Whats the Real Deal with Stephon Marbury???

Aug 2, 2001
Why is dude so hated on? Is his attitude that bad? He must have at least decent game still. So he doesn't play soley because of his attitude? Damn,there are some terrible attitudes in the league, his must be extreme.

He should just go to Europe and get paid, get PT, no one wants him here.
He's spoken about going to Europe a while ago. I think dude can go to a team in the NBA and contribute. Although, I don't think he has any buisness onthe court while playing with the Knicks at this point in time.
Whether he goes overseas or stays in the NBA, he can still produce for a team. He's still a talented PG who can contribute.
So he doesn't play soley because of his attitude?
no, he doesn't play because..............hell nobody knows. he played all training camp, all preseason, figured to be a major contributor,and then he gets placed on the inactive list.

i cant wait for him to be on another team where he can play, and contribute. too bad he's going to rot all season, or until one of our players getsinjured.
I know starbury wants to get paid his $21 million but if I were him i'd go ahead and take the waiver and go play somewhere else because i'd rather playthan sit on the bench.

Also I don't know about him but if they told me i'm not playing in the "forseeable future" i'd sure as hell not show up to any games andsit on the sideline my whole attitude would be %@#@ the Knicks. It's sad because I met dude back when he played for Minny and he was a cool dude theWarrior ushers where about to kick me out of the lower level seats and dude stopped them and gave me a autograph. Every since then dudes been my favorite PG.
Originally Posted by FoShizzle

Why is dude so hated on? Is his attitude that bad? He must have at least decent game still. So he doesn't play soley because of his attitude? Damn, there are some terrible attitudes in the league, his must be extreme.

He should just go to Europe and get paid, get PT, no one wants him here.
Knicks are straight disrespecting hm right now

Marbury did nothing wrong in fact he did everything right. He did what he was told, he got in excellent shape, he is more talented than any PG or perhaps anyplayer that we got, had a nice training camp and preseason figured to play a big role but wouldnt start and althiugh he knew he shoukd he accepted that. Andthan he gets placed on the inactive list after getting in shape and expecting to play and is still handling it like a man. He gets too much blame foreverything cause his expectations were so high oming into NY, and he never really did anythting wrong to begin with, and he gets hated on for being who he is.Its really sad cause he was and probably still is a tremendous talent but the Knicks have kept his game in a cage since his 1st season here when he was killinit, and he got too much slack for being who he i s a scoring PG. udes like Gilbert or Baron never got 1/8 of the slack that stephon got and hes not doinganything wrong and he still gets it. Drives me nuts cause he deserves to play and sure as hell can help this team out.
They are using him as the scapegoat now that Isiah is gone...he taking it like a man though
He has done a good job of dealing with it, as has Eddy Curry, to this point. I like that he approached D'Antoni and asked to be placed on the inactive listif he wasn't going to play. I don't know why he can't play a Joe-Johnson-like-role but if that's what D'Antoni wants to do, that's whathe wants to do.
Originally Posted by gko2408

He has done a good job of dealing with it, as has Eddy Curry, to this point. I like that he approached D'Antoni and asked to be placed on the inactive list if he wasn't going to play. I don't know why he can't play a Joe-Johnson-like-role but if that's what D'Antoni wants to do, that's what he wants to do.
nah nah nah nah. Dont mention Eddy Currys name with Stephon. Curry is dealing with it cause that piece of #%*# has got nothing to say. Curry couldhave played but instead of working all summer like the rest of the team did (and he should especially with D'Antoni aka run and gun coming into coach andhim being fat and all) he sat on his fat $#% and packed in the twinkies and rolled into camp like a !@*@*+% oompa loompa over 350 pounds. That is why Curry isnot playing and than when he did play in the preseason he was constantly out of breath, got into foul trouble every time he was in, commited more TOs than anyother stat and would get stuffed cause he is soft and doesnt go up strong. That is why Curry is not playing. He cant say #%*# because he doesnt deserve toplay...

as for Steph he never had a chance but the worst part is that he didnt even know it. He is told to get in shape and spends all summer working his assoff andcoming into camp the lightest hes ever been as a pro and in tremendous shape. He also had a tremendous training camp and preseason and he was working hardafter a bad season last year and wanted to prove his haters wrong. Steph looked to play a major role although D'Antoni made it clear that Duhon was goingto start. Although Steph is probably our most talented player and he was in shape and Duhon is a role player/career backup Steph took his backup role like aman although he should be starting and didnt say anything. So if you look at Currys sumemr where he did #%*# and Curry doesnt have the skillset Stephon has tobegin with (perennial all-star and career 20 and 8 player) Steph deserves to play.

So stephon should be starting on this team and he worked his $#% off to get a chance only to find out D'Antoni was planning on benching him all along. imean that is STRAIGHT disrespect and he is taking that like a man. If Curry spoke up i woud go up to him and knock him right in his !@*@*+% mouth cause he hasnothing to speak about. He doesnt deserve to play. to Curry D'Antoni sent the message that no matter who you are if you dont work hard you wont play. Interms of benching Stephon i think it is stupid cause he did work hard and he does deserve to play, but D'Antoni is holding on to the past aand blaming himand him only for the Knicks losing seasons of the past which is unfair cause losing just like winning is a team effort.
D'Antoni doesn't like Marbury point blank. His ego is so big that he'll let him rot on the bench. When the Knicks continue to lose I can't waitfor the media to start digging in his ##@. D'Anfoni won't be able to handle it. He can't handle the fans and they only had one home game. Knickfans are the most passionate in the league and when %*@+ hits the fan it's going to be great to watch what he does.

Marbury is going to get paid as he should. If he is traded or accepts a waiver, Miami will welcome him with open arms. He can still play and produce betterthan anyone on the Knicks.
i have a lot to say about this and before i continue my rant and prally get hated on i just want to say first of all im a die hard knick fan since ewingdays and still am even though they been garbage for a while... ok so ya im a fan of marbury and i hate to see the best player on the team rot on the beach anddo nothing... this guy is going to get paid regardless so why not get your money worth and play the dude? he got in the best shape of his life looked good inpreseason so hes ready to play... i really think he can play well in this offense if given the chance... everyone kept saying saying oh the knicks are betterwithout marbury... thats a bunch of bull... he singlehandedly brought the knicks to the playoffs by himself when he got traded to the knicks his first yearwhich was really only half a year he played for them... they had a bunch of nobodys on that team and there was no h20 but they still made the playoffs... andlast year they were garbage without marbury when he was injured the 2nd half of the season but yet people say the knicks dont need him cuz they can win withouthim... thats such bs and we all know that... this guy never had any talent to play along him his whole career exception for minny and phoenix... and everyonealso says how the nets got better when he left which is also not true... i agree kidd>marbury but you have to remember kittles and martin were injured andkeith van horn was garbage and still is and jefferson and collins werent even drafted yet til kidd got there the following year... so it was a totallydifferent lineup when kidd got there... not tryin to post excuses cuz i agree kidd is a better point guard by far but to say they went to the finals twicewithout him is kind of unfair cuz the lineup was totally different...and before we call him selfish he didnt average 20 and 8 for no reason... all im saying isplay the dude whether its starting or coming off the bench because he can be valuable to the team and he still has talent... i dont want to see it happen but iknow it will happen sooner or later but once the knicks start losing a lot of games i dont want to say i told you so when they say they are better withouthim... i have a lot to say about the knicks in general but ill save that for the official post since i already made a huge post here... my bad just ventingabout my favorite team
Originally Posted by you go boy

i have a lot to say about this and before i continue my rant and prally get hated on i just want to say first of all im a die hard knick fan since ewing days and still am even though they been garbage for a while... ok so ya im a fan of marbury and i hate to see the best player on the team rot on the beach and do nothing... this guy is going to get paid regardless so why not get your money worth and play the dude? he got in the best shape of his life looked good in preseason so hes ready to play... i really think he can play well in this offense if given the chance... everyone kept saying saying oh the knicks are better without marbury... thats a bunch of bull... he singlehandedly brought the knicks to the playoffs by himself when he got traded to the knicks his first year which was really only half a year he played for them... they had a bunch of nobodys on that team and there was no h20 but they still made the playoffs... and last year they were garbage without marbury when he was injured the 2nd half of the season but yet people say the knicks dont need him cuz they can win without him... thats such bs and we all know that... this guy never had any talent to play along him his whole career exception for minny and phoenix... and everyone also says how the nets got better when he left which is also not true... i agree kidd>marbury but you have to remember kittles and martin were injured and keith van horn was garbage and still is and jefferson and collins werent even drafted yet til kidd got there the following year... so it was a totally different lineup when kidd got there... not tryin to post excuses cuz i agree kidd is a better point guard by far but to say they went to the finals twice without him is kind of unfair cuz the lineup was totally different...and before we call him selfish he didnt average 20 and 8 for no reason... all im saying is play the dude whether its starting or coming off the bench because he can be valuable to the team and he still has talent... i dont want to see it happen but i know it will happen sooner or later but once the knicks start losing a lot of games i dont want to say i told you so when they say they are better without him... i have a lot to say about the knicks in general but ill save that for the official post since i already made a huge post here... my bad just venting about my favorite team
exactly man. thats what ive been saying all good points. For real marbury was so good when he 1st got here and that year when he brought us fromlast place in January to the playoffs was the only time in his Knicks career where we let him do his thing. he was so talented and we have kept his gametrapped in a cage sice than. Every coach we had tried to change him into a player hes not. He was always doing hs thing his whole career he was great in Minnyand with the suns and his team wasnt very good in Phoenix and the West Conference was great and Steph still reached the playoffs and one year he almost singlehandidly topped the future NBA champon Spurs in the 1st round. He had some bad breaks but above all he has always been a one in a kind talent and always gave100% its sad to see his career go the way it did cause it really wasnt all his fault and he coulda been something really special especially in his hometown.
he pulled a randy moss chased the money and that put him on a bad team and now the team is doo doo and he wasnt giving it his all i expect for him to gettrades soon but it is the knicks so they just may buy him out and let it be.

i see him going to a new team and puttin up good to great numbers for who ever it is that let him do his thang

for treatin son like this he aint did nothing for this AT ALL andstill hasnt but hey when you making that much money i guess it really dont even matter and the fact that he kno this is like a contract year and he need tokeep a cool head and ride the wave(owwwwwwwww)
Originally Posted by Lazy B

D'Antoni doesn't like Marbury point blank. His ego is so big that he'll let him rot on the bench. When the Knicks continue to lose I can't wait for the media to start digging in his ##@. D'Anfoni won't be able to handle it. He can't handle the fans and they only had one home game. Knick fans are the most passionate in the league and when %*@+ hits the fan it's going to be great to watch what he does.

He called the fans "bleeping" a-holes this past week

But really what has Marbury done wrong?
The Knicks franchise is a complete JOKE right now.

It burns me to see what's been happening with that franchise and particularly with Stephon.

Let me first say that I'm not a Knicks fan. But I live in NYC and since I love basketball, I follow the team pretty closely.

They've known for MONTHS now that they didn't even want Steph on the team. All summer here in NY, we'd been hearing rumors about a buyout. In theKnick thread, the buyout rumor spurred passionate debate about the pros and cons of buying him out. The ones who were FOR the buyout insisted Steph should gob/c his presence on the team would be a distraction. Those AGAINST the buyout claimed that it would be best to keep him, play him, and maybe build up his valueto eventually trade him. Or if he wasn't traded, he could remain with the team until his contract came off the books at the end of the season.

But I don't think ANYONE predicted that the Knicks would play him all preseason and then not even give him 2 seconds of court time in the first game thenplace him on the INACTIVE LIST for the forseeable future before the second game even started.

Again, this franchise knew for months that they didn't want him around. So what this basically amounts to is the reason he played at all in the preseasonis that they were hoping to attract some trade offers. Are you kidding me?? Who the hell will trade for Steph right now when they know for a fact that he willeventually be released/bought out??? The Knicks are in a pipe dream if they think they can get some return for Steph right now.

The problem is that they don't want to cut him and watch him go to a contender. Everyone knows that the man still has talent and can play. Yet the Knicksare just stringing him along. They are just being spiteful right now. What a joke.

Instead of wondering why they still have %**%@@ players like Jerome "I'm Chillin" James under contract and Mardy "Carmelo's *+%#$"Collins or Jared "Glass Jaw" Jeffries or Eddy "All You Can Eat" Curry... - all players who have WAY less talent than Steph COMBINED -, theKnicks are more focused on how to screw Steph. Why don't they focus on finally making this team relevant again?

I'm not even a Steph fan like that. But this situation is embarrassing. This entire organization has been an embarrassment to the city of New York. Fromthe Zeke trial to the handling of the LB (and Lenny Wilkins and Don Nelson and JVG) situations to the Ewing Jr release to the Stephon situation to the losingrecords..... On and on and on.

The 1990's Knicks are all rolling in their graves. And somewhere Layden and Checketts are smiling.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Instead of wondering why they still have %**%@@ players like Jerome "I'm Chillin" James under contract and Mardy "Carmelo's *+%#$" Collins or Jared "Glass Jaw" Jeffries or Eddy "All You Can Eat" Curry... - all players who have WAY less talent than Steph COMBINED -, the Knicks are more focused on how to screw Steph. Why don't they focus on finally making this team relevant again?
^^good rant man. i usually dont agree with you but you were right on for the most part there. I ont know why the Knicks are still holding Steph for +##@ in thepast that the whole team is responsible for. They got all of these scrubs on the team but it seems that the only one who takes blame for the +##@ team of thepast is their most talented player Stehon Marbury. it is horrible what the Knicks have done to him. In terms of why we did what he did. i dont think tradinghim is the issue. If we wanted to we would have done it by now. Teams would be glad to have Marbury. All they would have to do is have a talented PG for oneyear and the next year they get $22 mil offf the cap. And especially with teams trying to build cap room for 2010, teams would love to have him, but Walsh aintdumb enough to trade him. As for why D'Antoni did it, i think it was partialy just a @!%%@$%@% move and partialy that they didnt think stephon would comein in such good shape and play so well. He is on the team, he has done nothing wrong, he should be starting over Duhon but at the VERY least he should beplaying over Mardy "3 air balls a night" Collins.
Originally Posted by thekidep22

Steph is wash up
oh yeah where do you get that from. You prob dont watch the Knicks and even if you did how would you get that? By the WOPPING amount of minutes hehas gotten reccently?
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