Whats the point of Tumblr?

there is a lot of the same recycled bull $*%@ on there...but if you go on there with an objective you can really make something dope i believe

No a blog should consist of words that tell a story or something of substance.  Not a picture of your favorite rapper blowin smoke or a wanna be model chick.

For the guys that use it for looking at chick...not my cup of tea but I can't blame you.

Other than that.  Sounds like a bunch of lazy, uncreative, "cool" kids who think they are "doing it". It basically for people that don't have any talent and just post pics.

If you are really that interesting of a person or have a talent you would have a real website or a blog with words or whatever.  Can't see how this got popular.  Our future is sad
for me, it's the last connection i have with my old friends back home

everybody's dashboard is different, if you like cats you'll follow a cat tumblr, if you like shoes, you'll follow a shoe tumblr, etc. It's not that serious, we all go to different websites to get what we want, tumblr does its job.
This is trivial.

Some Tumblr's are unoriginal. Others are pretty dope. Like everything in life...take what you need and eliminate the rest.
I think Drake said it best.

"I’m really scared for my generation, you know. The thing that scares me most is Tumblr. I hate what Tumblr has become. Because it like, it reminds me of those clique-y girls in high school that used to make fun of everyone else and define what was cool, but in five years, when you all graduate, that #**! doesn’t matter. No one gives a $@+# about that #**!. Instead of kids going out and making their own moments, they’re just taking these images and living vicariously through other people’s moments. It just kills me. Then you’ll meet them and they’re just the biggest turkey in the world. They don’t actually embody any of those things. They just emulate. It’s scary man, simulation life that we’re living. It scares me."
I had twitter for a week in 2009. My only friends were hazeleyedhoney and jr writer. And jr ain't follow me back
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

I had twitter for a week in 2009. My only friends were hazeleyedhoney and jr writer. And jr ain't follow me back

Majority of the time it's what drake described on that interview and the picture here.

But like RAT said, you can find anything that suits your needs, not just pictures.

It's a great tool if you know how to manipulate it
Only on there to look at fine +%! women. Other then that, I could really care less about tumblr.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

...take what you need and eliminate the rest.


edit: As a matter of fact I've been able to understand things I didn't before from math and science tumblrs.
It's more than just celebrity photography and naked ladies on there.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

but everyone else is just posting pics of the life they dream about living...

I've been feeling like an idiot the past few weeks because I know this is true but it doesn't bother me.

I think it's time for me to stop using it...
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