When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

Why did God need to "fake kill" is sonself to save man? Couldn't he just snap his/her/its fingers, dude sounds like an attention-$%@#$.
i can only tell u what i've learned or heard. in this case, i think he "fake killed" Jesus to show the amount of suffering Jesus would go through in order to save the people?
If Jesus was god why couldn't god just do this?

Weren't people already praying to god and communicating with him?
 Jesus told them how he would be treated, told them he would rise from the dead.
Does that mean its true?
then he proved it by suffering and rising. probably to get the people believe what he says is true?
Do you believe that is true though?
 faith by sight so that when he is gone, faith will remain.
But why do you believe this is true?

I will agree that i dont know everything and that some things aren't very clear to me, but I am learning and this is what i believe in.
How can you believe in what you don't understand?
what language would he even speak?

people talkin bout they can speak to the creator of the stars,water,life,planets etc but cant figure out a quadratic formula.....
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People that talk to God are dumb. They will find a way to link anything that happens afterwards to that talk. If it makes them feel better thats cool but don't tell me about it. I will give you the :rolleyes and keep it moving
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