What's The Worst You've Been Played By The Opposite Sex? OG post pg 4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by eight2one

I finally got her to come around, was feeling me n what not, spending the night often...(5x a week)

Since I didnt wanna come off as an insecure guy, I wouldnt bother asking who was texting or sweatin her bout where she was...

Prime example of this - http://niketalk.com/topic/235618

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

A lot of times WE as men don't complain or speak our minds because we don't want to appear to be worried, insecure, or bothered.

But I agree, you have to pick your battles. Some minor things aren't worth it, but you shouldn't just keep it all within. Communication is key.

ima have to co-sign with that portion of the post.
Originally Posted by eight2one

welp ill come out and talk about my humbling expierence...

after all these years i felt untouchable, ill never get played, im too good, im too heartless.....yeah it happened!

I wanted this girl for about a year, she flirted and played too many games...

I finally got her to come around, was feeling me n what not, spending the night often...(5x a week)

Since I didnt wanna come off as an insecure guy, I wouldnt bother asking who was texting or sweatin her bout where she was...

After a while I noticed this "Alex" guy kept texting her often, my spidey sense tingled, but I didnt think nothin of it...

Then ol girl excuses were plentiful, and she wouldnt lemme hit regularly anymore, and she was always just at girls house, or doing random things at random times...I know the game, and used those same excuses, soo somethign wasnt adding up but i couldnt catch her on anything.

I finally asked her bout him, she said he was just a friend....come to find out 2 weeks later they are facebook official...

I really went thru it, I mean all those heartbreak songs had meaning....I was at a stop light when Trey Songz- Cant Stop Missin You came on, i felt every emotion, my eyes got a lil watery...I also had built up a lot of hatred for her...

eventually i moved on, and was humbled out...and I let the hatred go and learned from it.

NO CLIFFNOTES, if u dont wanna read it fine....I also think in almost 18k worth of post, this is the most i sat and typed out.
Duuuuuuude...in all my years on NT, this is the first time I've heard you write anything remotely humbling about your exploits with women. Usually only see the ...
"felt untouchable, ill never get played, im too good, im too heartless." 

I know how you feel though, fortunately for me it wasn't a year but about 2-3 months. Same thing happened, funny thing is the guy was also named "Alex" 
, it was her ex. What really pisses me off is that she decided to go for me after the fact she found out she really don't want to be with him anymore. When I finally moved on and was seeing another girl exclusively, she was always calling me, getting pissed off that I'd either never answer or leave things short. She had the gall to confront me and say I don't care about her anymore, that all i cared about was getting some...not that it wasn't true to an extent but to do something like what she had done and not have the decency to let me live....get the $$!* out of her with that $+#$@%%@ 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by J23S

My bad about my OG post I went to edit something and the whole thing disappeared.

Anyway, I dated this chick back in 06-07 and she had just got out of a relationship when we started dating. Her ex happened to live a floor under her in the dorms and whenever I wasn't I wasnt in her room with her he was smashing, giving her massages, and who else knows what happened
She would cheat on me and after I found out I took her back
. she ended up pregnant and to this day I don't know if the kid is mine even though she swore up and down that it was mine.  After we finally broke up she changed her tune saying that the baby wasnt mine

you need to get a DNA test, that baby could be yours. I don't know why you would just take her word on something like that.

Haven't seen the baby since she was 2 months
, when we were still talking I confronted her about a dna test and she blew me off. She ended up meeting some dude online from Michigan and they were talking while she was pregnant with the baby. 
Sidenote: she slept with her best friends boyfriend while she was pregnant with the baby

Anyway pics of the baby

Pic of me.....any resemblance, you be the judge

^^ look at your parents baby photos, that's where a lot of people see family resemblances.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

^^ look at your parents baby photos, that's where a lot of people see family resemblances.
My sister says she looks a lot like my mom
I started writing out the whole ridiculous saga but here's the bottom line.

I believed "wife" meant "forever" and trusted her accordingly.  I lost $100K+ in the divorce.  I was 24.
Originally Posted by Homer

Son that baby maybe yours.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] That kid looks just like him[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][Baby momma on Maury] The cheeks, the mouth [/ Baby momma on Maury][/color]

I believed "wife" meant "forever" and trusted her accordingly.  I lost $100K+ in the divorce.  I was 24.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm never getting married.[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]99.999 chance I'll NEVER get married. [/color]
That's your kid man. Get in contact with that woman and get in your daughters life now before she ends up hating you.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

That's your kid man. Get in contact with that woman and get in your daughters life now before she ends up hating you.
Originally Posted by J23S

Haven't seen the baby since she was 2 months
, when we were still talking I confronted her about a dna test and she blew me off. She ended up meeting some dude online from Michigan and they were talking while she was pregnant with the baby. 
Sidenote: she slept with her best friends boyfriend while she was pregnant with the baby

Anyway pics of the baby

Pic of me.....any resemblance, you be the judge

She got your nose, cheeks, & smile. R.I.P. to your paycheck
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

That's your kid man. Get in contact with that woman and get in your daughters life now before she ends up hating you.
Believe me Ive tried, its just a lot harder since I didnt sign the birth certificate because I wasnt sure
Originally Posted by J23S

My bad about my OG post I went to edit something and the whole thing disappeared.

Anyway, I dated this chick back in 06-07 and she had just got out of a relationship when we started dating. Her ex happened to live a floor under her in the dorms and whenever I wasn't I wasnt in her room with her he was smashing, giving her massages, and who else knows what happened
She would cheat on me and after I found out I took her back
. she ended up pregnant and to this day I don't know if the kid is mine even though she swore up and down that it was mine.  After we finally broke up she changed her tune saying that the baby wasnt mine
we got a winner . . .
she looks just like you fam...

i hate women who play games with their children...men to but it bothers me more with women...
Most recently for me was December 30th, 2009. I was home in MS for the holidays and I was chillin' with one of my Holiday Hose as I like to call them

We went out the day before to a movie and Waffle House
and all that good stuff just having a good time and such.
The next night I texted her... (read from bottom to top)

"Aight then"
Dec 30, 2009 at 7:04 pm

"Um....i will let yu know when i get home

Dec 30, 2009 at 7:03 pm

"Well, when?"

Dec 30, 2009 at 7:03 pm


Dec 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm

"Huh, is that a yes?"

Dec 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm

"Well ok then

Dec 30, 2009 at 6:57 pm

"Whatchumean? I don't know, I guess so you can go ahead and say no since I don't need to be doing it. I'm crazy."

Dec 30, 2009 at 6:56 pm


Dec 30, 2009 at 6:53 pm

"Oh, let me beat"

I've been waiting 49 days for her to text me back

Conversation provided by SkyDeck
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by J23S

My bad about my OG post I went to edit something and the whole thing disappeared.

Anyway, I dated this chick back in 06-07 and she had just got out of a relationship when we started dating. Her ex happened to live a floor under her in the dorms and whenever I wasn't I wasnt in her room with her he was smashing, giving her massages, and who else knows what happened
She would cheat on me and after I found out I took her back
. she ended up pregnant and to this day I don't know if the kid is mine even though she swore up and down that it was mine.  After we finally broke up she changed her tune saying that the baby wasnt mine
we got a winner . . .
Thats exactly how I felt....when I went to her dorm one night she saw him and made me wait around the corner and he happened to get on the elevator with us
Originally Posted by J23S

She ended up meeting some dude online from Michigan and they were talking while she was pregnant with the baby. 

If I knew it was you, I would have fallen back.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

i txt a girl i hadnt talk to in a couple and her response was who is this
like she deleted my number out of her phone and life


I was scheduled to go out on a date until she called and cancelled saying she just left the ER because her lips were swollen. Fast foward to that night where I bump into her having the grandest of times at a frat party.
!%%$ looks....That baby aint yours till a paternity test says its yours.

Get that done.
OP, that kid actually does resemble you to a certain degree. If I was you I would man up and take it to court. If the kid is yours it is selfish on both parents part to keep her away from her biological parents. Dude just call her and tell her you going to take her to court if she doesn't willing take the DNA test. If I had a slight clue that kid was mines I would not be able to sleep at night. Good luck :/
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