Which lip balm do you use? Vol. For the dry and chapped


Didn't know you could go to Target and test out chap stick.

When your lips are cracked and hurting from this NY winter you wanna know exactly what has worked for other people so you can take care of the problem ASAP.

Stay peaced out, please.
youre such a rere, theres an aisle with diffrent chapsticks, i asume you know how to read and pick the best fit.
re-re? Serious?

Anyways... Going to the aisle and looking at the names doesn't actually tell you jack ****.

This thread is for people to recommend what has worked for them.  Which gives those asking a whole lot less trial and error in the chapstick aisle.

"re-re" though?
re-re? Serious?

Anyways... Going to the aisle and looking at the names doesn't actually tell you jack ****.

This thread is for people to recommend what has worked for them.  Which gives those asking a whole lot less trial and error in the chapstick aisle.

"re-re" though?
stop being sensitive its just a word. Are you really from ny or never never land "what works for them is there prefrence not yours" 
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Not being sensitive champ, middle school girls say re-re.
thats your opinion but, i can tell you for a fact, they spend hours talking about makep and chapstik. the general term rere is a word. what other men put on there lips is a bit wierd, dont cha think?
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I use Burt Bees

Since we're on the topic, am I the only one who has never completely used a full thing of chapstick. I always lose them like a week after I buy one, every single time
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