When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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Son this is making me laugh to my core :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It's so painful and so hilarious at the same time.

This story in detail has everything. I'm removed enough to not care as much but for yall dudes who let these females in and then some variation of this happens that's a wound that'll never feel. I know for some this is yall worst fear. Damn :lol: :smh: Like I can put this story and apply it to any culture and they will relate. Son said both families were hurt by it too :rofl: Gettin that train by Ty and his friends and bros.

I"m about to play Lupe's Hurt My Soul and Dre's **** You in rotation. Always enter these relationships with that disclaimer that this chick might cheat on you too so be prepared just in case.
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Wanna hear it....here it go. So, my homie Stan and his girl grew up on the same block as children. Their families were super close, would attend birthday parties together and everything. So, I guess one day while chilling on their block they decided to get together around the age of 5. Of course it was really innocent but they literally stayed together all throughout elementary school and middle school. I was amazed to hear about how long they'd been together when I met Stan in a class in high school. Dude was REALLY cool and because we had SO much in common we just started hanging out. She was cool too. She knew a little bit about sports, wouldn't bother him all the time and she was really smart.

So, one day I go over my other homie Ty's (he lived in another city, went to a different high school and didn't know Stan at all.) house to play some Madden. Dude was always talking about how he was banging girls. He would always talk about how him and his brothers would train girls and all this crap but they could NEVER provide proof. I MEAN NONE! So we all just thought he was always fronting about that crap. Either way, dude was cool, had a big screen TV with the Madden on deck and the freezer stayed packed with chicken strips so we gave him a pass. So I get over there and dude comes to the door and says, "Shhhhh, don't be loud. We smashing 'round here!" I rolled my eyes because I thought dude was lying and I walked in the house. Sure enough I hear a girl moaning. I was still a little skeptical until I heard one of the dudes tell her to "poke it out". I looked at Ty and dude had a HUGE smile across his face as if to say "I TOLD YOU SO!". So I figured I'd get a peek at who the chick was. Ty was like "She's nothin'! Just some h*e we BEEN beating down and sending her back to her hubby. I mean we skeetin' in the throat and errrrthang. We showin' this h*e no love and NO RESPECT!" I told him I wanted to see who it was, so we walked down the hallway to his room. I was right outside the door hearing it all my dudes! She was getting HAMMERED! Screaming at the top of her lungs and the cheeks was clapping! So, I crack the door and slide in. Sure enough, Ty's brothers are in there and one was waist deep in that h*e. I couldn't see her face initially because she was in doggy and dudes was in front of her head. I guess one slid in to pipe her mouth. So I sort of lean to the right around dude at her head and she looked up at that exact moment with the pipe in her mouth. NT, when we locked eyes I was speechless. I pointed at her and YELLED, "YOU A H*E A*S B*TCH FOR THIS SH*T!!!" Everything in the room stopped and then the dudes started laughing. She tried to get up all sweaty and beat up. She was thrashed. Her hair and body had man juice on it. She begged me not to tell Stan. I called her a *** and told her she was crazy if she thought I'd let the homie get played like that. SMH.

I ran over to Stan's house and woke him up to tell him what happened. Dude was rocked. She then called him trying to explain and he went off. Threatened to kill her, telling her she ruined their future together and then he fell to the floor and balled his eyes out. I took the phone and hung up on her. I watched him cry for 3 hours straight that day. Dude cut all ties with her. Both families were hurt by it too. Stan was hurt for 6 months and STILL don't deal with chicks that deep because of it. Hasn't had a REAL relationship since.


This just touch my soul man.

:smh: ******* ain't **** but **** and tricks

I want to buy Stan a bottle of Ciroq and a stripper

I was in 9th grade. Girl I was dating went to another school. My closest boy went to school with her and came over my crib after school one day telling me how he saw her in the gym at school with a guy from the football team sucking face with her hand down his pants.

I hit shorty up, mad pissed. Went off on her. Haven't trusted any broad completely ever since until my girl now...

Ever since then I just told them **** whatever they wanted to hear. But never trusted em.
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Son this is making me laugh to my core :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It's so painful and so hilarious at the same time.

This story in detail has everything. I'm removed enough to not care as much but for yall dudes who let these females in and then some variation of this happens that's a wound that'll never feel. I know for some this is yall worst fear. Damn :lol: :smh: Like I can put this story and apply it to any culture and they will relate. Son said both families were hurt by it too :rofl: Gettin that train by Ty and his friends and bros.

I"m about to play Lupe's Hurt My Soul and Dre's **** You in rotation. Always enter these relationships with that disclaimer that this chick might cheat on you too so be prepared just in case.
View media item 889510

I can't 100% relate. That's why I can laugh. Never fell in love and learned these lessons without having to suffer 1st hand

Alonzo Mourning got the goat gifs. I kind of wish I could get my heartbroken already b/c I know it's gonna happen to me, I just need that coldness. It's gonna happen when I least expect it I bet too.
When I made that first girl cheat. Karma is a *****, though. But that's the truth.

Used to pipe my ex the whole time she dated another guy(over a year and a half) I legit thought about getting back with her, even grabbed her phone a couple times and texted ol boy acting like her telling it was over cause she wanted to be with me(She told me to)

It got to the point where one night I had an extra ticket to this game and asked her to come, she says yes, calls from her house a few minutes later saying her dude was there and would only let her go if she told me on the phone that it "wasn't a date" my *** started cracking up when she said that and he just got pissed.

I eventually felt bad about smashing her and tried to tell the dude that he had been getting lies fed to him. Told him I had passed him leaving her house one day as I was on my way to ****. Wouldn't believe me. Described some brand new floor mats the broad had in her car and he didn't wanna hear it, even went to the point of telling me that I had driven by her house, got out and looked inside the car. ****** in too deep. Moral of the story, females are just as foul, if not worse, than us guys

girlfriend of 3 years. she recommended i take a different route home from her house one night (on bike), and i get into a devastating accident. she felt guilty, stayed with me during my hospital stay but began to act distanced afterwards. during 6 month recovery, i was hearing from her once or twice a week at most. it was clear her attention was slipping but needless to say i was in a vulnerable state and didn't want to face the truth. she breaks up with me a few days shy of our anniversary... then calls me a week later to tell me she's pregnant by a 27 year old dope boy. had the nerve to tell me he smashed, then flipped the condom inside out

saddest part is she was still pressing me to smash while pregnant and after birth. i gave in a few times out of vengeance. once she was doming me, her son started choking on his saliva, each cough was more violent than the last, to the point that i was even concerned. she wouldn't stop until i was finished, then tended to her child.
i can't front... i loved pummeling her while her welfare baby cried, knowing she would suffer for all she'd done.
it was liberating.

"all the girls after that, it was straight pay back."  – boosie
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This thread is 
. Why I love NT!

Many of ya'll are BLESSED to have been enlightened at an early age. Elementary school or middle school is a blessing. Heartbreak and suffering from getting played needs to happen in every man's life. It's a pivotal moment of maturity where you learn so much about yourself and the dangers of some women.

Unfortunately for me, I was a latebloomer. All the girlfriends I had in high school were solid human beings. Never played me, when we broke up, it was usually because I F'd up, played them, made an *** out of myself, or they were just straight up honest and kept it moving. Furthermore, I didn't have a strong father figure, older brother, or close relationship with my mom where my family could teach me these things at a young age. Needless to say, going into my 20's I was still very ignorant and naive when it came to the evils of certain women.

I hit a very challenging part of my career where I basically had no life, all I did was work. In this situation you become needy with women because you are in a position of low value. Since I didn't have time to spend with my friends, I wasn't going out as much, not investing in myself as much. There was one chick at work who was always around and was the only chick giving me attention at the time. I should have known better, all the indications were there, her reputation was that of a flirt, she had a lot of guy friends, she was one of those types that other women didn't like, and she was manipulative and coniving in the work environment, her own mother was even a ***. Despite all these indicators, I still simpled for her like the naive idiot i was, only to find out I got played like a fool. She was smanging multiple other dudes and used me as the guy mainly for her emotional needs that a boyfriend would assume. 

When I found out the feeling was empty. That feeling when you invested everything, time, money and energy, blindly into one person, only to get played. I was depressed for a couple months but it was for the better. Now I know better. Afterwards I smanged a bunch of women but then I realized that again just another form of false validation at the hands of her.

In the end I realized this: Always invest in YOURSELF more than anyone else. Always place higher VALUE in yourself than anyone else. 
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Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds
Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds
1) Cut all ties

2) Get with other women / FDB Mode

3) Slip up in a moment of weakness and try to check up on her (optional smash)

4) Realize its never going to be like it was

5) Cut all ties (again)

6) Hurt some more

7) Move on finally when you really just don't care anymore

Pretty much how it went for me and I never even made it official with her but I did have the feels. If you get closure before you cut ties you can probably skip steps 3 through 6.
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Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds
Man, it happens.  I'd pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep it moving.  Would it hurt?  Sure, but that's what I get for trying to save a h**.  You gotta remember to keep your dignity and pride intact, so you're not looking like a fool trying to "work things out" or "win her back."

I hate it when girls say "I want a guy who will fight for me."  Why should I "fight" for you?  If I'm investing time into you then you're obviously worth something to me, I'm not about to write a persuasive essay on why I'm the better choice over another guy
That gangbang story is just... wow.

Happens way more often than you think. I remember one broad I wanted to smash (who seemed like an innocent homely girl), her roommate told me the girl I wanted to smash one day woke up after a big night of partying and getting spitroasted raw by two dudes she didn't even know. :smh:
Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds
trust me...itll tear you down...from your world around you to you psychologically. anybody can say keep movin but that dont always help when you sunk in a hole

honestly if you ever have it happen just sit back n refigure everything out. if you got famb or friends talk to em n help release it...speak with the man above too
Dawwwwwwwg, I HATE that 'fight for me' ****. Just code for 'care for me more than I care for you so I can leave you for the next ***** && make him think it's sweet too'.

As for what I'd do if I found out a chick was cheating on me...probably nothing directly to her, cause somewhere along the line, errors were likely made on my end which allowed the BS to manifest itself in the first place. In retrospect, I'm not mad at any of the chicks who did some 'grimy' ish to me, because the red flags were def. there EVERY time, I was just too blinded by 'love' (or the illusion of it) to see them with a sensible outlook. I'm at the point where I'm comfortable in knowing that I can only control what I can, && another's actions will never be on that list of things. One must accept that, at any point, shorty can cheat, suck, ****, whatever/whoever she wants, while always being prepared to take appropriate action just in case...cause it can all be over as quickly as it began. Microcosm of life...

But IMO a man's self-value shall determine how he handles that. I've personally faltered in this area many times while learning 'the game' through straight, late-blooming, trial && error; always talking myself down in the past with women, yet rationalizing it by calling it 'humility'. The vibe I was putting out to the world && these girls was 'you're more important than me...actually, you're the only important one out of the both of us'. And they felt that, && being emotionally driven creatures, they acted accordingly on what they felt by leaving, as they should've. Nowadays, however, completely different story; I now value myself enough to be picky with women, even at the expense of my 'body count' (I'll keep it 100, it's only at 1 :lol:), by sticking to my own morals/standards, beliefs, && not straying from those just because of nothing more a pretty face && a phat ***. If they can't get with that, if they feel the need to cheat, etc...even if I may like/love em...won't take it personally, but I gotta walk without looking back (although, much easier said than done), because genuine self-respect will always outweigh my love for another, as well as their 'love' for me...it has to.
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Word I agree with everybodys response to my question. Def right about the fact that you should have seen the red flags to begin with. But damn i've never had a female cheat on me (but again who knows?) but i have had a girl cheat on her bf with me and i felt like a sleez man. One time wouldnt smash this broad who was crazy bad for awhile because i knew her bf (not friends but still). Wasnt until they went on a "break" that i ran up in her club like shuge knight in vegas.

But like ya'll said, you cant really even be that mad. These days its so many slime ball dudes that pull that dirty mack in twitter DM's, commenting on 47 week old IG pics lol. Its crazy man.
Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds

Her loss.

She may have cheated on you, but if you're a good dude, in the end, she only cheats herself.
I do remember my junior yr I was talking to one of my cousin's friends over the phone only. We had seen each other pics only. Man I'm thinking I got this broad as soon as we meet up. come to find out one my boys was ******* with her on a college tour bus. when I bust her out about it the phone went so quiet. now the few random times I see her I damn near laugh at the thought of sticking my meat in her..fat ole *** with bee stings for a chest
Had a rude awakening in college. I was dating this girl for 3.5 years. I was in the process of buying an engagement ring. My last year in grad school I started noticing some stuff. Always talking about how funny this one guy is all the time. Then one day she just told me during my internships that she's been cheating. I'm not gonna front that junk messed me up. Got in a bad funk and lost about 20-25 lbs. She looked so innocent too...Anyways thats Tallahassee for you. She calls time to time to apologize. Took an L and I moved on..

Also I have no respect for these Frat Groupies.

Reminds me of this :lol:

Long but definitely Worthy

Every female done did some Oish ish before.

11th grade I had this girl on my *** something serious she was obsessed with me. First day of my 11th grade year, I get this message on MySpace, back in 06 and it was this girl whom I knew, we went to school together in the years past but never associated because she was a "good time girl" I mean a really easy good time girl.... So this message she basically tells me how much she was feeling me and that not if but when she sucks my D I better not tell anyone... So I'm like damn... I was a 16 almost 17yr old virgin at the time (lost v card at 17) so I said cool.

So a few days went on, then weeks, then months, and we became friends (still didn't even get top or yambs) so she would call me daily after school like everyday and we'd talk and I'd try my best to get her to let me come over and smash, I had just got my license so I was making major moves. So meanwhile while I was trying to get my meat wet all my homeies was giving me hell, telling me she a how and that everybody done hit and that I was gonna catch something and I'd always be like nah man she just cool it ain't like that. (She had a record ever since she was in the 6th grade giving head on the back of the bus to guys).... Her mother had died that same year and I guess she took it hard and was looking for love in all the wrong places... So I'd always had a kinda soft spot for her because like I said she was cool. She'd come to all my bball games and support me she was a nice sweet girl. I wasn't necessarily tryna turn a how into a house wife but I was more so accepting her for who she really was (which I thought was just a lost individual who needed acceptance.

So fast forward a few more months, she called me her boyfriend and I'd always tell everyone she was just a good friend. Everyone thought I was getting my D sucked and drained daily but in reality I had only squeezed her titts and ***...lol.smh. I mean I'd try everything but she would never let me hit, I mean she had been with many guys before me but I was like the only one who wasn't getting none and I had NO idea why. I mean I'd drive to school and ask to take her home and she'd be like she's gonna ride the bus or that her pops gonna pick her up and what not so I was still waiting. Smh

The conclusion

So 1 day after school I was chilling on the internet and I happened to get a message on MySpace from her, she was all hysterical and what not so I messaged her back asking what was wrong so she'd never say. So I picked up the phone to call her and got no answer so I waited a few minutes and she finally called back crying and basically told me the story of how after school 1 day my cousin (her brothers friend) came over and they had sex and that she didn't really want to but her took her pants off and smashed her on the couch and that he went in raw and came in her.smh.... My heart dropped and I started tearing up... I also had a weird boner something serious...lol.

I didn't really have feelings for her but we had just grown attached and it kinda hurt that I didn't get to smash and home did. I was a VERY popular guy all thought school and I tried to use my advantage to help someone out from the kindness of my heart and this is how you repay me.... I think me being upset made her feel 10x worse. So I stopped talking to her on a regular and we'd seldome associate and I still didn't smash....

Fast forward 5-6 years later, I hit her up 1 day after not speaking to her in many yearsso I get her number and we setup a time to chill. So we meet at a old secluded carwash and she hops in my mustang and I instantly went into this redemption mode I mean all my years of wanting to Shove it down her throat and just ravage her like a cheap filthy dirty smutt like she was just came through me. So I started with her breast sucking them for all they were worth. I took the D out and she topped me sooooooooooooooo good I almost erupted like Pompey so I stopped her and was like hell nah you ain't getting off that easy. So I took off her pants and hopped over on top of her on the passenger seat and gave her the most thunderous long stroking she ever had (well in my head I was) lol she was moaning her lips off and all the while I was talking crap telling her this is what she was missing all theses years every time I felt the pain she had given me years ago I stroked 5x harder. While choking her. So finally I climaxed all over her face after switching to doggy style. I had never felt so relieved. I was more happy for redemption than that good nut I had just gotten.

She's an expecting mom now. My home in the military hit it when he came home last year and I always give him hell saying its his kid. He denies it....lol.

All in all and 60 some odd yambs later I can say that right there made me a straight SAVAGE. I guess that's why I smash almost all my females on the first night and don't give a damn how the feel in the morning.
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2012. When I was living down south, I was seeing this shorty I met at work. Like, I was in love. Simping OD. Things were good for a few months. But I was leaving for tech/trade school end of that summer. She started acting funny around July or so. Found out her ex was hitting that on the not so low :smh: every body knew but me. I took it hard, fambs. She tried her best to make it up to me, but had to cancel that. I was cut deep for a good year, maybe more. Haven't trusted a female since.
Hell, I was every where goofy in love. Thread about nothing, Twitter, etc. Just makes me mad and disgusted thinking back on it. One reason why I've started going so hard in every aspect of my life. I've lowkey wanted to be doing the damn thing, and somehow run across her some day so she can see what she missed out on.
Like, my whole world was crushed. Right around the time Maybach O x Wale released MIA, song was on repeat (That and Stalley - Milq & Honey) while I was just majorly depressed.

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