were LIVING in a hotel because she's a *@!%+@# idiot like I stated before, and I had decided to join the AF to get as far away from her and my brotheras possible before I killed one of them or both. I signed up and she was all excited and asked me what was the first thing I was going to buy her. Confused, Ilooked at her and told her I wasn't buying her anything. On everything I love son, she kicked me out for THAT.

I can go on and on...I didn't live in a 3rd world country or anything but I seriously hated my childhood. I'm grown now and I've tried to forgetthe past and be a good son but everytime I see her I just want to slap the +!+# out of her.

Sorry for this mini vent session, some of these memories pissed me off again...

-In 3rd grade, she bought me that Snoop-Doggystyle album (my 1st album!). A few days later I got a whooping for having a tape with cusswords on it. In my mindI'm like "You bought it for me dumb %$!"!

-I really needed some school clothes one year as I was still rocking clothes from the previous two years as my growth spurt was kicking in. So I told my moms,and of course she "didn't have any money". So I come home the next day from school and we have a puppy. A very expensive puppy. One thatwould've equaled a decent amount of school clothes, maybe pay our rent and get some real food in the kitchen. The dog is never house trained. After about aweek her and my brother lose fascination with this dog and so I have to walk it despite it not being my dog and the fact that I hate animals. This particulardog likes to take a +!+# then eat it but all that does is turn the poo into crumbs. One day the dog has some sort of problem where his poo is really wet andjust splatters everywhere. He still tries to eat it and just rubs poo EVERYWHERE. I walk in from school, see the mess and just walk back out. I come home hourslater and my moms is HEATED. I tried to lie and say it was my first time coming home but my @%$*%%! threw my bookbag on the couch. Anyways, I refused to cleanit up and that was part of my first time getting kicked out.
^^ damn thats crazy...
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

During a baseball practice (8 years old), I told my team mate that my mom thought he was clumsy. So he goes up to my mom after its over and asked if she said that, and she lied to him and said she didn't say that.

I got home, got sent out to the front yard for two hours until dinner came, and my dad arrived on the driveway, and started laughing when he saw me
. He goes inside, comes back out five minutes later, and yells at me to come back inside.

I don't know why, but he started telling me that my drawings I gave him for birthdays or father's day were stupid, and that they were worthless. He also said that he could just kick me to the curb too, and made me stand straight up and face the front door for thirty minutes, or some long time.

My mom also used to lock me and my sisters up in the garage if we didn't practice our instruments. She also used to make us cry during practicing if we weren't doing it right.

It's ridiculous how different they are now. They are not like that anymore, I don't know if it's because of those child abuse reports that came up on the news or if they are lenient to us being older, but my mom still pulls stupid punishments on me now and then.

damn bruh, do your parents love you?
^ man.. i got kicked out so many times over stupid litte things...

and i bet you can understand me when i say that sometimes when your mom sat there and said things like "you just hate me" you just didn't want toagree, but you did because of the way SHE acted and treated you. like how is she going to complain when she did it to herself.

i remember once, i got kicked out because i walked barefooted into the living room.

Another time i got yelled at for not wanting to go to school when i had the flu. i got to school, teacher saw me, sent me to the nurse, temperature of 109.School sent me home, got yelled at for faking it and missing school.

One time, my father beat me because the neighborhood bully punched me and i didn't punch him back. i was 8 and the kid was 15 or something.

Mother yelled at me for wanting to stay with my family when my grandfather died
Originally Posted by MECKS

^ man.. i got kicked out so many times over stupid litte things...

and i bet you can understand me when i say that sometimes when your mom sat there and said things like "you just hate me" you just didn't want to agree, but you did because of the way SHE acted and treated you. like how is she going to complain when she did it to herself.

i remember once, i got kicked out because i walked barefooted into the living room.

Another time i got yelled at for not wanting to go to school when i had the flu. i got to school, teacher saw me, sent me to the nurse, temperature of 109. School sent me home, got yelled at for faking it and missing school.

One time, my father beat me because the neighborhood bully punched me and i didn't punch him back. i was 8 and the kid was 15 or something.

Mother yelled at me for wanting to stay with my family when my grandfather died

Yeah...sometimes I really wondered if my parents hated me, like some of the stories I remember, it's crazy.
I don't know why I get yelled at half the time and as a kid I got beat for damn near everything. Having sisters FTL.
man. this thread got me feeling all depressed. like damn i know my mom loves me but latly she been difficult as hell. i can feel she's scared to lost me(just turning 18, graduated etc) so she WANTS me to depend on her. so of course.. the car? dependent on if i do the impossible. i can't be out past 7pm allthis... man. i feel like I'm being held back. just want to move the hell out but i can't......
Damn Illuztrious and Mecks, this !**% was supposed to be about !**% you can laugh about now, y'all _s got me over here depressed early in the morning
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Damn Illuztrious and Mecks, this +$$$ was supposed to be about +$$$ you can laugh about now, y'all _s got me over here depressed early in the morning

My bad son. I came in the thread trying to think of some funny/petty #*!@ but...it wasn't really funny growing up in my house.

Ah well, I'm here today. All that matters.

my dad gets mad cuz i dont like asking people for help
he also criticizes me for "tryin to be too perfect"

givin me long %*$ speeches

i just be like "uh huh, yep youre right, i understand" just to make it go by faster even tho its goin one ear and out the other cuz disagreein withhim is a no no cuz we both stubborn and think we know everything
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Damn Illuztrious and Mecks, this +$$$ was supposed to be about +$$$ you can laugh about now, y'all _s got me over here depressed early in the morning

My bad son. I came in the thread trying to think of some funny/petty #*!@ but...it wasn't really funny growing up in my house.

Ah well, I'm here today. All that matters.

i was all
while reading your post.
good thing you got out alive.

i was never beaten or anything. my parents were strict (specially with grades) but never hit me and my sisters
it worked cause we all grew up to be ok
i think.
I see why people are crazy now-a-days.

The only thing I could think of was my moms trippin when she got home from work. But I always charged it as her job just stressing her out.
For having my pants not pulled ALL the way up. I wasn't even sagging or anything close to that..
Why are all yall getting slapped soo much LMAO. I just cant picture you doing something wrong and getting a open hand slap to the face. Or getting slapped likeRondo got slapped by Alston. lol
Originally Posted by raptors29

Didn't happen to me, but one of my friends said when he was little he had a 95 South cassette (Whoot There It Is) and kept rewinding the tape to hear "Excuse me sonny, do you know where I can find some booty?" The stuff inside the tape unraveled, so his mom whoop his #*%# to Cap D Comin

I swear this is the funniest thing I have ever read on NT

I got a whooping once for doing the bankhead bounce at my uncles wedding

At the same wedding my cousing got yolked up for messing up the electric slide
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