When you first get a girl's number, what kind of stuff do you text her?

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by Jordman23

Originally Posted by bijald0331

what scent dost thou thang emanate?


why do i find this so damn funny... 

by the way, mr. original poster...

----->>>>>    CLICK THIS, MY BOY... AND THANK ME LATER... <<<<<<------
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

usherplaylist wrote:
I am recently single and I think I need to perfect my text game.  Like I'll be really charming and funny to a girl, you know, enough for her to want to hang out and give me her number.  But then, the next thing I know she's flaking hard on me.  One girl even said I was creepy.
I have to assume my humor doesn't translate very well via text?  For instance, it snowed a bunch last week and I sent a few girls "Meet me at 10:15AM and let's make some snow angels." I thought that was kinda funny, and random (obviously I wasn't serious) - no response.

Or how about I sent a few girls, "Princess cut or round?" (as in engagement ring).  Obviously I'm not that sprung on these girls, it's just a random text to elicit some banter.  Yet only one girl really got it, and she re, "I think we should get finger tattoos."

Another example, "I just made a Justin Bieber iTunes playlist...you want to breeze by later?"

Or, "I just bought a soccer ball, you wanna kick it?

Sometimes I'll even do some foolish like send every blonde in my BlackBerry, "This is a mass text to all cute brunettes: Who wants to go to the game tonight?"

Are there rules that you have to keep the sarcasm light, and the humor pretty generic when texting a new girl?

  Dude. You're creepy. Deal with it.

FIXED. lol
   anywho lowkey some of those responses were kinda creepy, i can only see those working if there is a SPECIAL connection betweed u and the text recepient.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

OP after reading this thread I can see why your texts fail bro. NO ONE gets your "humor". You're just a weird guy. And that's cool if that's who you are..but that isn't going to get you any girls at the end of the day.

this is the most POLITE, YET REALEST post so far. kudos bossman 
Maybe those girls didn't find you attractive.

When girls do, you can pretty much text them whatever and you'll get a reply.
"I texted you now what are your other 2 wishes" add a lol or smiley face after that and you good if she doesnt reply to that she aint feelin you (metaphorically or physically)
OP, your "text humor" is not bad.  i see your method as a way to filter out the "hook ups" from the "keepers".

 If a girl doesn't get it than it's a clear sign her wit is not up to par with yours. so just "dumb it down" with the slower type girls and get to the point.

 the ones who get you, are the ones you should be looking to get in a relationship with or keep as friends. 
Op it's pretty much established, stop being a creep.

...One quirky guy to another, kill your personality until you smash.
Originally Posted by Th3Jok3r

"I texted you now what are your other 2 wishes" add a lol or smiley face after that and you good if she doesnt reply to that she aint feelin you (metaphorically or physically)
Are you in middle school?

That's corny as hell. If you're dealing with grown women aint none of them gonna go for that BS
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you have a excuse for every response you are given in here...

just stop being weird...even if thats not how you meant to be its how you come off so STOP

hey whats up...what are you doing later...blah blah blah

how hard is that?

STOP BEING CREEPY...if you can't stop then maybe you shouldn't text and just call ol gir.

I believe you when you say your jokes work in person, but if you're constantly getting turned down via text or people aren't getting it.. JUST STOP doing it.
Pics of you, no bromo. Pics of the broads you're texting to.

And yes, your sense of humor is a tad bit creepy, my man.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by Th3Jok3r

"I texted you now what are your other 2 wishes" add a lol or smiley face after that and you good if she doesnt reply to that she aint feelin you (metaphorically or physically)
Are you in middle school?

That's corny as hell. If you're dealing with grown women aint none of them gonna go for that BS

yeah, g...

that was kinda weak...
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Creep dudes with no game always say the wrong things around females, mad akward.


This right here

Just be in the Room like
: i bet she walks away:
Originally Posted by J23S

Your sense of humor is kinda creepy

Bet those chicks read your text and was like

Ease up on the direct text and maybe throw an "lol" in there so they know you arent serious
because this is exactly how I'd react to some ""I just bought a soccer ball, you wanna kick it?" type text..

or the Justin Beiber playlist..OP you're crazy.
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