During a baseball practice (8 years old), I told my team mate that my mom thought he was clumsy. So he goes up to my mom after its over and asked if she saidthat, and she lied to him and said she didn't say that.
I got home, got sent out to the front yard for two hours until dinner came, and my dad arrived on the driveway, and started laughing when he saw me
. He goes inside, comes back out five minutes later, and yells at me to come backinside.
I don't know why, but he started telling me that my drawings I gave him for birthdays or father's day were stupid, and that they were worthless. Healso said that he could just kick me to the curb too, and made me stand straight up and face the front door for thirty minutes, or some long time.
My mom also used to lock me and my sisters up in the garage if we didn't practice our instruments. She also used to make us cry during practicing if weweren't doing it right.
It's ridiculous how different they are now. They are not like that anymore, I don't know if it's because of those child abuse reports that came upon the news or if they are lenient to us being older, but my mom still pulls stupid punishments on me now and then.