Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

in the 11th grade. wondering all the practices and !$%$ were bein cancelled and why there were so many damn early dismissals back to back
sophomore year of high school, i believe i was taking trig at the time... my man raschan came in from the library saying a plane just hit the twin towers in NY... my wonderful math teacher kept saying you will always remember where you were right now so be thankful for being alive and well and cherish the moments youhave ... then we all booked it to the library to watch the tv and saw the second plane crash into the other tower and another into the pentagon ...

got on the phone to call my mom and told her to pick my *$$ up just in case this was gonna be an ongoing thing ... i remember never being scared for my life,but thinking it was ok if my time had come ... rip
i saw the smoke of the first tower from the window of i.s 141 durring mr costellos socialstudies class in the 8th grade.

we were watching from the window when the second plane hit, we watched it live.. I'll never forget that day. it was the only time my mom ever picked me upfrom school in the middle of the day without me frontin like i was sick.

i didn't even know who osama bin ladin was untill i got home that day

thought my brother was dead cuz he was in the city and we didn't speak to him till the next day
6th grade. beginning of the school year.
I was in 2nd period english class when my science teacher came on the PA crying and announced that a plane had hit the world trade.
I didnt even know what the world trade center was. I really didnt fully understand what had happened until I watched news coverage and listened to my momexplain.
I was in 10th grade I believe and I saw both towers go down from outside of my current classes window...never forget that.
i was waking up and noticed the alarm wasnt the normal radio program and once i figured out what was going on i ran to turn on the TV and watched the firsttower burning...later i called my boss to see if i had to work because they said a lot of places were closing due to the attacks, she said yeah, i wasnt happy
was watching TV before school & I thought it was a scene from a new movie it was crazy still remember to this day over 3/4 the school leaving after 1stperiod
I also remember coming home and every channel was covering the attacks. I was shook as hell, like sure that they were gonna bomb on the whole country that day.
8th grade in dance class....

When we heard about it they kept saying the bridges and trains are gonna be shut down and at the time both my parents worked in the BX

My mom had this emergency stash and I kept tryna devise a plan for me and my little bro, on what we were gonna do 4 food until my parents got home...

But apparantly the bridges werent that serious....my dad came and got me like 30 mins later...
About to beat the %#$$ out of my whole house because i woke up and my dreamcast had stopped working all together
in 6th grade. heard what was happening as i was coming in from gym class.

this video is terrible
. i wouldn't recover if i saw that happening
terrible awful day for me. was at the abortion clinic with my ex. remembered it like it was yesterday.. sitting in the waiting room and watching this unravelat the same time.
on my way to school. was at a JC at the time. i get to class and see some of my classmates crying and they broke the news to me. all classes were cancelledthat day.

R.I.P. to those who lost their lives.
I was in 6th grade, homeroom class, getting ready to go home.

My teacher didn't want to tell us what was going on. She said we'd find out when we got home.
senior year of high school, we were all walking to our second class and we found out that a plane had hit one of the towers. We all gathered around a radio inmy english class and they were talking about how there were something like 9 planes not accounted for so this got us pretty nervous.

Then it hit the second tower. Then it hit the pentagon.

All of us kept thinking about where were the other planes. Then you hear about the one that "taken down" (i still feel it was shot down)

Pretty scary day. On top of that I remember me making a fool out of myself in front of a girl who i really liked and told her how if we get out of this, maybewe can go out that weekend.....so stupid lol
4th grade. They ain't tell us nothing, probably since I live in the D.C. burbs and kids parents' work at the Pentagon.

Got picked up by my dad around noon and as we're walking to the whip he tells me, "twin towers were bombed."
I'll never forget that day.

There were whispers about it at school, but none of my teachers wanted to talk about it with the students. Kids were getting dismissed left and right. Afterschool was out, my boy told me planes had hit the towers. I asked him if it was accidentally or intentionally. He said it was on purpose. I got home and my momwas out of it. She told me not to watch the news
but I went into a separate room and watched the coverage by myself. It was like 4 PM at that pointso the towers had already fell (which I didn't know until I watched TV...when my boy told me planes had hit, the towers coming down wasn't even on mymind).

I was sitting there stunned, taking it all in. A bunch of mixed emotions and I let it all go when I saw the footage of the reaction from civilians in MiddleEastern countries. Jumping for joy, burning the flag, dancing on the streets...that $$*@ made my blood boil and I couldn't hold it back anymore...

Even though I wasn't living there at the time, NYC was (and I still consider it) my home so looking at the scenery and people in anguish on TV was just sosurreal. I visited the Towers when I was a youngin' and just the thought that something so massive could be brought down $%!##+ up my world...

Fam back in NY told me the smoke was visible from their window for a good week or so. We have a fire station on the same block and 7 firefighters from theredied that morning...

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I kept imagining myself in their position, asking myself would I jump, or would I just go down with the building?
That also crossed my mind when I was watching. What would I have done if I was up there?
i was in the 7th grade in gym class..when we got back inside some of the gym teachers were watching it on tv..we stopped to watch it but the teacherswouldn't let us..in my next class the teacher put the news on and let us watch a little bit of it..i remember kids leaving school eary...didn't reallyknow what had happened till i got home..i remember just about every channel covering it..i ended up watching the news coverage all day
freshman year High school... guitar class..

mind you i started 5th period so like 10 am.. not watching news UNappreciation
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

In school... came home to hear the news that my mom was in the North tower... smh
Whoa really man? What ended up happening....?
she passed away.

i seriously just shedded a tear wen i read that i was hoping an answer like "she made it out safely" it just brings me back to that day when i wasscared confused and worried something a 10 year old kid shouldnt expirence may your mother rest in peace
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