What's your pet peeve?

when people are using utensils and they bang them against their teeth whie theyre eating. like jesus do you have to slam you teeth against your spoon? eat right.
when people are using utensils and they bang them against their teeth whie theyre eating. like jesus do you have to slam you teeth against your spoon? eat right.
Originally Posted by TheHype


-Fork/spoon noise


$+@! drives me nuts.
came here to post this
When people wear, a polo and basketball shorts, only if you're a basketball coach can you pull that off.
When people wear, a polo and basketball shorts, only if you're a basketball coach can you pull that off.
I have a lot because little *@% that is easily fixable gets me the most.

-Chewing w mouth open, loud eaters, talking w food in your mouth
-The noise when people dont pick up their feet and their laces are untied. Then I have to hear your lazy stomp all over the house
-Hacking up spit
-People who have so much wetness in their words I just want them to swallow before they speak so I can hear them clearly
-When youre on the bus or train & someone is obnoxiously loud on the phone
-Slow people
-When I'm walking down the street & someone is walking by me I go to the left to bypass them and they go to the left, then I go to the right & they go to the right, and then I stand there waiting for them to MOVE & fight the urge to push them out of the way #yesmad
I have a lot because little *@% that is easily fixable gets me the most.

-Chewing w mouth open, loud eaters, talking w food in your mouth
-The noise when people dont pick up their feet and their laces are untied. Then I have to hear your lazy stomp all over the house
-Hacking up spit
-People who have so much wetness in their words I just want them to swallow before they speak so I can hear them clearly
-When youre on the bus or train & someone is obnoxiously loud on the phone
-Slow people
-When I'm walking down the street & someone is walking by me I go to the left to bypass them and they go to the left, then I go to the right & they go to the right, and then I stand there waiting for them to MOVE & fight the urge to push them out of the way #yesmad
1) when i'm eating at a restaurant and one of the employees wants to sweep or mop by my table.
are you for real??

2) when someone talks on the phone while there are others in the car . . we're just trying to listen to music!

3) people who cough or sneeze without covering their mouths

4) toyota drivers-- they always seem to give me road rage.

5) Ordering chicken nuggets and not finding any sauce inside the bag

6) people who THINK they know everything about technology.

7) I get annoyed when cabinets/drawers are left open

8. Lights being left on in the day time

that's all i can think of for now
1) when i'm eating at a restaurant and one of the employees wants to sweep or mop by my table.
are you for real??

2) when someone talks on the phone while there are others in the car . . we're just trying to listen to music!

3) people who cough or sneeze without covering their mouths

4) toyota drivers-- they always seem to give me road rage.

5) Ordering chicken nuggets and not finding any sauce inside the bag

6) people who THINK they know everything about technology.

7) I get annoyed when cabinets/drawers are left open

8. Lights being left on in the day time

that's all i can think of for now
- Poor grammar.
- Having my personal space invaded by a complete stranger.
- Inconsiderate people/roommates (you CLEARLY see me about to go to sleep and you're actually going to turn the TV on? Really?!)
- Dirty roommates (I live with 7 other women. How the ++%% has it become impossible for someone to remember to take the trash out?)
- The class suck-up who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, yet they continue to contribute pure nonsense.
- Not getting a response to a text (especially if the other person is the one who initiated the conversation).
- Cold weather.
- People walking slowly in front of me and I KNOW they can tell that I'm trying to get around them.
- Idiots.
- Religious people who try to shove their beliefs down your throat. Chill out and back off.

There are more but this will do for now.
- Poor grammar.
- Having my personal space invaded by a complete stranger.
- Inconsiderate people/roommates (you CLEARLY see me about to go to sleep and you're actually going to turn the TV on? Really?!)
- Dirty roommates (I live with 7 other women. How the ++%% has it become impossible for someone to remember to take the trash out?)
- The class suck-up who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, yet they continue to contribute pure nonsense.
- Not getting a response to a text (especially if the other person is the one who initiated the conversation).
- Cold weather.
- People walking slowly in front of me and I KNOW they can tell that I'm trying to get around them.
- Idiots.
- Religious people who try to shove their beliefs down your throat. Chill out and back off.

There are more but this will do for now.
Originally Posted by SanchezOnFire

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

oidreez wrote:

not getting a text back 
in addition to yours. people to text first then you respond then theres no text back


that kinda bugs me
this has started to bug me lately.

This. Why would you text me in the first place if you arent going to text back?
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