What's wrong with Gay Marriage?


 nvm, I'll stop while I'm ahead.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

an dee, weren't you the one who turned agnostic/atheist (which is it?) because of these religious threads on NT?

elaborate on how that happened?
Yeah, man. I wouldn't say solely because of these threads, but I definitely saw arguments on here that I never came across outside of my little Catholic bubble growing up. When these threads would come up, I would argue against all the NT atheists, but I always had so many questions. I never found sufficient answers from my peers or even priests that I asked. I went through some rough times, and realized that no amount of prayer would help me. I had to pick myself up by my own bootstraps and never looked back from there.

I would consider myself an agnostic because I really just don't know. Ever had one of those moments where you're like, "Man, that CAN'T have been a coincidence?" What I do know is that organized religions are full of crap, and I despise the fact that politicians, public figures and influential people use religion as a form of brainwashing. "Give tithes or you won't get into heaven!"

These days I'm much more into being awed by the beauty of nature and interested by the people living on earth. If I live a good, fulfilling life and I don't get into heaven, heaven isn't a place that I'm interested in going.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

an dee, weren't you the one who turned agnostic/atheist (which is it?) because of these religious threads on NT?

elaborate on how that happened?
Yeah, man. I wouldn't say solely because of these threads, but I definitely saw arguments on here that I never came across outside of my little Catholic bubble growing up. When these threads would come up, I would argue against all the NT atheists, but I always had so many questions. I never found sufficient answers from my peers or even priests that I asked. I went through some rough times, and realized that no amount of prayer would help me. I had to pick myself up by my own bootstraps and never looked back from there.

I would consider myself an agnostic because I really just don't know. Ever had one of those moments where you're like, "Man, that CAN'T have been a coincidence?" What I do know is that organized religions are full of crap, and I despise the fact that politicians, public figures and influential people use religion as a form of brainwashing. "Give tithes or you won't get into heaven!"

These days I'm much more into being awed by the beauty of nature and interested by the people living on earth. If I live a good, fulfilling life and I don't get into heaven, heaven isn't a place that I'm interested in going.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you're gonna reach like that, you could've at least tried to make it hit home and asked me where God was during African slavery and the African American crack epidemic...
...you're just fixin' your fingers to type bollocks.

Argumentum ad ignorantiam. That's a big no no.

During slavery, the idea of white Jesus and his daddy in the sky was being programmed into the minds of Africans so they'd believe they'd be saved one day, or after all the torment they'd be free up in heaven. And you subscribe to these fables of the captors of our ancestors.

These threads
to be on topic, I say abolish marriage. Civil unions for all so people will shut the $$@$ up and we can maybe enjoy some equality in at least one facet of life.
Your Latin reference sucks and your follow-up example to prove your point is even worse...

...I guess white Jesus is why Jews were enslaved in Egypt huh?

And who actually believes in a white Jesus?

I agree on one thing though, these threads always get derailed - I gave my opinion of gay marriage in my first reply, but I knew what this thread would turn into...

I feel like you don't know what argumentum ad ignorantiam means. I said it because you said prove your God doesn't exist. Which is a perfect example.

I was talking solely about slavery in America... which I assumed you were taking about since you brought up the crack epidemic. What do Jews in Egypt have to do with anything?

How often do you see Jesus depicted as anything but a man with European features? I rarely see him look the way he should based on where he was supposed to be born.

I respect your opinion on the topic at hand as I do anyone elses. Humans can't agree on everything. This is just one of those things I feel others shouldn't have a say in. Homosexual or not, they're human beings first and should have the same rights as anyone else.

an dee
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you're gonna reach like that, you could've at least tried to make it hit home and asked me where God was during African slavery and the African American crack epidemic...
...you're just fixin' your fingers to type bollocks.

Argumentum ad ignorantiam. That's a big no no.

During slavery, the idea of white Jesus and his daddy in the sky was being programmed into the minds of Africans so they'd believe they'd be saved one day, or after all the torment they'd be free up in heaven. And you subscribe to these fables of the captors of our ancestors.

These threads
to be on topic, I say abolish marriage. Civil unions for all so people will shut the $$@$ up and we can maybe enjoy some equality in at least one facet of life.
Your Latin reference sucks and your follow-up example to prove your point is even worse...

...I guess white Jesus is why Jews were enslaved in Egypt huh?

And who actually believes in a white Jesus?

I agree on one thing though, these threads always get derailed - I gave my opinion of gay marriage in my first reply, but I knew what this thread would turn into...

I feel like you don't know what argumentum ad ignorantiam means. I said it because you said prove your God doesn't exist. Which is a perfect example.

I was talking solely about slavery in America... which I assumed you were taking about since you brought up the crack epidemic. What do Jews in Egypt have to do with anything?

How often do you see Jesus depicted as anything but a man with European features? I rarely see him look the way he should based on where he was supposed to be born.

I respect your opinion on the topic at hand as I do anyone elses. Humans can't agree on everything. This is just one of those things I feel others shouldn't have a say in. Homosexual or not, they're human beings first and should have the same rights as anyone else.

an dee
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Today its homosexuality, tomorrow its incest, and soon enough beastiality.

Matter of fact, let's just throw all standards out the window since the bibles played out and it's all science.

Love is love right?
Fallacious Reasoning 101: Introduction to the Most Commonly Used Fallacies

Familiarize yourself with the "slippery slope" fallacy.  Homosexuality has as much in common with incest and beastiality as heterosexuality.

The reproduction of the human being, the basis of man and womans existence, can only be achieved by two of the following. Dare I say incest being more productive than homosexuality.
By your logic a sterile man or an infertile woman shouldn't be allowed to marry anyone.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Today its homosexuality, tomorrow its incest, and soon enough beastiality.

Matter of fact, let's just throw all standards out the window since the bibles played out and it's all science.

Love is love right?
Fallacious Reasoning 101: Introduction to the Most Commonly Used Fallacies

Familiarize yourself with the "slippery slope" fallacy.  Homosexuality has as much in common with incest and beastiality as heterosexuality.

The reproduction of the human being, the basis of man and womans existence, can only be achieved by two of the following. Dare I say incest being more productive than homosexuality.
By your logic a sterile man or an infertile woman shouldn't be allowed to marry anyone.
It's a sin...when God created man, he didn't give him another man, he gave him a woman.

As a father, I don't want my children being confused by what this world has decided to deem right all of a sudden. I can teach them the natural order, but there will surely be questions when they see two males getting it in for all the world to see.

For those of you that say it's just an old fairytale book, do you think murder should be legalized? How about stealing? You may not have any religious belief, but surely you can see the male and female bodies were created for one another.

I think it's sick that gay couples have more rights than heterosexuals in some states. How is that my fiancee can't have access to any of my medical coverage but those in a civil union can?

Hopefully I already missed it, but if I didn't, don't compare this to racism. It's not the same.

Because words don't always convey the correct message....I don't hate gay people. I don't hate anyone. I just have my beliefs and try to stay true to them.
It's a sin...when God created man, he didn't give him another man, he gave him a woman.

As a father, I don't want my children being confused by what this world has decided to deem right all of a sudden. I can teach them the natural order, but there will surely be questions when they see two males getting it in for all the world to see.

For those of you that say it's just an old fairytale book, do you think murder should be legalized? How about stealing? You may not have any religious belief, but surely you can see the male and female bodies were created for one another.

I think it's sick that gay couples have more rights than heterosexuals in some states. How is that my fiancee can't have access to any of my medical coverage but those in a civil union can?

Hopefully I already missed it, but if I didn't, don't compare this to racism. It's not the same.

Because words don't always convey the correct message....I don't hate gay people. I don't hate anyone. I just have my beliefs and try to stay true to them.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

It's a sin...when God created man, he didn't give him another man, he gave him a woman.

As a father, I don't want my children being confused by what this world has decided to deem right all of a sudden. I can teach them the natural order, but there will surely be questions when they see two males getting it in for all the world to see.

For those of you that say it's just an old fairytale book, do you think murder should be legalized? How about stealing? You may not have any religious belief, but surely you can see the male and female bodies were created for one another.

Because words don't always convey the correct message....I don't hate gay people. I don't hate anyone. I just have my beliefs and try to stay true to them.
Fair enough, but your 'beliefs' are rubbish.  So you don't want homosexual marriages because it may cause you have to do your job; parent? For %+#%'s sake! 'Let's deny people rights because I am a bit uncomfy with answering questions my kids may hypothetically ask!' 
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