When you first get a girl's number, what kind of stuff do you text her?

you shouldn't try to start a relationship with a girl using sarcasm OVER TEXT! be direct at first in order to get the date...the sarcasm will come in once you get the date....it's hard to tell when someone is being real or sarcastic over text...keep that in mind. good luck.
Originally Posted by Jordman23

Originally Posted by bijald0331

what scent dost thou thang emanate?



"When I first texted you there were happy tissues in my trash can, but since you cant reply the happy tissues are now buried under sad tissues"
ok heres something better...

when you get them digits on those weekends and you just wanna smash...

i always go up front for hittin it that night, but i know if you set something up for the next day (to meetup) thats clutch too...

Im no texting dynamo or nothing but your approaches are horrible my man

Just keep it plain and simple.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by purepwrta

Man dude you do sound mad creepy.

Why dont you start off with something like. "Hey whats up, hows your day going"

Yeah, that would be great if I actually cared how their day was going.

I swear I've been complimented on my texting abilities, like to the point where I know a girl is jocking just off the strength of my text humor. 
I suppose a softer transition into funny guy could be effective? I don't know.

Well obviously by your opening post you have no idea what your doing.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by purepwrta

Man dude you do sound mad creepy.

Why dont you start off with something like. "Hey whats up, hows your day going"

Yeah, that would be great if I actually cared how their day was going.

I swear I've been complimented on my texting abilities, like to the point where I know a girl is jocking just off the strength of my text humor. 
I suppose a softer transition into funny guy could be effective? I don't know.

This guy is starting to get all aggressive now stone facing people... calm down creep.
usherplaylist wrote:
I am recently single and I think I need to perfect my text game.  Like I'll be really charming and funny to a girl, you know, enough for her to want to hang out and give me her number.  But then, the next thing I know she's flaking hard on me.  One girl even said I was creepy.
I have to assume my humor doesn't translate very well via text?  For instance, it snowed a bunch last week and I sent a few girls "Meet me at 10:15AM and let's make some snow angels." I thought that was kinda funny, and random (obviously I wasn't serious) - no response.

Or how about I sent a few girls, "Princess cut or round?" (as in engagement ring).  Obviously I'm not that sprung on these girls, it's just a random text to elicit some banter.  Yet only one girl really got it, and she re, "I think we should get finger tattoos."

Another example, "I just made a Justin Bieber iTunes playlist...you want to breeze by later?"

Or, "I just bought a soccer ball, you wanna kick it?

Sometimes I'll even do some foolish like send every blonde in my BlackBerry, "This is a mass text to all cute brunettes: Who wants to go to the game tonight?"

Are there rules that you have to keep the sarcasm light, and the humor pretty generic when texting a new girl?

  Dude. You're creepy. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by I AM NAS

Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by purepwrta

Man dude you do sound mad creepy.

Why dont you start off with something like. "Hey whats up, hows your day going"

Yeah, that would be great if I actually cared how their day was going.

I swear I've been complimented on my texting abilities, like to the point where I know a girl is jocking just off the strength of my text humor. 
I suppose a softer transition into funny guy could be effective? I don't know.
Then why are you asking for help???

and btw ""I hung out with this blonde last night, trying to switch it uptonight.  You want to come over and watch Step Brothers on Blu-Ray?"" is the weakest line i've heard in a while... try not to big yourself up so much, talking about all your "women" and your fancy "Blu-ray"
  "sup ma, wanna chill and watch a movie" would of worked alot better... my .2 cents
I'm asking for help because more often than not it does NOT work out.  Small percentage of girls get it, but the majority don't.   So, I'm looking to become more efficient and not fumble the rock as much as Tiki Barber.

Why are you taking that Step Brothers text so literally?
Obviously I am not bragging about a Blu-Ray player.
Obviously I'm not serious about the hair color of the girl I hung out with the night before.  It's a joke, intended to elicit at the least a chuckle and then I would transition into something more serious - I don't know...
You gotta work you're way up to the sarcastic texts.

Most aren't going to get it off jump. Some never will.

That's common sense bro. Sarcasm isn't easily detected through text, esp. if the person doesn't really know you like that.

If it isn't working in 99% of the cases, why do you keep doing it?
I always thought smiley faces and "lol"s are female traits.

Youve gotta be an extremely special female if you got me at a point where Im notifying you of my laughter via text.
Originally Posted by Diego

I always thought smiley faces and "lol"s are female traits.

Youve gotta be an extremely special female if you got me at a point where Im notifying you of my laughter via text.

If I don't get a lol or hahaha I don't really keep trying, but if a girl is re with hahaha or lols I keep the banter going.  In the rare case you meet a funny chick, proper form is re with something showing her, her humor is appreciated. 

With that said, I have noticed lol tends to be considered a bit immature/female these days, and most people I know prefer to use "hahaha".  I still stick with lol though. I hate that people are susceptible to texting trends, e.g. like how every girl all of a sudden started adding extra letters to the last word of a text, "Heyy how are youuuu?" So lame. Worse is when guys do that.
Originally Posted by dreClark

You gotta work you're way up to the sarcastic texts.

Most aren't going to get it off jump. Some never will.

That's common sense bro. Sarcasm isn't easily detected through text, esp. if the person doesn't really know you like that.

If it isn't working in 99% of the cases, why do you keep doing it?
I feel you, it's just hard for me to fathom how anyone could take a text about making snow angels at 10AM by the law library seriously.

As for why I have yet to adjust; well, I started this thread and I'm making mental notes.  If you're asking why I didn't get it before; prob a combination of not caring and it not clicking that girls can take something sooooooo silly and turn it into something creepy.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by dreClark

You gotta work you're way up to the sarcastic texts.

Most aren't going to get it off jump. Some never will.

That's common sense bro. Sarcasm isn't easily detected through text, esp. if the person doesn't really know you like that.

If it isn't working in 99% of the cases, why do you keep doing it?
I feel you, it's just hard for me to fathom how anyone could take a text about making snow angels at 10AM by the law library seriously.

As for why I have yet to adjust; well, I started this thread and I'm making mental notes.  If you're asking why I didn't get it before; prob a combination of not caring and it not clicking that girls can take something sooooooo silly and turn it into something creepy.
Your texting game is horrible dude...snow angels?

Every line you said was terrible...jus be yourself dude...throw lines in that you KNOW the girl will laugh at...i cant imagine a girl laughing at the stuff you said

Jus keep it simple...form my experiences with JO's insult them...say their butt small or that they cnt handle nuffin...if they deny it...ask them to prove it

Try it it works
Man don't even ask these chicks for their numbers anymore, just give em yours and say hit me up.
If she does, she's interestec, if not, keep it moving.
you're trying to hard to be witty and turning them off. keep it simple. you can pull tht stuff wen u chill with them and can read their body language. some people have to get to know you before they can get ya humor.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

I feel you, it's just hard for me to fathom how anyone could take a text about making snow angels at 10AM by the law library seriously.
They probably didn't think you were serious, as much as they thought you were a lame/weirdo.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

you're trying to hard to be witty and turning them off. keep it simple. you can pull tht stuff wen u chill with them and can read their body language. some people have to get to know you before they can get ya humor.
It may be perceived as such, but I am absolutely not consciously trying too hard.
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