When Bus Drivers Strike Back

Does there need to be? You just dont hit women, that is it. The situations where its allowed are few and inbetween. People do things all the time without exercsizing logic and this is just one of those sutuations. As funny as this was I dont think this was a situation where hitting a woman is allowed. Good for him that he did what he thought was best, I just know that I wouldnt have done it.

does there need to be logic behind doing something in a situation......that's your question?
I dont hit women, never have. But am I supposed to feel bad when I see a shorty poppin off violently, and somebody reacts violently in return? Nah brother, thats Karma. Shorty CHOSE her actions, but she doesnt get to choose the consequences to her actions.

Male lions fight female lions all the time in the wild. What more can a man hope for than to be a lion? She thought she was messin with Simba and got Scarred by Mufasa ya dig.
I bet the ratchetness of females will be turned down 100 decibels this weekend.  They don't wanna be the next contestant on that worldstar screen.
Girl talks s***. Girl keeps talkin s***. Girl says she'll whoop whoever he brings. *ZING*!!
so proud.
Does there need to be? You just dont hit women, that is it. The situations where its allowed are few and inbetween. People do things all the time without exercsizing logic and this is just one of those sutuations. As funny as this was I dont think this was a situation where hitting a woman is allowed. Good for him that he did what he thought was best, I just know that I wouldnt have done it.

does there need to be logic behind doing something in a situation......that's your question?
Yes. It was more of hypothetical with the answer being NO (my apologies if that wasn't conveyed properlty) because there are plenty of real life situations where people do things without thinking about whether or not it's logical. Without detailing this thread ill give the most common example and say that most atheists would say that theists are following their religion with no regard for logic, just faith. I could nitpick and think of several more but yeah.... People can do things without factoring in logic

I'm sure everyone here can made dozens of logical arguments in support of putting your hands on women but I just think you shouldn't do it unless the situations are severe
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the way it looked when he threw that punch man its no way in hell she shoulda still been conscious
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