Whats the Real Deal with Stephon Marbury???

basketball is a team game; if steph keeps losing, he's had plenty of help.

elton brand has made the playoffs once in his career, that's not his fault. tmac can't get out of the first round, neither can grant hill. before lastseason, kg got out of the first round once in his career. it takes five.

all this "we're preparing for the future" garbage is straight bs. all of the pgs on this team will never be steph- what steph is right now isprobably the ceiling for every pg on this team. what is the point of preparing for the future if the future isn't going to better than the present? andthen we throw malik rose out there. this stupidity doesn't make any sense.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by allen3xis

because on-court there's not much you can say about him.
Yeah there is. He's lost almost every season he's played.

And the teams got better when he left.

Those are the facts

See this is the BS that Im talkin about. People look at this aspect WITHOUT looking at the rosters before/after.

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

There are times in the game in which D'Antoni gives Duhon free will to attack the basket and create his own penetrate-kickout plays.

I'd rather have Marbury do that over Duhon 9 out of 10 times.
make that 10/10
hey i mean it doesnt matter what roster was there before or after...

blaming the man is just the easy thing to do. and it always has been.... no matter the situation.
blaming him and only him is the easiest and safest route to go when things aint perfect and he's in the mix.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

There are times in the game in which D'Antoni gives Duhon free will to attack the basket and create his own penetrate-kickout plays.

I'd rather have Marbury do that over Duhon 9 out of 10 times.
make that 10/10

for real, how many lay ups is the brother going to miss?

Marbury averages 17.7 ppg and 9.3 apg. Plays 18 games, helping the Wolves to a 12-6 record, before being traded to NewJersey. The Timberwolves go 13-19 the rest of the way.

With the Nets, Marbury averages 23.4 ppg and 8.7 apg, going 13-18 with the Nets. The Nets were 3-16 before the trade.
22.2 ppg and 8.4 apg in '99-'00.
23.9 ppg and 7.6 apg in '00-'01.

The Nets go 57-107 in two full seasons with Marbury. In his tenure at New Jersey, Marbury played with guys like Johnny Newman, an underachieving Keith VanHorn, an oft-injured Kerry Kittles, Jim McIlvaine as his starting center, and a terrible bench (Jamie Feick? Scott Burrell? Elliot Perry?). Jayson Williams wasnever a factor with the Nets (broken leg + killed his driver). He played ONE season with Kenyon Martin who was the top pick in one of the weakest drafts inhistory. K-Mart was just a raw talent who got injured way too much. The Nets during Marbury's stay were HARDLY a contender. They had one bonafide starsurrounded by utter trash.

The Suns '00-'01 season before Marbury: 51-31 with Jason Kidd. The Suns were not loaded with stars but the teams was built well with athletic roleplayers and veterans. Shawn Marion, Cliff Robinson, Rodney Rogers, Tony Delk, and Kidd all averaged double figures.


The Nets trade Stephon Marbury to the Suns, who finish 36-46 in Marbury's first season. Stephon puts up 20.4 ppg and 8.1 apg. The Suns lost Rogers (astarter) and Delk (best bench player) to injury and the Suns had a sub-par second half.


The Suns finish 44-38 with Marbury, who leads a young, talented team. Marbury puts up 22.3 and 8.1. Amare was aHigh-Schooler, Joe Johnson was in his second year, Penny wasn't injured, and Marion was doing his thing. They make the playoffs and take the Spurs to sixgames (Stephon's running three in game one, anyone?).

The Nets, meanwhile, get to the NBA Finals in both seasons. Not taking any credit away from Jason Kidd, but KVH, Kittles, and KMart are ALL healthy, andRichard Jefferson emerges. In '02-'03, the Nets finish with 49 wins, just three more than Marbury's Suns, who play in the then tougher WesternConference against the Lakers, Spurs, Kings, Mavs, etc.


The Suns falter and go 12-22 in 34 games with Marbury. Amare is injured, Joe Johnson is very inconsistent, and the Suns play with 8-man rotations with guyslike Jahidi White, Casey Jacobsen, Scott Williams, Donnell Harvey, and Jake Voskuhl. Marbury puts up 20.8 and 8.3. The Suns trade Stephon Marbury to theKnicks. Phoenix goes 17-31 the rest of the way.

The Knicks go 25-22 in 47 games with Stephon Marbury, who puts up 19.8 and 9.3 in his first season in New York.


The Nets finished first in the Atlantic again, but Kidd had a healthy Kittles and KMart, Richard Jefferson, and a solid bench. Didn't matter anyway; ifthey beat the Pistons, the Lakers (who lost to Detroit) would've destroyed them.

The Knicks teams were garbage. There were talented players, but mostly pariahs from other teams who were dumped into the Knicks organization, which had thepropensity to take on any mortgage. You might say the Knicks organization was run like the economy that led to our current financial woes. Curry, Crawford,Allan Houston who the Knicks organization handcuffed themselves with, a way-over-the-hill Penny and Steve Francis, Jalen Rose, no lottery picks (until Frye whowas trash to begin with), and terrible coaches who demanded money but produced nothing (Larry Brown = Bear Stearns). Stephon Marbury was depended on to be theglue to parts that had no interest in being stuck together. He was chosen as an insurance policy for high-risk teams, and they all expectedly fell. Guess whowas put to blame?

You know who else reminds me of Stephon? Fast, strong, quick to the hole, explosive leaping ability, world thrown onto his shoulders? DERRICK ROSE. To me, thesimilarities are quite disturbing. I just hope Rose's career isn't thrown around and manipulated like Marbury's was.
i still can't believe this guy sacrificed his career to take a back seat to bum *@% eddy curry.
thanks for the break down,
you focused on both the positives and negatives,

NOT just the negatives. people seldom remember the positives

but then again that happens in every aspect of society.
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

Anyone that can't get along with KG as a teammate should be a red flag.

They were both basically rookies
, Stephon is a scoring pg; nothingreally wrong with that imo
I'm sure there is a very good reason to have Marbury on the inactive list, we don't know what occurs behind the scene's.
It must be some big beef with someone in the organization.
He is better than any of the PG's on the team now. They have a shot at making the playoffs. There's no reason not to start Steph unless there'ssome big problem behind the scenes.

It's not that he's "not the future," that he has a bad rep, that he isn't as special as he should, that he's a failure with theW's. He would still be the best PG to run the show at least until they trade him or somehow get another PG...
I think he should be playing instead of Mardy Collins. The thing about Steph is that when he leaves a team they usually get better. His teams just don'twin enough games. But I'll still rather see him playing instead of Duhon or Collins.
Man i'm a huge SuperStarbury fan and i'm straight disgusted to see what they're doing to my boy. Everyone knows he can play better than any pg wegot on the team but for some unseen beef he's left to rot on the bench. I'm hoping wither they make a decision on kepping him or cutting him very soon.If they keep playing this bs with him i'm ready to revoke my knicks fan card. Man this just aint right. Meanwhile we got Eddy Currry and Jerome James justwasting away with no one taking any accountabilty for it. WTH is going on over there on 33rd st?????
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm sure there is a very good reason to have Marbury on the inactive list, we don't know what occurs behind the scene's.
That's how I feel.

D'Antoni is one of the most competitive coaches in the league. There is no question if he thought Marbury could help this team then he would play him. There must be some other reason why he is on the inactive list.

Maybe it's chemistry, maybe it's his style of play. Who knows.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm sure there is a very good reason to have Marbury on the inactive list, we don't know what occurs behind the scene's.
That's how I feel.

D'Antoni is one of the most competitive coaches in the league. There is no question if he thought Marbury could help this team then he would play him. There must be some other reason why he is on the inactive list.

Maybe it's chemistry, maybe it's his style of play. Who knows.
D'Antoni has too much pride. He even said it from his own mouth that Steph haven't did anything wrong. Point blank, he thought Steph wouldmade it easy for the Knicks to cut him or not play him but Steph came ready to work. Steph did his part.
would be great if he went to the Rockets and got revenge on the league, winning a championship.

Must be some behind the scenes BS, because dude is wasting away his talent.
Originally Posted by friscostylez

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm sure there is a very good reason to have Marbury on the inactive list, we don't know what occurs behind the scene's.
That's how I feel.

D'Antoni is one of the most competitive coaches in the league. There is no question if he thought Marbury could help this team then he would play him. There must be some other reason why he is on the inactive list.

Maybe it's chemistry, maybe it's his style of play. Who knows.
D'Antoni has too much pride. He even said it from his own mouth that Steph haven't did anything wrong. Point blank, he thought Steph would made it easy for the Knicks to cut him or not play him but Steph came ready to work. Steph did his part.
d anotni's also a prick whos ego will get in the way. marbury has done alot to erase alot of the over exaggerated criticism hes received overhis career and to turn his image around. knicks fans will soon grow tired of d anotoni's constant whining and complaining when things don't go his way.
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Man i'm a huge SuperStarbury fan and i'm straight disgusted to see what they're doing to my boy. Everyone knows he can play better than any pg we got on the team but for some unseen beef he's left to rot on the bench. I'm hoping wither they make a decision on kepping him or cutting him very soon. If they keep playing this bs with him i'm ready to revoke my knicks fan card. Man this just aint right. Meanwhile we got Eddy Currry and Jerome James just wasting away with no one taking any accountabilty for it. WTH is going on over there on 33rd st?????

Thank you, Im sorry, call me a dumb new yorker but I am disgusted to how they are treating him. No player deserves to be caught up in the sham that it is towork with idiots like Isaiah Thomas and James Dolan. So he is a little bit of a head-case but playing for a senile Larry Brown will do that for you. Marburyrepresents everything that is New York basketball to me. To see him, still by far the most talented player on the team disgusted. People don't understandthe effect his Dad's death had on him. Not everyone responds to family %$*+ like Brett Favre. Dude needs to be the starting pg of this team. I honestlyfeel like we could be a playoff team with Marbury at point.
I wonder if Steph would mind being a backup PG for Nash
Steph and STAT

Sarver please use the money for this helpless guy!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by SHUGES

The Knicks franchise is a complete JOKE right now.

It burns me to see what's been happening with that franchise and particularly with Stephon.

Let me first say that I'm not a Knicks fan. But I live in NYC and since I love basketball, I follow the team pretty closely.

They've known for MONTHS now that they didn't even want Steph on the team. All summer here in NY, we'd been hearing rumors about a buyout. In the Knick thread, the buyout rumor spurred passionate debate about the pros and cons of buying him out. The ones who were FOR the buyout insisted Steph should go b/c his presence on the team would be a distraction. Those AGAINST the buyout claimed that it would be best to keep him, play him, and maybe build up his value to eventually trade him. Or if he wasn't traded, he could remain with the team until his contract came off the books at the end of the season.

But I don't think ANYONE predicted that the Knicks would play him all preseason and then not even give him 2 seconds of court time in the first game then place him on the INACTIVE LIST for the forseeable future before the second game even started.

Again, this franchise knew for months that they didn't want him around. So what this basically amounts to is the reason he played at all in the preseason is that they were hoping to attract some trade offers. Are you kidding me?? Who the hell will trade for Steph right now when they know for a fact that he will eventually be released/bought out??? The Knicks are in a pipe dream if they think they can get some return for Steph right now.

The problem is that they don't want to cut him and watch him go to a contender. Everyone knows that the man still has talent and can play. Yet the Knicks are just stringing him along. They are just being spiteful right now. What a joke.

Instead of wondering why they still have %**%@@ players like Jerome "I'm Chillin" James under contract and Mardy "Carmelo's *+%#$" Collins or Jared "Glass Jaw" Jeffries or Eddy "All You Can Eat" Curry... - all players who have WAY less talent than Steph COMBINED -, the Knicks are more focused on how to screw Steph. Why don't they focus on finally making this team relevant again?

I'm not even a Steph fan like that. But this situation is embarrassing. This entire organization has been an embarrassment to the city of New York. From the Zeke trial to the handling of the LB (and Lenny Wilkins and Don Nelson and JVG) situations to the Ewing Jr release to the Stephon situation to the losing records..... On and on and on.

The 1990's Knicks are all rolling in their graves. And somewhere Layden and Checketts are smiling.

Thank God you wrote most of that cuz I was gonna write pretty much the same thing... just to add to it.. It seems as if the hate is coming from the frontoffice... James Dolan in particular. Walsh doesnt know steph like that to want to see him rot on the bench and Dantoni played him all preseason... this iscoming from Dolan and once again he makes another blunder in running this franchise... Im gonna make a trip to the garden and we will Start the WE WANT STEPHCHANT ....
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