When Bus Drivers Strike Back

Damn im weak after seeing this. :rofl:

ESPN needs to make a sports science of the velocity of the uppercut and speed it was traveling at when it connected with the jaw!
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yall got me 
But look at the shoulder shimmy swag before he hits her with the sky uppercut :rofl:


wow, he could have stop after the upper cut, but I dont feel bad for her, she lost her victim stance once she hit him first.
He should press charges on her, but he still should be suspended because there are alot of hood rats on the bus and he cant go around upper cutting all of them.
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Wonder what's gonna happen to him.

in nyc at least, putting your hands on a bus driver is an automatic felony. guaranteed. he could be within the limit of self defense since she approached with intent of bodily harm...not 100 on this tho as my degree isn't in law.
love it. tired of these young broads acting tough then as soon as they get touched trying to rely on the you can't hit a woman steeze.

I've never hit a woman before in my life, and I don't plan on it, but back in the day when this adage was accepted it was because women had decorum and didn't try to de-masculate a man by being physical with him or verbally disrespectful. If you step to the wrong man like a man, don't be surprised if you get dealt like one. I bet shorty won't ever hit a dude again.

Justice served. F her and all these broads thinkin they're untouchable.
***** had it coming to her.. she has zero respect for anyone nor herself so she deserved that uppercut. too bad she didnt go to sleep from it, these hoodmouses must some kind of unknown strength a normal woman wouldnt have
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