Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

first week of high school i was in 2nd period math class when we got word.

called my mom because my aunt (her sister) worked in the towers but thankfully she was nowhere close to them when the planes hit.

as a canadian you think it wouldn't hit hard but once you turned on cnn and realized the magnitude of it all. also seeing the towers crumble in front of myeyes is something i'll never forget.
I remember seeing some coverage before I left for school (4th grade), but I don't really remember the teacher saying anything. I clearly recall some of theconversations kids were having though.
morning before school, i was still asleep when my mom came storming in to wake me up- she was in tears...
we watched it on the news together until i had to go to school, and then at school we basically watched it in the classroom all day long...
8th grade
history class
they locked down the whole school cause some people were playing is airsoft guns and their looked real.
i thought the whole world was coming to an end
Man I was in 6th grade!!

I live right across the Hudson, here in Jersey. Girl comes screaming into my class saying a plane just crashed into one of the twin towers!!! We all ran to the8th grade room where we had a view and could see the actual towers and flames with smoke!!! Then the principal comes on the intercom and announces it. Theschool went to lockdown. Everybody confused and dazed. Parents were picking their children up immediately. The whole school was cleared out by 12. No one couldbelieve that.

I rushed with my moms to Boulevard East. (All my hudson county heads know this is the spot, with a beautiful view of the city) Everybody out their cars, tryingto see what's happening. We couldn't believe it. Everybody was in shock. People just tearing and sobbing uncontrollably. I remember seeing the 1sttower fall!!!! Whoa!!! Man you know the rest.

After that, remember every single channel with breaking news coverage for weeks. No one would go out, everybody was scared. I couldn't believe that.
Damn i was sittin in my 3rd grade classroom and the teacher begins to act kinda worried and i mean to the best detail of my memory begins to just tell us whathappened... Turns out that her daughter was in New York at the time so i pretty much got the news fairly quick after it happened, her daughter called theteacher and told her then she told us then once she hung up my teachers daughter called back sayn that a second plane had just crashed into the tower... Damn icant believe what happened... Ive only seen pictures and heard descriptions but if i wouldve saw it man that wuda had me shook.. Rip to all those people thatpassed away... Except the pilots and anybody that was affialiated with the tragedy was just talkin about this in my gov. class
Man it was the morning of the 12th for me here in NZ. I switched on the radio like usual didn't believe it.
Went to the t.v. ! Blew everyone's mind! I watched the telly for two days straight!
i live on the west coast so i was done getting ready for school and turned my tv on and saw it
will never forget that moment for the rest of my life
I remember waking up and walking over to my parents' bedroom. They were just standing there watching the news on the TV and I saw the footage of the smokebillowing from the towers. It was surreal. I remember my high school was one of the only ones in my area that still had classes. We didn't actually haveclass though. All we did was talk about what had happened all day and watched the news in class.
in my second grade class room..i remember not knowing why everyone's parents came in that joint and rushing their kids out
i woke up turned on the tv to the news of a plane crashing in the WTC and i'll never forget it but while i was watching it all unfold and while the newsreports were coming in i watched LIVE while the 2nd plane crash into the other WTC tower.... that image will stick with me forever.... RIP to those lost thatday..
woke up and my dad was watching it on the news and I was getting ready for school
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Art class...some kid floury came and told the class a plane flew in the wtc...the teacher kicked himout and sent him to the vp office....i soon went to my pedo 8th grade Science teacher's class and we watched footage on the internet[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Remember the only channel to watch was cartoon network/nick/disney cuz they were the only to not showfootage[/color]
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

I was in school in the 7th grade.
This. 1st period. Teacher broke the news to us and we turned on the tv and watched the news from then on. It ended up being a 1/2 day andeverybody got sent home.
dont remind me

I was in 9th grade I think, it different for those who where in NYC. I remember being scared to ride the train that week for some reason

wow Im older than alot of you

In Marketing Class trying to sell the First Blueprint Album. Saying damn i hope its just a regular plane crash..then found out everything. Just went home andslept from about 4pm- like 4 am. No football practice that day or nothing i was just sad.
I was in the shower when the 2nd plane it. I'll never forget watching it on the news. Right before I walked out the door to head for school, the buildingsstarted to collapse.
i was in 5th grade and i was in class

remember another teacher walked in and whispered something to my teacher....my teacher was just shaking her head

then someone asked what happened and she told us some airplanes had crashed on the twin towers (at the time didn't even know what they were)

she proceeded to say there was going to be war with someone..she called it right
I was in class getting my study on, and then we were all guided into the gymnasium to watch the news. I was in, 5th grade?
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