When you first get a girl's number, what kind of stuff do you text her?

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by purepwrta

Man dude you do sound mad creepy.

Why dont you start off with something like. "Hey whats up, hows your day going"

Yeah, that would be great if I actually cared how their day was going.

I swear I've been complimented on my texting abilities, like to the point where I know a girl is jocking just off the strength of my text humor. 
I suppose a softer transition into funny guy could be effective? I don't know.

This guy is starting to get all aggressive now stone facing people... calm down creep.

That "...if I actually cared how their day was going..." was a sarcastic joke, not agressive. I thought it was funny. *kanye shrug*
OP your sense of humor is weird. It makes sense why only some females respond back to your "silly" texts.
you have a excuse for every response you are given in here...

just stop being weird...even if thats not how you meant to be its how you come off so STOP

hey whats up...what are you doing later...blah blah blah

how hard is that?

STOP BEING CREEPY...if you can't stop then maybe you shouldn't text and just call ol gir.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you have a excuse for every response you are given in here...

just stop being weird...even if thats not how you meant to be its how you come off so STOP

hey whats up...what are you doing later...blah blah blah

how hard is that?

STOP BEING CREEPY...if you can't stop then maybe you shouldn't text and just call ol gir.

Message is heard loud and clear. I am obviously delusional.
onlly read the 1st page. OP you corny as hell.

if its your first time textin her, "hey whats up, its _____"

not very hard.

edit: forgot about this

Why you breathing so hard?"
Stop trying so hard. You really can just be like "I've been sitting here trying to think of something to make you laugh but I just wanna see you again" Next step: panties drop
To the OP, you actually text girls these things the first time? Like your first text to a girl you just met is about making snow angels?
OP after reading this thread I can see why your texts fail bro. NO ONE gets your "humor". You're just a weird guy. And that's cool if that's who you are..but that isn't going to get you any girls at the end of the day.
(me):"I dont see nothing wrong"
(her):"Whats wrong??"
(me):"With a lil bump and grind"
(her):"give it to me............!~!"

We are smashing.
Call her, tell her to meet you somewhere like a coffee shop, etc, then hang up, no small talk. And those texts make you seem goofy.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

OP after reading this thread I can see why your texts fail bro. NO ONE gets your "humor". You're just a weird guy. And that's cool if that's who you are..but that isn't going to get you any girls at the end of the day.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm weird. But I have also always gotten girls, so it's not that I'm not capable, so that adds to an arrogance, and an entitlement that I don't really have to have a filter around girls.  I have the mentality that a) I'll say whatever I want because if they don't like it someone else will b) I can get away with it because I think I'm "that guy".  There were 5 girls I was crushing on as I was breaking up with my girl, and I have bagged 3 of them - that's a pretty legit effort.  But I ended up fumbling them after it was all said and done...

I'm just recently single and I'm still trying to find my mojo; slowly but surely learning there are more efficient ways to get (and more importantly KEEP) cuties jocking.  I am taking notes from this thread and will be implementing a new GP (game plan) to hopefully have an even better slugging percentage moving forward.
I guess my sense of humor is similar to OPs because I thought the snow angel line was hysterical.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

OP after reading this thread I can see why your texts fail bro. NO ONE gets your "humor". You're just a weird guy. And that's cool if that's who you are..but that isn't going to get you any girls at the end of the day.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm weird. But I have also always gotten girls, so it's not that I'm not capable, so that adds to an arrogance, and an entitlement that I don't really have to have a filter around girls.  I have the mentality that a) I'll say whatever I want because if they don't like it someone else will b) I can get away with it because I think I'm "that guy".  There were 5 girls I was crushing on as I was breaking up with my girl, and I have bagged 3 of them - that's a pretty legit effort.  But I ended up fumbling them after it was all said and done...

I'm just recently single and I'm still trying to find my mojo; slowly but surely learning there are more efficient ways to get (and more importantly KEEP) cuties jocking.  I am taking notes from this thread and will be implementing a new GP (game plan) to hopefully have an even better slugging percentage moving forward.

Good for you bro. Like I said..and I was being dead honest..when I said that it's cool if you're weird. But as long as you keep trying to find your mojo and try new things..++%% will work out. Good thing you wern't a cry baby and took this to heart like most would have. You took notes and I can respect that.
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

OP after reading this thread I can see why your texts fail bro. NO ONE gets your "humor". You're just a weird guy. And that's cool if that's who you are..but that isn't going to get you any girls at the end of the day.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm weird. But I have also always gotten girls, so it's not that I'm not capable, so that adds to an arrogance, and an entitlement that I don't really have to have a filter around girls.  I have the mentality that a) I'll say whatever I want because if they don't like it someone else will b) I can get away with it because I think I'm "that guy".  There were 5 girls I was crushing on as I was breaking up with my girl,
and I have bagged 3 of them - that's a pretty legit effort.  But I ended up fumbling them after it was all said and done...

I'm just recently single and I'm still trying to find my mojo; slowly but surely learning there are more efficient ways to get (and more importantly KEEP) cuties jocking.  I am taking notes from this thread and will be implementing a new GP (game plan) to hopefully have an even better slugging percentage moving forward.

I'm surprised you actually bagged a girl from the way you were.
Hmm...pics of them?
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